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joined Jun 6, 2016

It's been really a wild ride.

@LustGreed Sure, it will. One side need to be heartbroken since both sungji and seju is stubborn enough of not wanting to share sumin with anyone else. Yet, somehow I want a threesome ending because all 3 characters are just awesome lol it's just fiction afterall. But in reality, yeah sumin needs to choose one between the two.

I'm not smart like her, I don't see her breaking up with Sumin as anything other than a needless decision.

@Sia It's indeed a needless decision from outsider pov lol, since sungji is already winning if she let sumin deny her feeling for seju. She doesn't need to break up.

But Sungji said she won't let sumin be hurt ... previously she thought seju is toxic, that's why she tried to separate sumin and seju. Not anymore. If the imagination of seeing sumin and seju together can hurt sungji much (ch 88), How about the hopeless feeling of wanting to help someone you care but you aren't able to? *for e.g pulse story. I can see sumin restraint herself, while she still cares and this make her gloomy.

So yeah, it's needless but important for sungji since she cares about sumin.

*Damn you sumin, you're the luckiest manhwa character alive whom loved by 2 awesomely characters. No wonder she was or still my bias character..

Can blame seju if she feels reluctant or not confident enough to see it. Because the main character in question (aka sumin) doesn't realize or not willing to admit it too. At least for this one, it's thanks to nami for slapping the fact to sumin.

I am saying seju is on the way of moving on because these past chapters we can see seju acknowledge sumin x sungji relationship more and expect less for her and sumin to be back together. (Ch 86 - she will just cling on the pass/memory)

She can move on while still loving sumin, if that makes sense to you.... hmm...

Let me say it nicer way...

Seju can move on (she given up to be with sumin), while still love sumin (but not given up her love)
Just like when a husband lost his wife (death), he can move on and accept that his wife is gone, but still loves her forever until he died as well. Kinda romantic right? Or.... well, he can re-married later after few years pass.

I notice, before wdtfs is finally comes to an end, you might have "101 ways of how to end wdtfs story" in your mind. Lol You're quiet imaginative

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 9:11AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

@Sia It's indeed a needless decision from outsider pov lol, since sungji is already winning if she let sumin deny her feeling for seju. She doesn't need to break up.

But Sungji said she won't let sumin be hurt ... previously she thought seju is toxic, that's why she tried to separate sumin and seju. Not anymore. If the imagination of seeing sumin and seju together can hurt sungji much (ch 88), How about the hopeless feeling of wanting to help someone you care but you aren't able to? *for e.g pulse story. I can see sumin restraint herself, while she still cares and this make her gloomy.

So yeah, it's needless but important for sungji since she cares about sumin.

I was talking from Sungji's pov. I don't see how her screwing things up more can ever solve the problem?

joined Jul 11, 2017

She said she was gonna make sure the person she loved would not be hurt again. As always, it's just a bluff. lol

Depends on how we define "what hurts Sumin"

joined Jul 11, 2017

Btw, there is a firework, do we have a time skip? Is it new year already?

Lol Nora will tell you that based on the time line it is still November now and based on the fact that Seju is still wearing the same clothes she did at the funeral and the fact that sungji said she will meet Sumin tomorrow i.e. the next day. It might be some other festival in korea not new year.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Depends on how we define "what hurts Sumin"

Nerver know that there are more than one definition.

Well, sungji might feel fed-up with all bullshit happened lately and retreat herself. It doesn't solve problem like what you said, but her problem will disappear since she is away from the source of the problem (aka sumin) lol

I don't think any problem can dissapear by doing that. Her solution would work iff she could make Sumin's memory of her completely erased.

I wonder why sungji insist to moving in (living together), while sumin reluctant about it. Her asking to moving in might be a test for sumin, yet what sungji got is sumin gloomy face after hearing a rumor about seju.

It's just what Sungji wanted. I don't think she was having any special intention when saying that.

I will retreat myself if I know my gf still has leftover feeling with her ex... after I told her that I am not okay with it, yet she still can't forget her ex completely.

How about you?

I would take it lightly considering my gf's ex's circumstance.

joined Jul 11, 2017

Depends on how we define "what hurts Sumin"

Nerver know that there are more than one definition.

Actually since it was Sungji who said she will make sure someone she love would not be hurt again, it depends on what Sungji perceives as "hurting Sumin". It was clear from chapter 90 but back in chapter 89 there were more possibilities.

joined Jul 31, 2017

foxy lady

I noticed that this time is one of the very few times you actually talk about WDTFS per se. Apparently you and some others love to talk about almost related and not at all related to WDTFS. Would be nice to read more of your comments about the story.

joined Mar 21, 2017



I know, that's why I said "has more" means not all pink team is mature too, same with yellow team, not all is childish too.

