I'm surprised about the positive reaction here. Everyone under the sun seems to hate the new She-Ra show.
Then again, shipping is disconnected from the quality of the show.
It made me remember the last Madoka Magica movie Homura trying to stop Madoka from remembering she's a goddess and the world she's currently living in is a fake...
Not tsundere, just straight up shy.
From what I've seen in the anime and manga, Hifumi does indeed have a crush on Aoba, and Aoba likes her too. Unfortunately New Game! isn't Yuri.
A lot of people are very fond of She-Ra nowadays. By everyone under the sun you mean the cavalcade of freaks, creeps and alt-right "rationals" who took a show with character design not horny or directly appealing to their tastes as an affront on god and man. And also Voltron fans,
^^Or bad character designs are just bad. Just a possibility. The creators over-corrected the terrible 80s glam designs into the opposite direction so hard that they ended up with this bad stuff. Can't we have a decent middle?
That is of course less important than the writing. I only watched a few episodes, so I won't judge. Many people with more time on their hands already dissected everything anyway. Let's just say that your generalization's even worse than mine lol