It looks like you've got alot on your plate. Glad to see you pulling through!
Ah, it's been way before, although the breakup was far from being stressfree. With kind people around, pulling through hogwash that lives gives us is easier.
And how are ya doin'?
Ah, I've been doing pretty good myself. Asshole's would occasionally disrupt class and act like they're the shit and when someone says the slightest thing they would lash out at them with screaming and 7 slur's every sentence (That's the inner-city for ya!). But that's the only problem I'd say I'm having in school lol.
Ah, sounds exactly like my days at highschool..or juniorhigh..or primary school..basically, everywhere up to uni. Just ignore those tossers and wait until they become chavs/successful businessmen/politicians.
From personal experience, the higher you go on the ladder of education, the less people you encounter with such attitude. Some grow out of it, some stay chavs forever. With age, more people appreciate not being a total dickwad in their relationships, be it romantic or friendship. What level of education are you on?^^
I'm even crazier about teaching now than I was before. Makes me curse that I had chosen a degree I didn't enjoy at all (mandarin), which I dropped at the first possible occasion. Right now I wish I could just sit at uni studying history/literature and preparing to teach other students in a few years..but I still have 4,5 months more of waiting ahead of me. Curses. At least tutoring others gives me a bit of something I'm looking forward to a lot. This post is quite curse riddled for a teacher in spe, but it's a level of hypocrisy I can live with.
Also, I feel kind of in one of the shops I work in there was a major malfunction that's resulted in half of the shop leaking..all I could think about was the manager's anger at the situation (she's definitely not a nice person..)
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last edited at May 24, 2017 3:38AM