I was going to throw some hints at people in a coy manner because meme but. ORAL SEX
This pose... is from boku no pico right? XD
YES. This artist gets how cat-girls should work. The ears look like a real part of the body. Purrfect.
^Well some artists might think so. The game and myth don't. Yeah Marie is a secret top.
^So this is how people visually communicate what sex they identify as? Interesting and helpful
For those not familiar with the French, "méchant(e)" means "mean." Here however, Claudine's probable meaning is "meanie."
@Swag Wagon: Hair doesn't match Ruby's, nor does body type... Though maybe if you squint... shrug
She's not asking her to kiss her, she's saying there's something on her cheek.
@Bugpope I know. My point is that Touko's reaction is out of character.
Top or not, let's hope Marie has the stamina to keep up... nonchalant whistle
LOL that's so wrong Touko
^Ya know guys can do that too... right?
^ 404: Men Not Found
404: Men Not Found
^(Poor Fergus)
^So that's what you meant... then what do bi people do, huh?
^Poor bi people, having to adjust all the time. Especially if they greet a mixed group...
^Agreed. Especially with how these two interact with each other.
@Swag Wagon @Fairy of t he Gilded Lilies
This is tagged as RWBY in most sites, since I can't find the original post over the artist site. I can't really say for sure but moon draws mostly RWBY, so this is probably Ruby x Yang.
last edited at Nov 19, 2018 8:24AM
A different kind of panty shot.
Oh, it's been a while Vivit Gray~!
My favorite couple~!
This series is not Yuri buuuuut....I love RIkka. She's cute. Don't know why they would make yuri fan arts though. XD
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