I don't think a fictional story meant purely as fantastical masturbation material that comes from Comic LO (which contains much worse at times) should prompt education based on things said in this thread. Most of it was pretty sound based on what's typically looked for in rape manga as a tag, and arguably this definitely would be rape under any other circumstance (especially if it were real and would probably not end with her wanting more). I personally had fun watching people freak out and didn't want to see the tag happen just so I could watch more of it happen.
Alas, this thread.
I prefer this explanation to having no rape tag over simply saying it doesn't qualify as rape at all. I understand the last page may disqualify it from the rape tag.
Though I wonder if the tags should not just be about labeling fetish material, but also trigger warnings. I don't care about people reading this kind of material – I read it. But I do sympathize with the fact that it may be triggering, which I think justifies tagging as well so that it may fit into blacklists.
This seems to fit into the fantastical masturbation material category of "rape her until she wants it". And I don't think that genuine readers of this material are interested in that particular aspect of rape culture, or the education thereof. I just think it's worth mentioning that this kind of long-winded discussion by people who don't like the material could be avoided if it had been labeled as such to be blacklisted, which it now is. And that's great. Thanks for retagging.
I did like the art. I think my tastes are too vanilla for watersports. I imagine the smell of urine and it's an immediate turn-off.
last edited at Feb 10, 2014 5:22AM