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joined Feb 23, 2016

Aww nooo T^T

joined Jan 9, 2017

You know. Being 500 years old and not knowing about the birds and the bees is kinda farfetched

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

When I was reading this earlier on my phone I didn't see the page count and initially thought the story ended here and I was all "Nooooooooo". I'm glad that it had a bittersweet ending rather than a downright depressing one.

Also, this is the first time I've seen a doujin involving any of Remilia's parents. I actually kinda liked her dad, he seemed cool for the few pages he actually appeared in.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Sakuya and Remi planting a tree together would be nice symbolism. The flower is nice though.

joined Dec 9, 2016

You know. Being 500 years old and not knowing about the birds and the bees is kinda farfetched

Isn't being a 500-year-old vampire akin to being a 10-year-old human? (Or something in that age range)

Then again, I've never met a vampire before, or anyone over the age of 90 for that matter so I wouldn't know.

joined Jan 17, 2017


joined Jun 12, 2015

You know. Being 500 years old and not knowing about the birds and the bees is kinda farfetched

I was under the impression she forgot after so long since the info is useless for her

joined Apr 18, 2016

Bull. Crap. Slap patchy upside the head and tell her to help you make science babies. Bad end, 0/10

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Bull. Crap. Slap patchy upside the head and tell her to help you make science babies. Bad end, 0/10

No reason Eiren can't do it.

joined Apr 11, 2016

Stupid logic keeping from our science babies.
Ehem, nice, if kinda sad story. Glad it was posted here.

joined Feb 17, 2013

It was obviously the mostly sad story the author wanted to write - there are many ways round that issue when you live in a world full of powerful magicians, magical beings and gods.

joined Jul 19, 2015

That was rather touching in the end, shed a year. TT

joined Apr 21, 2014

Just turn Sakuya into a vampire, problem solved :D

joined May 17, 2013

You know. Being 500 years old and not knowing about the birds and the bees is kinda farfetched

She seemed like she under some concept of sex, but never made the link to babymaking.

joined Nov 18, 2016

Bull. Crap. Slap patchy upside the head and tell her to help you make science babies. Bad end, 0/10

No reason Eiren can't do it.

knowing her, she probably already have the method mastered.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Bull. Crap. Slap patchy upside the head and tell her to help you make science babies. Bad end, 0/10

No reason Eiren can't do it.

knowing her, she probably already have the method mastered.

knowing her, she's probably developed five separate methods.

Nanashi Alliance
joined Jan 28, 2017

Aww... We got our science baby replaced with a flower now?
I guess that is also cute, but in a more bittersweet way...

But then that flower, due to being showered by so much love from Sakuya and Remilia, transforms one night into a fully-fledged flower youkai girl. And the three of them live happily ever after....

Also, really liked how Tepes (or whatever his name) was portrayed here. He seems like an actually likeable character with many burdens on his mind :3

last edited at Apr 14, 2017 3:11PM

joined May 28, 2017

Meilling knows flower bioligy!

joined Jan 9, 2017

You know. Being 500 years old and not knowing about the birds and the bees is kinda farfetched

Isn't being a 500-year-old vampire akin to being a 10-year-old human? (Or something in that age range)

Then again, I've never met a vampire before, or anyone over the age of 90 for that matter so I wouldn't know.

ZUN has descriped her as the most mature 14 year old in the World, which implies that she was a 14 year old human who got Turned into a Vampire, 500 years pass where her body doesnt grow and here we are

joined Aug 10, 2022

There is ALOT I love about this story (that bittersweet ending had me in happy/sad tears), but a couple superficial things really stick out for me!

Firstly, The author's depiction of something taboo like menstruation is very tasteful (for want of a better word) and making it a plot point without fetishizing it is incredibly wholesome.

Secondly, I love Remelia's dad, though I don't know why. He had a reaction any dad would have when asked by their young (relatively speaking) daughter about menses/birds and bees, and that was cool.

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