The game is centered around (male) mc, so even the girls with yuri vibes won't accept chocolate from female mc on Valentine's Day. (Devs were lazy, but still)
^Sadly, true. But hey free chocolates for upgrades at least. Though as much as it's centered on the male MC, his character is quite bland. Quite a lot of people were pissed that the male MC was the main character in the anime and not the female one with their excuse(?) that the female MC, Djeeta, apparently looks like a character from the Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link. Also cause you have no choice on what gender you can pick at the start of the whole game. You can only change it later. Thus male MC,
Djeeta has, well mostly in my understanding, better dialogues and interaction with the other characters.
(Even one of the characters in GBF is really gay, and you still can't get chocolates from her when using a female MC.)
last edited at Apr 17, 2017 7:22AM