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joined Jan 6, 2016

Did not expect this here, though with the other Nasuverse (Fate) stuff showing up I guess it's not that surprising.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I'm getting Carnival Phantasm flashbacks. Hooray! Also the scanlation team's comments on the release post make me look forward to this even more:

or: how to create the most wildly gay and shitposty surreal fate lore possible.

In this insane new addition to the Fate universe, we follow the unstoppable Back Alley Alliance as they deal with issues like Satsuki’s bad complexion, Arcueid having a thing for bad girls, Ries finally having girls DM her back, and Sion observing the apocalypse that will wipe out all humanity. But can these four deal with the machinations of Olga Marie Animusphere’s family, the cosmic horror that is Neco-Arc, and Lev Lainur’s greatest plan to destroy Chaldea yet? Read at the Google Drive link above for an answer to maybe one of those questions!

This is a commission release, but we’re already working on the next chapter, so get hype for that!

joined Dec 14, 2014

Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

joined Aug 18, 2015


I can tell you already, this is gonna be good. I promise, this is all within my calculations.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Yay, new chapter! While there wasn't really any subtexty stuff in the chapter, I did like all of the dialogue Lev had, especially with him playing the straight man against all of the Neko's. Plus Rani showed up too, which was definitely unexpected.

The last part of the chapter confused me though, since my only experience with Tsukihime is just from reading the manga a while back and Carnival Phantasm.

joined May 8, 2015

This is some top notch translations. Good job sexy akiba

joined Feb 18, 2013

This is stupid as hell and I love it. Like, this right here is what Nasu bullshit should be.

joined Nov 19, 2017

How did I miss this before?

I first took this as some weird gag manga because of the way chapter 1 was laid out. Now I'm just wondering what sort of cactus juice the writer was drinking. At least Rani is in. I'm happy to see Rani again.

And not so happy again at the end of chapter 5. Stop playing with my feelings damn you!

joined Sep 17, 2017


Yeah, Riesbyfe and Sion sharing a delicate kiss is subtext, haha.

joined Aug 26, 2018

So this was uploaded here, huh? Strange. Well I suppose Sion always had some subtext with Ricebeef and Satsuki, but still not really fit for a yuri site.

Anyway, I do really love this spin-off. Tsukihime/Melty Blood always had far more interesting stories than the Fate side of things and this crossover is actually rather brilliant. Who would ever think the Neco-Arcs are actually plot relevant? lol

This is definitely better than DW getting their grubby hands on Tsukihime characters and forcing them into the gacha. Already this story pays more respect to Olga and Lev than FGO did.

Oh and having Rani be relevant is also nice. She was not the most popular choice in Extra.

It seems Melty Blood really is Sion's story. She is such a flexible character you can do a lot with. She is also pretty much the only link to Atlas we have in the Nasuverse. Though this seems to take place in a dead-end alternate reality altogether, considering it leans in on all the gags and meta humor of non-canon routes.

I'm curious when more characters will be involved in Sion's alternate realities. Arc, Ciel and Zepia were the only ones yet, aside from the Back Alley Alliance. Considering how important Shiki and Akiha were to her, it's shocking that they didn't appear in one reality yet.


Yeah, Riesbyfe and Sion sharing a delicate kiss is subtext, haha.

Well in the story you can wave it away as her just transfering more Tatari power into Ricebeef though. Albeit her tears should speak for themselves...

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 4:00AM

joined Jan 13, 2015

This the best thing I've seen all day. Hopefully these nasuverse works that aren't fate-centered means that tsukihime 2 or at least a tsukihime remake is closer than before~ Oh please let it be closer.

joined Aug 26, 2018

This the best thing I've seen all day. Hopefully these nasuverse works that aren't fate-centered means that tsukihime 2 or at least a tsukihime remake is closer than before~ Oh please let it be closer.

I actually got the date for the release of the Tsukihime Remake right here!

Curse you Nasuuuu!

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 4:29AM

joined Apr 22, 2019

I see, that weird yet awesome place between Subtext and Yuri.
As an aside, nice to see more of Olga Marie.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Tsukihime remake #1 (Arcueid and Ciel) is out this summer. I hope they take their time with the house routes and get them right; they are the most interesting as far as I'm concerned.

My favorite line from Tsukihime: "Only the human parts hurt."

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