Here's where the whole thing is charted out, very well: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/HoYay/NoMatterHowILookAtItItsYouGuysFaultImNotPopular
In imagining clearly nonexistent yuri, I'm divided between Ch. 8, where Tomoko literally starts drooling over Yuu again, or Ch. 51, where she momentarily thinks Hina is interested in her and decides to go for it, or Ch. 65, where she sees Yuu in a swimsuit and says that if she was a guy she'd want to knock Yuu up, or Ch. 80, where she unintentionally traumatizes poor Uchi into being obsessed with her, or Ch. 130, where she and Yuri accidentally make what in other circumstances might seem to be a mutual confession, or slightly later as her mad crush on Asuka develops in an unwittingly triangular situation with Uchi and the other girls start competing with her friendship more, a process briefly shaken by a certain female friend of Hina's complimenting the attractiveness of her labia.
last edited at Mar 29, 2019 10:59AM