Forum › A Kiss And A White Lily discussion

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah I said this before, but off-screen Mikaze and Asuka seemed to have the longest and most advanced relationship out of any of the pairings. Which made the break-up for such a minor reason really all the more annoying.

Oh well, they are back together and all's good with the world.

last edited at Oct 14, 2018 6:28AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

They certainly did, but that also means they had reached a point where they just felt like the spark was gone, and they needed some trigger to revive it. To quote a famous song:

And a word to the wise: when the fire dies,
You think it's over but it's just begun!
We fell apart, but let's make a new start…

joined Aug 26, 2018

They certainly did, but that also means they had reached a point where they just felt like the spark was gone, and they needed some trigger to revive it. To quote a famous song:

And a word to the wise: when the fire dies,
You think it's over but it's just begun!
We fell apart, but let's make a new start…

That was my first impression, but that doesn't seem what Canno was going for. In the end the arc was all about how they didn't understand each other enough and wanted to be someone they weren't. This discrepancy made them (or mostly Asuka) think that the relationship wouldn't work anymore, because they were headed for a painful crash. It was a preemptive short-sighted move.
The spark never died, but the idea of it dying was the true fear. The possibility that it was all just a mirage that couldn't last was the trigger of this event.

And then Asuka just realized that she loves Mikaze too much to stop. And Mikaze never stopped loving Asuka anyway, but got over her insecurities thanks to this painful blow. They are better off for it, but it just feels like something that wouldn't have happened so late into the relationship, imo.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Happy birthday Yurine!


joined Jul 29, 2017

And the Yurine plushies can be ordered where? Asking for . . . Christmas shopping!

joined Apr 17, 2015

From Ayaka's bedroom, most likely. But she'd never tell you that.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Shut up and take my money!!

joined Apr 17, 2015

Hmm… Chapter 47 is out in Japan − without spoiling, we're two chapters in volume 10 and there's no new couple introduced. Looks like this really is the last volume.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Hmm… Chapter 47 is out in Japan − without spoiling, we're two chapters in volume 10 and there's no new couple introduced. Looks like this really is the last volume.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Ah… So it was outright announced, huh. X) At least now we know.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Ah… So it was outright announced, huh. X) At least now we know.

Well, I've really liked this series, but unless it's going to really become an open-ended, slice-of-life, "There are a million stories in the land of yuri--these have been some of them" franchise, the story really doesn't have far to go. (Not that I would mind that franchise.)

After all, besides holding hands and making out, what can two girls even do together? lol

joined Apr 17, 2015

So yeah, chapter 46 and 47 will probably be released simultaneously later this month. Sorry for the delay. Though they're probably better read in a row anyway.

joined Aug 26, 2018

So yeah, chapter 46 and 47 will probably be released simultaneously later this month. Sorry for the delay. Though they're probably better read in a row anyway.

No worries. Just take your time. If it's the final volume we can certainly wait a bit longer. Heck I'd even wait a year and read it all at once together with the rest~

joined Apr 20, 2013

That would be great to close the year :D

joined Apr 17, 2015

In the meantime, have some cute yuri oranges.


joined Aug 18, 2014

was wondering when moe and mizuki would kiss, guess the author wanted to reserve it for when mizuki asked moe to live with her. great choice

joined Apr 17, 2015

Chapter 48 preview… And yes, I know that we haven't released 46 and 47 yet. XD We're on it.

But anyway, I kinda like the approach of this last volume. Every couple in the series makes a comback to explore its significance for Ayaka's case, which in turns helps her define her relationship and feelings for Yurine.

^And what a kiss that was. <3 Both sweet and epic.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Chapter 48 preview… And yes, I know that we haven't released 46 and 47 yet. XD We're on it.

But anyway, I kinda like the approach of this last volume. Every couple in the series makes a comback to explore its significance for Ayaka's case, which in turns helps her define her relationship and feelings for Yurine.

^And what a kiss that was. <3 Both sweet and epic.

I’m assuming 46, out elsewhere, will be here shortly. Just wanted to say thank you, Lyendith, for the character flowchart. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my thanks to you.

