What's up with that world's logic, though? You'd think sharing a kiss hot enough to melt steel would be enough of a clue that you're beyond the "friendship" stage, but apparently not. And Towako does her best to pretend she doesn't mind being basically friendzoned. >.>
…You know, with these last few chapters I'm only noticing now that Ayaka is basically the anti-Touko (the YagaKimi one). Both aspire to remain perfect by fear of letting others down, by carefully building a "model student" image that crumbles when they interact with those they love, and both girls' issues are rooted in their family situations − Touko wanted to replace her sister, Ayaka seeked the acknowledgement of her mother. But unlike Touko, Ayaka's model student side seems just as much a part of the real her as her tsundere side. She's soft-spoken and genuinely likes helping people around… as long as they don't get close enough to make her uncomfortable (which I relate to oh so much). Touko seeked someone she could show her weaknesses to, and found her when she met Yuu; but Ayaka doesn't want anyone to break into her comfort zone, hence why she has no close friends outside of Mizuki and stubbornly convinced herself that she hated Yurine despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. One wants to embrace love and revel in it like in a warm blanket, the other is scared of it and covers herself with invisible spikes.
I'm kinda in love with Ayaka's soft dorky side honestly. <3 She's such an underrated protagonist.

last edited at Jan 13, 2019 4:32PM