y e s
"The warped form of Aurorasha's love Sasha-san, intentionally showing herself getting along with other girls in order to make her jealous" commentary via booru
You think this author might like boobs a lot? I don't know why I think that. Just a hunch.
This is a novel couple I can get behind. Somehow.
lol me
"She's gonna say my heart isn't she" scrolls down yeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Reminds me of this Azura x Corrin comic by the same artist. Though Claudine is way more pissed here than Azura was :V
last edited at Mar 1, 2019 11:22PM
What is with this crack ship?!?!?
*Added to favourite *
wait why are the headphones still in her ears? did she have 2 pairs?
Assertive riko is a good riko =w=
What just happened...
girl... that sleeve tug warms my heart
riko learned to do that from all the doujins she keeps under her mattress
after the events of volume 3 i am crying a literal sea of tears right now
I just started watching RWBY and binge watching through out the whole volumes and seeing this pic is just.... TwT my heart
Copy paste mistake. The artist is unfamiliar with digital art.
^ Who doesn’t?
I always knew this was why Kou slept in her panties at the office
I wonder what shampoo Homura uses to get hair that long and luscious
Ummmm...That pose is beyond tickling.
I don’t know who these are, but I definitely want to be in the middle
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