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joined Aug 26, 2018

^^Or bad character designs are just bad. Just a possibility. The creators over-corrected the terrible 80s glam designs into the opposite direction so hard that they ended up with this bad stuff. Can't we have a decent middle?
That is of course less important than the writing. I only watched a few episodes, so I won't judge. Many people with more time on their hands already dissected everything anyway. Let's just say that your generalization's even worse than mine lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

Daily reminder that Rin x Kou is canon and anyone who says otherwise goes over the plank~

joined Jan 3, 2014

I'm sorry but who are you listening to saying that???? Literally everyone who isn't a whiny manbaby on the internet has had really positive reactions towards the new She-Ra. If you were just watching those Youtube videos that were talking about how they were DONE with She-Ra then like, of course you're gonna see people think it's bad. The people reviewing it on Youtube are all older men who the show was not intended for at all.

The new She-Ra has a wide variety of body types and ethnicities just like how it is in real life and I've seen the show be praised because of it a lot more than criticized by regular people. The amount of tweets I've seen from parents saying that their children loved the show and how both their sons and daughters actually wanted to watch and didn't fight over the remote is way more important than whatever neo-reactionaries say. The show is literally a kids' show that is aimed towards younger girls and teens and the character designs and body types are the kinds that kids would actually want to see. And let me say again, the show is trying to promote positive body image for kids and it's succeeding. I've already seen people talk about how seeing Glimmer and Scorpia and Netossa etc made them really happy because they don't want kids thinking that their body type is wrong. And that they wished they had a show like this when they were younger. So yeah, I have no clue who you're listening to but there's way more positive responses than whatever you're currently getting.

last edited at Nov 27, 2018 6:17PM

joined Jan 3, 2014

@GeneralJ You should totally watch it, it was great. There's a lot of representation which is always a plus but the actual plot is pretty good too. It's still the first season so it's not exactly gonna be the best, as 1st seasons tend to go for Dreamworks shows, but it sets up the world of Etheria and the cast of characters nicely. Also it's a rebel force vs fascist government war plotline and honestly, I always find those interesting. It's especially cool cause the main character, Adora, is a former soldier of the Horde (the fascist regime) and she defects and joins the Rebellion. And then there's Adora and Catra's entire relationship which is a center point of the plot. Also they tell a good abuse survivor story in both Catra and Adora so like, the plot and story is solid. There's obviously some things they could've done better, but all in all, it's a well thought out show that sets up for further conflict in future episodes and actually makes you care about the characters.

joined Jul 20, 2016

Why not just menage a trois Mahiru X Hikari X Karen?

joined Oct 15, 2014

Eyyy one of my fav ship!!!

joined Jul 27, 2015

hahaha this is actually really cute.

joined Oct 30, 2018

Happy birthday

joined Jun 12, 2017

It backfired, you did it too well.

joined Sep 28, 2011

Twincest at its finest

joined Jan 3, 2014

Cute, I should probably watch this.

joined Dec 5, 2014


joined Jan 7, 2017

@TeruMoko Holy shit dude that was perfect

joined Jan 16, 2017

i like this pairing alot. both of them keep to themselves, its not often to see a double introvert couple. And plus, they got that black and white thing going on

joined Dec 4, 2017

Cute! ^ im currently watching this and am enjoying it so far :D

joined Jan 16, 2017

i honestly thought the watamote yuri insurgence had to have been between these two or tomoko's other friend when I first heard that there was "yuri", because she was one of the only other female characters at the time. little did I know that the manga introduced so many more characters, all of them questionably gay.

joined Jul 5, 2016

Zawawa's NozoEli is good, as always.

joined Jul 22, 2018

This is a lot harder to build a case for than anyone else, because the two of them are mortal frenemies.

joined Apr 4, 2014

Before seeing it i saw some reviews just trashing it and at the same time it was trending on tumblr and i thought yup i'm watching it :D I expected some politically fueled garbage and...I saw none. Honestly it really wasn't nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. I especially liked the relationship dynamic between these two characters. The character design is pretty child like and less defined and pretty lazy but overall...not bad.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also there was two episodes about them learning to get along, which in shipping terms is basically marriage.

joined Jul 22, 2018

This is kinda funny. I wonder what Tomoko is thinking here.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The food chain in action.

joined Mar 10, 2018

You start off slow, get them to drop their guard, and then go in for the kill

joined Dec 3, 2016

Good ship. Need more.

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