It’s very helpful. :)

(But shouldn’t the caption for Itsuki and Sawa be “Model and PhotographER”?)

And thanks for your hard work.

joined Oct 22, 2018
How/where can I download this picture?
EDIT: Download, as in, download on a phone.
EDIT: Nevermind, I found the image on some other site and downloaded it.

last edited at Jan 10, 2019 8:28AM

joined Oct 22, 2018


Canno's Twitter is a goldmine I tell you. =3

I know this post is almost 2 years old, but I must say this:
When I entered the third link, I literally just started zooming into the picture showing Mizuki and Moe as brides, althewhile saying "Yeeeeeaaaah...".

joined Apr 17, 2015

Volume 4's bride cover also gave ideas to Shimanami Tasogare's author for her own series' 4th volume it seems. :þ Probably a coincidence, but a nice one.

joined Jul 29, 2017

New chapter up elsewhere: “Let’s forget about kisses for now!”
Oh, darling, the immense vistas of your future contained in that “for now!” lol

joined Apr 17, 2015

What's up with that world's logic, though? You'd think sharing a kiss hot enough to melt steel would be enough of a clue that you're beyond the "friendship" stage, but apparently not. And Towako does her best to pretend she doesn't mind being basically friendzoned. >.>

…You know, with these last few chapters I'm only noticing now that Ayaka is basically the anti-Touko (the YagaKimi one). Both aspire to remain perfect by fear of letting others down, by carefully building a "model student" image that crumbles when they interact with those they love, and both girls' issues are rooted in their family situations − Touko wanted to replace her sister, Ayaka seeked the acknowledgement of her mother. But unlike Touko, Ayaka's model student side seems just as much a part of the real her as her tsundere side. She's soft-spoken and genuinely likes helping people around… as long as they don't get close enough to make her uncomfortable (which I relate to oh so much). Touko seeked someone she could show her weaknesses to, and found her when she met Yuu; but Ayaka doesn't want anyone to break into her comfort zone, hence why she has no close friends outside of Mizuki and stubbornly convinced herself that she hated Yurine despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. One wants to embrace love and revel in it like in a warm blanket, the other is scared of it and covers herself with invisible spikes.

I'm kinda in love with Ayaka's soft dorky side honestly. <3 She's such an underrated protagonist.


last edited at Jan 13, 2019 4:32PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm kinda in love with Ayaka's soft dorky side honestly. <3 She's such an underrated protagonist.

If you had to make a strict parallel between the two "perfect girls" of YagaKimi and AnoKiss (they have similarities, but aren't really parallel), it would be that Touko thinks her "perfect" public persona is fake and her weak side is "real," while Ayaka thinks that her high-achiever side is the real one and (see, here's where it breaks down) she's just now owning up to her soft side but doesn't yet know how to reconcile that with her old self-image.

Maybe what I'm saying is that Touko was always self-aware about the different sides of herself, but just wrong about her own self-worth, while Ayaka has always been profoundly clueless about her own feelings. This girl has been head-over-heels for Kurosawa since well before the end of Chapter 1, but even now has to keep revisiting her feelings to figure out how to deal with them.

(You might also see Sayaka as the anti-Kurosawa--she loves being with Touko, but refuses to challenge her for top academic status, etc.)

last edited at Jan 13, 2019 6:59PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

That was cute. But how dense can they both be?

If someone tried hard enough they could use this equation:

D = (P + 2B)/N

Let Density = D
Let # of Pages Where Yurine Does Not Understand Feelings = P
Let # of Shiramine's Confused Blushes = B
Let # of Pages Where Shiramine or Yurine Appear = N

I'd calculate but... well... there's a lot to go through.

Ah, that's a math homework I would actually want to have... I will try to do it as soon as I can, but studying for the 3rd quadrimester, re-watching YagaKimi with my brother, watching a documentary on the Korean War with my dad, going to dates with my girlfriend, reading this thread and various unforseen distirbances will probably slow me down considerably, but I'll try my best.

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