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joined Feb 27, 2015

Ch.42-43. I just love this trope of "talking about supernatural while supernaturals are among you".
And Mamizou's story (and how Reimu imagined it) was also rather fun.

joined Sep 10, 2015

No joke, they write articles at The New York Times standing on random rooftops too. Investigative journalism and all that.

last edited at Nov 25, 2016 1:09AM

joined Jul 20, 2011

I just noticed that chapter 45 ("Let's not go out on purple days" part 2) is not there; it just goes from ch44 to vol.6 extras and then ch46 on the next volume. Curious.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I really hope this doesn't end too badly for Kosuzu...

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

I just noticed that chapter 45 ("Let's not go out on purple days" part 2) is not there; it just goes from ch44 to vol.6 extras and then ch46 on the next volume. Curious.

It is on mangapark, if anyone needs a place to read it.

joined May 22, 2014

Damn, the story really picked up the pace in these last few chapters.

joined Feb 27, 2015

Thing is, if Kosuzu actually turns into youkai, Reimu would be compelled to exterminate her, like she already did with that diviner-turned-vengeful-ghost.

joined Nov 20, 2016

Thing is, if Kosuzu actually turns into youkai, Reimu would be compelled to exterminate her, like she already did with that diviner-turned-vengeful-ghost.

The power of Kosuzu compels her

joined Mar 29, 2015

I think the little bell has a crack in it.

joined Apr 30, 2014

Reimu just opened a gap by herself. In a canon story. My mind is blown.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Reimu just opened a gap by herself. In a canon story. My mind is blown.

Yeah me too. Casual gap opening? So, did she pick it up in like Silent Sinner in Blue? Is she basically Yukari level now?

joined Jul 10, 2017

great art

joined Feb 15, 2016

Reimu just opened a gap by herself. In a canon story. My mind is blown.

Yeah me too. Casual gap opening? So, did she pick it up in like Silent Sinner in Blue? Is she basically Yukari level now?

Reimu could always do that. One of her primary duties is gap management by virtue of maintaining the barrier. She doesn't do it much, but technically does when you face her in IN and also regularly in the newest fighting games at least. There's also a fairly old piece of art drawn by ZUN with her opening a gap. It looks different from Yukari's.

Maybe she doesn't do it often because of the association with the hag.

last edited at Aug 2, 2017 10:25PM

joined Mar 9, 2013

This is now, technically, completed isn't it?

joined Apr 9, 2015

So based on what it said in the last page, is it safe to assume that Kosuzu would be a playable character in future games?

joined Jul 26, 2015

Is this really the last chapter?

joined Feb 3, 2013

Even if this is a happy ending to all this story, I still feel kind of annoyed at how it got resolved, with that Deus Gap Machina fixing everything. For someone who keeps remarking to Reimu how she is a tool for Gensokyo's balance, Yukari sure goes out of her way to help her.

Reimu just opened a gap by herself. In a canon story. My mind is blown.

Yeah me too. Casual gap opening? So, did she pick it up in like Silent Sinner in Blue? Is she basically Yukari level now?

Reimu could always do that. One of her primary duties is gap management by virtue of maintaining the barrier. She doesn't do it much, but technically does when you face her in IN and also regularly in the newest fighting games at least. There's also a fairly old piece of art drawn by ZUN with her opening a gap. It looks different from Yukari's.

Maybe she doesn't do it often because of the association with the hag.

Back on Inperishable Night, Reimu's battle included a lot of gap usage, either by moving from one side of the screen to the other, or by making her amulets shift trajectory. I think Marisa once described it as if Reimu could surround you by moving in a straight line.

last edited at Aug 12, 2017 7:29PM

joined Jan 17, 2014

Really weird for Yukari to go so far for some random girl.
Is this really the end for this one, though? kind of abrupt, guess now we wait for horned hermit chapters then.

joined Jul 18, 2016

The 19th chapter warms my little heart

joined Aug 12, 2020

Is the series already ended? Or is there something else on there?

joined Jul 25, 2021

chapter 39 is straight up fake news, misinformation and 1989 commentary. Did not expect they would put that into much less a touhou manga

joined Aug 12, 2020

Chapter 44, it's kinda cute to see Renko and Maribel making an appearance in that episode, i kinda wish we could see them more even if it is on cameos or just mentions...

I also like that the designs of these outfits makes me think of neither Changeability of Strange Dream or Retrospective 53 Minutes. i kinda imagine that these are the front of Renko's outfit in CoSD and Merry's for R53M, or even if This scene happened AFTER Changeabilty was made, and both Renko and Merry were somehow aware that someone was following them. (that someone being Yukari, of course.)

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