Forum › Catulus Syndrome discussion

joined Jun 4, 2015

Why are you trying to compare the world the author is trying to make compared to real world? It's a comedy first and foremost so I don't expect everything to fall into place to the minute detail for how things work. There will be plot holes for sure, but for the most part I think they've put the groundwork for how catulus are to be pretty well.

On a side note, passive aggressive much? you seem pretty smug with your nitpicking of my opinion though I'm not sure where it came from.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why are you trying to compare the world the author is trying to make compared to real world? It's a comedy first and foremost so I don't expect everything to fall into place to the minute detail for how things work. There will be plot holes for sure, but for the most part I think they've put the groundwork for how catulus are to be pretty well.

It's kind of a given an awful lot about the eponymous "syndrome" makes very little sense so it'd arguably be better if the author didn't specifically keep dragging it right into the spotlight where the inevitable holes are that much harder to ignore, tbh.

On a side note, passive aggressive much? you seem pretty smug with your nitpicking of my opinion though I'm not sure where it came from.

Why do people start screaming "stop being mean to me" when their arguments get picked apart? Second time that's happened to me today (another forum)...

Entirely unrelated, but why is there an extremely accurately rendered Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B in what otherwise appears to be a modern/near-future military shooter...?
The world wonders.

joined Jun 4, 2015

If your manner of speech is the same there then it's not that you're "picking apart" peoples arguments. I will always favor a good discussion on many topics. You're condescending with your words instead of having an actual conversation about the matter, hence why i said smug. Though if many have brought up this same question, would it never come to mind, maby it's not people crying that you're picking apart their arguments/being mean but rather the tone you set when you reply.

I gave my speculation, not fact on why the two couldn't become "true friends". When it's revealed I could be completely wrong. It won't bother me, just like if you agree with me or not won't bother me. I'll keep reading this since I love the story.

joined Mar 8, 2019

In the flashback picture of Anna and Oguri, you can't see whether or not she has cat ears or not. I don't think she was a catulus at the time. Something happened and they came to the conclusion that the gap is to large for normal people and catulus to become close. Oguri hides her symptoms and Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Anna definitely was not a Catulus at the time since her human ear is shown. I maintain my theory that perhaps Oguri was her maid/companion when they were little since Oguri stated she was always a maid.

Also, pure speculation but given Anna's wealthy background and her pushiness, it's evident she behaves like a spoiled child. Perhaps as they grew older, seeing as Oguri was happy in that little flashback, Oguri began to feel more like Anna was treating her more like a plaything for her amusement rather than a friend, hence why she developed the 'Catulus and humans cannot be friends' attitude.

I would go so far as to say that after Oguri left their household, perhaps Anna tracked her down after she contracted the syndrome and that's why Oguri now hates the idea of being friends with someone just because they're Catulus as well.

Like I said, pure speculation though.

If the sketchy professor can make a medicine to hide the features, it wouldn't be to far fetched to say there's one to give those same attributes as well.

Since Anna's family owns a hospital, she has the resources to reach out to the Prof to help her contract the syndrome/illness.

Though I do wonder how Anna came to the conclusion that humans and Catulus can never comprehend each other. Did becoming a Catulus open her eyes to things she couldn't understand about Oguri before? Or has she been ostracized like the other Catulus after she turned? I hope the author explains.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Both occur readily enough in perfectly normal humans (and many other animals for that matter) so that's a complete non-starter and I have no bloody idea what Anna (and the author) are babbling there.

Perhaps full humans in the Catulus world don't have white hair and heterochromia. Purple and blue hair is normal but full on white with yellow and blue eyes is just a cat thing in this world.

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 11:57AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Both occur readily enough in perfectly normal humans (and many other animals for that matter) so that's a complete non-starter and I have no bloody idea what Anna (and the author) are babbling there.

Perhaps full humans in the Catulus world don't have white hair and heterochromia. Purple and blue hair is normal but full on white with yellow and blue eyes is just a cat thing in this world.

I find that to rather stretch plausibility, not in the least as heterochromia can also be caused by postnatal injuries. And (X) DOUBT @ albinism, leucism etcetera not existing in this world.

It seems to me like a rather more credible explanation that Anna is simply talking out of her ass for whatever reason (she says a fair few dubious-sounding things in general) and/or the author really didn't care about the details making much sense...

joined Mar 8, 2019

I find that to rather stretch plausibility, not in the least as heterochromia can also be caused by postnatal injuries. And (X) DOUBT @ albinism, leucism etcetera not existing in this world.