I was making a joke lol If you don't get it I'll explain when I'm sober ; )

joined Jul 11, 2017

Apparently you and some others love to talk about almost related and not at all related to WDTFS

Like GOT? XDDDDD #guilty

joined Jul 11, 2017

Who will win the iron throne? Jon snow for me lol ironically he is not my bias.
Just make prediction base on accumulative data until now lol... no wonder I like to watch produce ioi too.. sharpening my judge and decision.. a little exercising

This Jon Snow has more lives than a cat =.= I strongly object lol
Danny and Jon Snow are just -for lack of a better word- DISGUSTING XDDDDDDDD

joined Feb 4, 2017


more and more amazing comments coming out of you.

about the part where Seju doesn't realise Sumin's true feeling, I agree kinda of.. but then Seju is a very smart perceptive person, I guess she didn't allow herself to see Sumin's true motives.. it could be a fear of disappointment like in ch3.. but to totally have no clue, this is questionable.

She can move on while still loving sumin, if that makes sense to you.... hmm...

Yup, I get you. {but then it depends on you definition of moving on XD }

Well, sungji might feel fed-up with all bullshit happened lately and retreat herself. It doesn't solve problem like what you said, but her problem will disappear since she is away from the source of the problem (aka sumin)

ON POINT.. I think Sungji reached a conclusion that even if Seju isn't in the formula, her relationship with Sumin is a very bumpy ride. Someone mentioned at some point that the triangle existed in all Sumin's past relationships even if Seju was not there physically. I want to really hear Sungji's last comment on the matter which I guess will be next chapter.. because it makes sense that Sumin would follow her and ask her what's wrong.

joined Jul 26, 2017

XD, isnt that Sungji's decision is expected? Based on her nice and angelic character?

I would be more surprised if she ignored Seju and went ahead with Sumin. This will ruin her character from the beginning xDDDDDD

The only thing I find it funny is the way she chose to leave, lolllll, right under the firework and in the middle of the crowd, without a single explanation. Pretty dramatic, lollll but opening the gate for the possibility of SungjixSumin ending, lollllll since this couple literally has unfinished business, cause she left Sumin hanging xDDDDD

I know she is nice, but not to the extent that she will give up the person she loves who also loves her back. I thought she would give up on sumin because either
1. She realizes she does not love sumin as much.
2. Sumin does not love her as much.
3. She is not okay with sumin still loving seju.
Her decision to leave may be influenced by some or all of above, but in this chapter the deciding factor seems to be seju's situation. My guess of what was on her mind: seju was attacked; seju had bad health; seju's father just died; seju's family situation is complicated; seju begged me to leave sumin (not forgive sumin); I have friends and family who love and support me; seju had no body; she needs team leader.

P.S. sungji cannot tell sumin her reasoning; otherwise, sumin won't let her go.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 3:55PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

i think it's all of the above though. maybe a gamble as well? sungji has gotten insecure about things because she realizes how much sumin cares for seju(still clinging to her even just as a leftover love)and the guilt of being the one "better off" than seju from a talk in a previous chapter as well as the rumors of being an illegitimate child. it's only now really that sungji's really faced with that and i believe there's a difference between hearing and seeing when facing reality.

i don't think she really realized how intertwined seju and sumin were until the death of the CEO and having sumin being there at the least i do think it might be a test the mentality that if that person chases after me or something. basically, i don't really see sungji making a move at this point and it's sumin's turn now that she's given the ring back. what's she gonna do now? it's basically given her the "action" role. if i have to guess a chase and assurance moment is coming.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 5:24PM

joined Jun 6, 2016

about the part where Seju doesn't realise Sumin's true feeling, I agree kinda of.. but then Seju is a very smart perceptive person, I guess she didn't allow herself to see Sumin's true motives.. it could be a fear of disappointment like in ch3.. but to totally have no clue, this is questionable.

Seju is indeed smart, but love can make even the smartest person become dumb easily. Hence, love is blind quote. Anyway, it's reasonable for seju to avoid the disappointment as it's a part of human defense mechanism.

So you're right, all that above is what makes someone as smart as seju.... well... confused/doesn't have clue.

Btw, there is a firework, do we have a time skip? Is it new year already?

Lol Nora will tell you that based on the time line it is still November now and based on the fact that Seju is still wearing the same clothes she did at the funeral and the fact that sungji said she will meet Sumin tomorrow i.e. the next day. It might be some other festival in korea not new year.

Thanks to mention that seju still has the same outfit... I am weak for details like this lol


Agreed, to begin with sumin and sungji relationship is not as perfect as what team blonde fans said. It lacks communication about important matters, both hiding their own emotional baggage to each others.

Sungji doesn't given up solemnly because of her pity toward seju.

