Forum › Lots of JPG artifacts discussion

joined Oct 4, 2016

Best tag ever.

joined Sep 26, 2016

Webtoon tag ? Ofc it is

joined Sep 26, 2016

Best tag ever.

joined Jan 19, 2018

I don't really get this tag would someone care to explain ? pls

joined Jun 27, 2017

What precisely is the question? What jpg artifacts are? ^^;

.jpgs are generally used to save space (unlike for example .pngs), and they can do so by compressing images. But when doing so they lose information; generally it'll be noticeable in a slight "blur" of things - or artifacts, when ie a pure white background suddenly is made up of five different shades of white.

For stuff like photographs it's usually not all that noticeable if the compression isn't too large - but it works much worse (and might actually not decrease the file size at all) for other styles, like pixel graphics (say you have a picture that only uses precisely 256 colors in a paletted png, save it as jpeg, suddenly it has all sort of tones ... quality will be worse and size, too), or, mh, manga and their clear black/white line style.

Google can provide some comparison examples if you need them ;)

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think the further question may be, "What is the purpose of this tag?"

(I've always assumed it was just a bit of a snarky dig at lower-quality scans rather than a guide to help readers to pick and choose what to read.)

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

It's there to help readers pick and chose what not to read, and that is certainly just as valuable to humans with eyes.

joined May 17, 2013

For a simple illustration of what this tag(also known as "needs moar JPEG" elsewhere) means, I've taken this image and made a somewhat exaggerated example:

For the curious, these are the settings I used to create that monstrosity.

joined Oct 4, 2016

If you look at the submissions tagged with this tag, though, you will find that none of them actually have JPG artifacts.

What they have are visibly jagged lines which clearly indicate their "created on a computer using a low-rez drawing program" origin. Or at least the low-rez option on a high-end drawing program. (As opposed to being drawn on paper and then scanned in, or drawn on a drawing tablet with a program designed to mimic drawing on paper.)

Lots of Low Resolution Graphics might be a better tag, but I don't actually care enough to stump for it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

It's there to help readers pick and chose what not to read, and that is certainly just as valuable to humans with eyes.

The ones I've stumbled upon (never sought them out for any reason) didn't actually strike me as major threats to one's ocular health.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

lots of jpeg2000 licenses

joined Dec 1, 2017

true SERBIAN image quality

last edited at Apr 22, 2019 12:47PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ True BALKAN Image Quality

joined Oct 22, 2018


Ahh... So that's how they deepfry memes...

joined Jul 7, 2021


joined Mar 9, 2024

According to Adobe, JPG/JPEG utilises lossy compression to save space. It is basically the reason JPG is used to save camera photograph (because camera usually only have limited storage space, even with external storage card installed), but if the compression level is set to too high (compress too "hard") or a picture is compressed repeatedly the image can be completely ruined in the compression process.

PNG, on the other hand, employs loseless compression, which will save all pixel information intact, even with the highest level of compression selected. But this also made PNG files marginally larger, thus can takes longer to transfer (like, during webpage loading), so it's a compromise between between size and quality.

Another big advantage of PNG (against JPG) is that it supports saving transparent information (in a separate alpha layer), so it's suitable for websites that uses different backgrond color, or has dark mode support. Though that one probably isn't a point of concern for manga files here.

joined Feb 1, 2021

Why is this the featured tag lol

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