It's a manga so suspension of disbelief is kind of necessary. We're already shown things that can't exist in this world so why is it so much of a stretch to assume that there are things in the real world that don't exist in the Catulus world?

It seems to me like a rather more credible explanation that Anna is simply talking out of her ass for whatever reason (she says a fair few dubious-sounding things in general) and/or the author really didn't care about the details making much sense...

It could be that the whole Catulus thing is being retconned by the author as they're prolonging the story.

It's kind of a given an awful lot about the eponymous "syndrome" makes very little sense so it'd arguably be better if the author didn't specifically keep dragging it right into the spotlight where the inevitable holes are that much harder to ignore, tbh.

All I understand so far is that Catulus Syndrome, a condition that is contracted where subjects obtain catlike features as well as the ability to turn into a cat, appears only in girls right around when they hit puberty but there's a rare instance where you're born with it like in Yuki's and perhaps Oguri's cases.

Honestly right now, since it doesn't seem like we've been given the full breakdown of the syndrome, the whole thing just feels like X-Men to me.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I find that to rather stretch plausibility, not in the least as heterochromia can also be caused by postnatal injuries. And (X) DOUBT @ albinism, leucism etcetera not existing in this world.

It's a manga so suspension of disbelief is kind of necessary. We're already shown things that can't exist in this world so why is it so much of a stretch to assume that there are things in the real world that don't exist in the Catulus world?

Seems like a pretty nonsensical detail to ditch... and I'm not really seeing why the whole thing would have any bearing on pigmentation abnormalities of sometimes VERY diverse origins (one possible cause for heterochromia is genetic mosaicism from a vanishing twin for ex).

It seems to me like a rather more credible explanation that Anna is simply talking out of her ass for whatever reason (she says a fair few dubious-sounding things in general) and/or the author really didn't care about the details making much sense...

It could be that the whole Catulus thing is being retconned by the author as they're prolonging the story.

Can't really disagree here. There's a pretty strong impression of, as it were,
So bounce the graviton particle beam
Off the main deflector dish
That's the way we do things, lad
Making shit up as we wish!

...and it's notoriously hard to keep the whole thing straight (ahem) when writing by the seat of your pants like that.

It's kind of a given an awful lot about the eponymous "syndrome" makes very little sense so it'd arguably be better if the author didn't specifically keep dragging it right into the spotlight where the inevitable holes are that much harder to ignore, tbh.

All I understand so far is that Catulus Syndrome, a condition that is contracted where subjects obtain catlike features as well as the ability to turn into a cat, appears only in girls right around when they hit puberty but there's a rare instance where you're born with it like in Yuki's and perhaps Oguri's cases.

Honestly right now, since it doesn't seem like we've been given the full breakdown of the syndrome, the whole thing just feels like X-Men to me.

Well I think we can assume the condition is genetic at least - if it was contagious the catgirls would hardly be allowed to mingle freely with regular folks, cute or not...

Probably caused by the accumulation of a critical mass of crazy cat ladies over centuries. :U

joined Mar 8, 2019

Seems like a pretty nonsensical detail to ditch... and I'm not really seeing why the whole thing would have any bearing on pigmentation abnormalities of sometimes VERY diverse origins (one possible cause for heterochromia is genetic mosaicism from a vanishing twin for ex).

You see this as a huge oversight but if all those instances you mention don’t exist in the Catulus world then it simply doesn’t matter to the story.

We don’t know what exactly the illnesses are in Cat World. For all we know cancer doesn’t exist here.

The focus of the story is tackling Catulus Syndrome and how it affects carriers and their relationships. Given the tone of the story, I highly doubt we are going to get a breakdown of the other instances why heterochromia exists in Cat World.

Can't really disagree here. There's a pretty strong impression of, as it were,
So bounce the graviton particle beam
Off the main deflector dish
That's the way we do things, lad
Making shit up as we wish!

...and it's notoriously hard to keep the whole thing straight (ahem) when writing by the seat of your pants like that.

The Catulus stuff doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that we are 38 chapters in and Ayano and Yuki still haven’t figured out they’re into each other.

Well I think we can assume the condition is genetic at least - if it was contagious the catgirls would hardly be allowed to mingle freely with regular folks, cute or not...

Probably caused by the accumulation of a critical mass of crazy cat ladies over centuries. :U

Hence my likening it to X-Men.

joined Jun 4, 2015

The Catulus stuff doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that we are 38 chapters in and Ayano and Yuki still haven’t figured out they’re into each other.