For me the deciding factor isn't about seju's family affair..... it's when sungji see how gloomy sumin face can be when heard people talking about seju.

Sungji face changed after that panel.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:10PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


Btw, there is a firework, do we have a time skip? Is it new year already?

Lol Nora will tell you that based on the time line it is still November now and based on the fact that Seju is still wearing the same clothes she did at the funeral and the fact that sungji said she will meet Sumin tomorrow i.e. the next day. It might be some other festival in korea not new year.

I just now noticed that Orange answered you with the timeline thingy hahaha.. yes yes.. this is what I would exactly say. XD #TwoPantatsOnePants

with a little googling, I guess it is a festival held in Seoul every November (from the first Friday of November till the last Sunday of November)
it is called: Seoul Lantern Festival

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:24PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Depends on how we define "what hurts Sumin"

Never know that there are more than one definition.

Actually since it was Sungji who said she will make sure someone she love would not be hurt again, it depends on what Sungji perceives as "hurting Sumin". It was clear from chapter 90 but back in chapter 89 there were more possibilities.

Stop being angry with Sumin over a missing pillow and Sumin wouldn't have been hurt anymore. Allow her to help her ex a bit through this miserable situation and Sumin wouldn't have been this sad. Apparently, Sungji breaking up with Sumin is for the sake of Sumin x Sungji's lovestory development.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 7:39PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Apparently, Sungji breaking up with Sumin is for the sake of Sumin x Sungji's lovestory development.

Hahahahaha! Sia ue the cynic in me can't argue with you on this (and the non cynical parts are all asleep XDDD)

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 9:48PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

I know she is nice, but not to the extent that she will give up the person she loves who also loves her back. I thought she would give up on sumin because either
1. She realizes she does not love sumin as much.
2. Sumin does not love her as much.
3. She is not okay with sumin still loving seju.
Her decision to leave may be influenced by some or all of above, but in this chapter the deciding factor seems to be seju's situation. My guess of what was on her mind: seju was attacked; seju had bad health; seju's father just died; seju's family situation is complicated; seju begged me to leave sumin (not forgive sumin); I have friends and family who love and support me; seju had no body; she needs team leader.

P.S. sungji cannot tell sumin her reasoning; otherwise, sumin won't let her go.

XDDDDD, if this is her only reason, she should just let Sumin help Seju like "Team Leader nim, I think you should let CEO nim keep living with you, you should care for her, she needs you", aka accepting Seju's existance in their life, not mentioning about "living together",.... and not choosing to leave this dramatic, lollll.

And btw, with that reason, her action contradicts with what she has been saying to Seju "I wont let anyone hurt the person I love anymore", cause she will be the person who hurts Sumin the most with that reason. Cause she leave not because

  1. Sumin does not love her as much.

So in that case you said, she has done something that hurts Sumin to no end, lollll, especially with the way she chose to leave and how Sumin has told her the night before

She chose to leave this dramatically, without explanation, literally left Sumin hanging, there is only one reason to explain it, the author still wants this love line to continue, and not officially end, it opens the gate for this couple to be the ending game, a very convenient way, lolllll, if she cut it clean, well, we already know the ending couple. This, only makes this couple more relevant even though this looks like a break up by making Sungji look nicer and more noable, lolllllll

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 8:47PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Btw sumin is so freaking cute in this chapter. This looks almost melt me. Phew.

joined Jul 11, 2017


Lol I was too distracted with the comments that accompany that picture

joined Feb 4, 2017


Lol I was too distracted with the comments that accompany that picture

hahahahahha Love is dead in that town XDD


Btw sumin is so freaking cute in this chapter. This looks almost melt me. Phew.

her full shot walking alone.. was one of her best poses (specially for a skinny girl like her XD)

joined Apr 28, 2016

Btw sumin is so freaking cute in this chapter. This looks almost melt me. Phew.

Almost is never enough - Ariana Grande, LOLLL

joined Aug 3, 2017


Maybe? I find it's really wonderful how she is. Don't get me wrong, I would immediately open my arms, if I could find someone like Sungji xD

I would too. I would want to protect her from harm. XD

Yeeah same here ;) In the end i'm probably more jealous than she is >.<

Noooooooo more competition! Arghhh lol

I would too. I would want to protect her from harm. XD

I like how you think XD

No worries :p since i really like all three characters so .. x3

joined Aug 3, 2017


Btw sumin is so freaking cute in this chapter. This looks almost melt me. Phew.

I agree with ya ;D and the drawing is so wonderful and unique ^~^

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 10:19PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Apparently, Sungji breaking up with Sumin is for the sake of Sumin x Sungji's lovestory development.

Hahahahaha! Sia ue the cynic in me can't argue with you on this (and the non cynical parts are all asleep XDDD)

They were pretending to be asleep to save their own heads.

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