Forum › Yuri That Starts From Intimidation discussion

joined Dec 15, 2016

The Winter of Delinquency continues! I love it

Déjeme estrechar su mano de poeta a poeta

joined Oct 26, 2016

Just a little reminder than the delinquent is a rapist: 'The more they resist the more turned on I get...'

Yeah right she fell in love and she might act cute because of that, but that doesn't clean the shit out of her face.

Those who repent and reform should be offered forgiveness.
A momentary misdeed does not make a sinner for life.
To refuse the repentant the chance to be redeemed, you display a wicked cruelty of your own.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Just a little reminder than the delinquent is a rapist: 'The more they resist the more turned on I get...'

Yeah right she fell in love and she might act cute because of that, but that doesn't clean the shit out of her face.

Those who repent and reform should be offered forgiveness.
A momentary misdeed does not make a sinner for life.
To refuse the repentant the chance to be redeemed, you display a wicked cruelty of your own.

That's for the victims to decide. If you had experienced being raped or had it happen to someone close to you, you wouldnt be saying crap like this.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Very cute.

joined Jul 22, 2014

Those poor sisters, living with a person like that.

joined Apr 18, 2018


Is that really you wanna go right now because it was just mentioned/hinted in this manga without anything happening on screen. Plus this is fiction so stop smearing shit all over where it doesn't belong. If you don't like this doujin, then move the fuck on.

last edited at Dec 22, 2018 11:55PM

joined May 8, 2015

@aries_lufir it’s a fair point tho. Imagine if Minagi is a boy. Will you be saying the same thing?

joined Oct 17, 2014

If this wasn't yuri or if it weren't gay at all yall would start shittin on it already. Its one thing if minagi was a player but another if she forces it onto other people

joined Apr 18, 2018


I ain't gonna say anything regardless because I'm not so uptight to really gave a shit about some fiction, plus I don't have any interest in reading heterosexual work.

@Green melon

It's also another thing if something really did happened,and nothing happened. Don't know why you guys are having your panties in a twist.

last edited at Dec 23, 2018 12:16AM

joined Nov 13, 2018

Pretty cute little story, I'm glad the delinquent got her shit together at the end.

joined Jun 17, 2014

If this wasn't yuri or if it weren't gay at all yall would start shittin on it already. Its one thing if minagi was a player but another if she forces it onto other people

i accept the fact that im a hypocrite rip

last edited at Dec 23, 2018 12:27AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

If this wasn't yuri or if it weren't gay at all yall would start shittin on it already. Its one thing if minagi was a player but another if she forces it onto other people

No, I'd shit on this if Minagi didn't learn anything and develop as a character.

That doesn't excuse what she did, but as a character in a narrative, she at least has an arc.

joined May 8, 2015

@aries_lutfir so you choose not to say anything if this is het and someone points out that minagi is rapist. Got that

I dunno if anybody panties is in twist but I believe trying to remind people not to trivialize rape is something worth (at least) leaving a comment on.

joined Oct 15, 2014


last edited at Dec 23, 2018 12:42AM

joined Jun 12, 2017

Oh my god

joined Feb 17, 2018

Koharu ruunnnnn

joined Feb 12, 2016

This dump of delinquency shall be remembered as the Real Christmas miracle

joined Apr 18, 2018


I choose to say that you're trying to carry something smaller into something bigger without any proper reasoning for doing so whatsoever other than being blinded by your own moral compassion that is wrongfully placed, by the way. But sure, let's just take a piss at this one character for being a rapist when she's doing nothing and there's a whole other actual real life rape issues that required solving, since the matter regarding putting this fictional character into prison really does matters that much to you. I'm done here.

last edited at Dec 23, 2018 1:31AM

joined Sep 4, 2018

aawww so cute >w<

joined Sep 21, 2015


Is that really you wanna go right now because it was just mentioned/hinted in this manga without anything happening on screen. Plus this is fiction so stop smearing shit all over where it doesn't belong. If you don't like this doujin, then move the fuck on.

What is this if not a forum to post your opinion or impressions of the manga you have just read. I wasn't disrespecting you nor the forum rules, so this is definitely where my comment belongs. You seem to have a problem with people speaking their mind... I don't see a moderator badge on you to be telling people what should they do or do not.

last edited at Dec 23, 2018 1:55AM

joined Aug 27, 2013

This was just terrific. The art is nice, the writing is amazing and the story & characters are so cute!
I love how 'middle sister' is immune to big sister's nonsense! Lolz! And a physical match for her too. Poor youngest sister, having those two to grow up with.
Minagi's past "conquests" need not be rape, just her being aggressive and the girlfriend offering 'resistance' as it seems 90% of Japanese women do: "Oh no! Don't kiss me there! Or grab my butt! Oooo Stooooop!" (She's not fooling anyone, lolz!)

Needs to become a serial, asap!

joined Sep 8, 2017

Wow, didn't think so many people would like this. Personally, I really wasn't into it at all. I know it's a 4-koma and all, but the relationship made no sense and moved really damn fast. The characters barely felt like characters to me, and what little I did know about them didn't endear me to them at all. Main shy girl is oblivious and innocent to the point of being roped into a relationship in literally seconds with a complete stranger, yet she claims she loves her anyways. The delinquent girl is literally a rapist who seems to have done this with other girls in the past, even developing a liking for when her targets protest against her advances. I don't care who someone is, rape and sexual assault is not okay by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm no saint so even if someone tries to swear that shit off I could never forgive them. So many people are saying it's cute, and yeah, it's a short little comic that probably isn't meant to be taken too seriously or anything, but it's all so creepy and frankly disgusting to me.

I'm not trying to shit on anyone who does like this story. If you do, that's completely fine and I respect that. But to me, this was honestly a chaotic train wreck. Maybe I am taking this a bit too seriously, but that's just how I felt.

joined Aug 27, 2013

What an interesting family...

joined Jun 17, 2014

this thread is so sharp that i can cut myself with it.

joined Jan 22, 2017

Meh, these emotional rape discussions always remind me of 'problematic' players who dare to punch female video game characters in the face. (even if you can do the same to men) You can talk about it, but don't let it trigger you. There are so many real cases you could care more for.

We don't even know what exactly she did and she only said that she liked some resistence. Giving weak resistence (playful or not) is clichèd japanese behavior to be seen as ladylike.

Sure, she is (was?) still a jerk. But I don't think she went full rapist with her last girls. How do you survive manga though, where molestion is mostly used for comedy relief?

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