At least in the latest chapters they're closer than ever before in realizing it.

joined Mar 8, 2019

The Catulus stuff doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that we are 38 chapters in and Ayano and Yuki still haven’t figured out they’re into each other.

At least in the latest chapters they're closer than ever before in realizing it.

Yeah but I’m greedy so I would like to see more bonding moments between the two of them. There are a lot of girls coming in so we haven’t gotten proper Ayuki time.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Daft punk lookin headass

joined Sep 28, 2018

The Catulus stuff doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that we are 38 chapters in and Ayano and Yuki still haven’t figured out they’re into each other.

At least in the latest chapters they're closer than ever before in realizing it.

Yeah but I’m greedy so I would like to see more bonding moments between the two of them. There are a lot of girls coming in so we haven’t gotten proper Ayuki time.

Side pairs like OgurixAnna or KozuexMimika will generally get development before the main pair

joined Jul 26, 2016

Does Yuki use a voice changer? I don't remember if this has been established.

I have been reading it as her typing the text not saying it

That would be FAR too slow for both the length/pace of the convos and their contexts (ie. in the middle of online shooter matches)...

joined Jun 4, 2015

Does Yuki use a voice changer? I don't remember if this has been established.

I have been reading it as her typing the text not saying it

That would be FAR too slow for both the length/pace of the convos and their contexts (ie. in the middle of online shooter matches)...

True, but the last chapter with her gaming I didn't see a mic now I that I'm actually looking for it. Not sure of the earlier chapters

joined Mar 8, 2019

Side pairs like OgurixAnna or KozuexMimika will generally get development before the main pair

Seriously hoping that’s not the case but it seems like that’s probably what’s gonna happen.

Though if I’m right and Oguri does end up having a thing for Yuki, then it might just push Ayano or Yuki to get their feelings together a lot faster.

joined Jul 23, 2018

When are they even going to kiss? I mean Yuki and the maid she likes!

joined Mar 8, 2019

When are they even going to kiss? I mean Yuki and the maid she likes!

Ayano and Yuki? Hopefully soon. Though to be honest, I’d be okay with Yuki and Oguri too.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 9:42PM

joined Aug 16, 2015

Well I think we can assume the condition is genetic at least - if it was contagious the catgirls would hardly be allowed to mingle freely with regular folks, cute or not...

Ummmmm.... You DO realize that a disease doesn't have to be contagious in order to be contracted non congenitally, right....?..??? Sorry for picking apart your entire argument btw....

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well I think we can assume the condition is genetic at least - if it was contagious the catgirls would hardly be allowed to mingle freely with regular folks, cute or not...

Ummmmm.... You DO realize that a disease doesn't have to be contagious in order to be contracted non congenitally, right....?..??? Sorry for picking apart your entire argument btw....

Most noncommunicable diseases that don't stem from genetics are caused by environmental factors of one kind of another (and are therefore preventable with sufficient effort) - and even then genetics often affect susceptibility to them if nothing else.

See also: "critical mass of crazy cat ladies" and "lol, magic" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also the way Anna talks about Yuki's pedigree rather implies heredity, presumably recessive since as far as we know (and have been shown) Mother Shirakaba isn't a literal cat lady.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 5:55AM

joined Aug 16, 2015


i.e. not all

even then genetics often affect susceptibility to them if nothing else.


Also the way Anna talks about Yuki's pedigree rather implies heredity

She explicitly calls her congenital. But the manga also makes a point of differentiating between catulus and cats. Having the genes of a Turkish Angora catulus doesn't necessarily imply having the genes of a Turkish Angora cat. I think the easiest obvious answer is that only certain breeds of catulus can be contracted, whereas rare ones such as the Turkish Angora are strictly hereditary.

Not that I actually really care whether the manga logic checks out. I was just being a little shit and taking the piss out of you, lol. No hard feelings.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 9:32PM

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Does Yuki use a voice changer? I don't remember if this has been established.

I have been reading it as her typing the text not saying it

That would be FAR too slow for both the length/pace of the convos and their contexts (ie. in the middle of online shooter matches)...

True, but the last chapter with her gaming I didn't see a mic now I that I'm actually looking for it. Not sure of the earlier chapters Shows her with a mic as part of the headset. Since that appears to be the same headset in the current chapter, one can assume she's still using the mic.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Are they still not fucking? Is that what's going on?

joined Mar 13, 2014

Damn those are some cute new characters.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Are they still not fucking? Is that what's going on?

the yuri fandom in a nutshell

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