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joined Jun 27, 2016

So is going to a polyamorous relationship or a fight for her? I wonder which one will have the best storyline...

joined Mar 22, 2014

I've been rooting for a Yuunagi x Hiruma monogamous relationship ever since Yuunagi showed up, but right now, I feel like since Yuunagi's the only one of the three who is against a polyamorous end (for most of this chapter, anyway), we might just end up seeing her come around in the next chapter. (・ᴗ・)

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 6:34PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

I found that Nina and Ryou's relationship evolved a bit too quickly, honestly, though you could say it's justified by them knowing each other from their online personas. A few more scenes wouldn't have hurt.

Still, I like that Ryou has both something in common with Amane (books) and with Nina (cats). IIt's like each girl brings each other one something she lacks… Though yeah, Amane seems to be the "flattest" of the three so far.

joined Jan 27, 2016

It'd be quite funny if at the end of the day, it was Amane, the polyamorous, who was left out because she failed to commit to anyone.

If by funny you mean tired bullshit. I'll be deeply unimpressed if this ends in monogamy.

joined Mar 22, 2015

Amane is too boring. Yuunagi x Hiruma all the way.

I found that Nina and Ryou's relationship evolved a bit too quickly, honestly, though you could say it's justified by them knowing each other from their online personas. A few more scenes wouldn't have hurt.

Yuunagi has apparently known a lot longer than Hiruma, so it makes sense to me.

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 7:49PM

joined Dec 18, 2016

Amane is too boring. Yuunagi x Hiruma all the way.

This. Unless there are chapters down the line dedicated to fleshing her out, she currently feels like the intermediate that helps bond Nina and Ryou.

I found that Nina and Ryou's relationship evolved a bit too quickly, honestly, though you could say it's justified by them knowing each other from their online personas. A few more scenes wouldn't have hurt.

The start of this chapter did feel a bit off. We already expected Nina to be Shinya, but how Ryou discovered it this chapter felt too out of the blue and convenient for me. But I do feel like how they came to bond with each other by the end does make a bit of sense since these two bond over the fact that they are in this polyamorous relationship with Amane even though they are not polyamorous themselves. Ryou struggled and thought hard about the nature of this relationship, but she decided that she was up for it, while Nina still couldn't really accept the idea of sharing Amane with anyone else. So, despite being in the relationship with Amane first, Nina is a step behind Ryou in really considering the nature of this polyamorous relationship she's in. So, idk, they're bonding moment makes sense to me. It's almost like a role reversal with Ryou now being the one getting to comfort Nina/Shinya instead lol But, I definitely do think that this would definitely have been a lot stronger if the Nina is Shinya thing was more fleshed out and less tacked on.

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 8:24PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

I mean, I feel like if the author straight up wanted a Yuunagi x Hiruma thing (which could've worked out with the whole Shinya identity and all), then there was no need for Amane to be there at all. Although she's a boring character (because we have yet to learn more about her), girl deserves a happy ending too (^ー゜)

joined Feb 14, 2017

First of all, "Shinya" and "Mahiru." Is that not a reference to Akuma no Riddle or what? Brings back good memories, except for the part where the girls didn't make out with one another.

Second of all, I actually like Yuunagi x Hiruma the most of I had to choose a monogamous pair. But if they could all be friends/lovers/whatever that would really make me happy.

joined Feb 14, 2017

So many characters! I'm getting confuse who's who lol @__@

Shiramine Ayaka=the tsundere with big boobs
Kurosawa Yurine=the pervert blonde girl
Senoo Mizuki=the cute tomby
Nikaido Moe=the moe but weird girl
Kusakabe Chiharu=the serious but sweet girl
Akidzuki Izumi=the idiot with a fang
Uehara Ai=the genki girl
Hoshino Maya=the "I want to be a mature senpai!" girl
Kurosawa Sumire=the "Don't take my onee-chan away from me!" girl
Machida Kaoru=has a crush(? on Yurine
Kohagi and Momiji=Kaoru's friends
Ooshiro Yukina=the "Hey, call me a senpai!" girl
Mita Towako=the yandere
Itou Sawa=the dense girl
Nishikawa Itsuki=the cute and a bit annoying childhood friend
I'm sorry for this post

Yeah maybe it's been too long I've read this but I can't follow.

The ones that I know and know the names of:
Shiramine Ayaka=the tsundere with big boobs
Kurosawa Yurine=the pervert blonde girl

I remember Shiramine's cousin and her cousin's girlfriend but I don't remember their names

I remember that one girl and her sempai who left. Then that girl ran into bicycle girl and they have a relationship.

Then, I know about the current 3 trio
Nina, Ryou, Akane?

But I am just so bad with names. I'm sure the reread will be enjoyable since I've seemingly forgotten so much.

joined Dec 18, 2016

I mean, I feel like if the author straight up wanted a Yuunagi x Hiruma thing (which could've worked out with the whole Shinya identity and all), then there was no need for Amane to be there at all.

"Relationships can't exist without a third wheel" -every romance manga ever

Not extolling it, just pointing it out

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 9:47PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

First of all, "Shinya" and "Mahiru." Is that not a reference to Akuma no Riddle or what? Brings back good memories, except for the part where the girls didn't make out with one another.

Second of all, I actually like Yuunagi x Hiruma the most of I had to choose a monogamous pair. But if they could all be friends/lovers/whatever that would really make me happy.

I haven't read the raws for AnoKiss (for the previous chapters), but generally speaking, the spellings for "Shinya" and "Mahiru" are basically opposites, with Shinya meaning full night and Mahiru being full noon/daytime or whatever you want to call it.

I mean, I feel like if the author straight up wanted a Yuunagi x Hiruma thing (which could've worked out with the whole Shinya identity and all), then there was no need for Amane to be there at all.

"Relationships can't exist without a third wheel" -every romance manga ever

Not extolling it, just pointing it out

Haha, you're right, and I didn't really explain my logic behind what I said, so that would be my bad. It's just that with how chapters 28 (where Hiruma comes to learn about Amane's way of loving and accepts it) and 29 (where Yuunagi discovers how much she treasures both Amane and Hiruma) played out, the signs are pointing to a polygamous ending since those two are starting to understand what it is. We saw the perspectives of Hiruma and Yuunagi in their respective chapters, so chapter 30 is more than likely seen through Amane's eyes.


But to tell you the truth, I've already read chapter 30. No spoilers as everything above was my opinion before I read the chapter.

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 10:37PM

joined Mar 22, 2015

But to tell you the truth, I've already read chapter 30. No spoilers as everything above was my opinion before I read the chapter.

Whereeeeee O_O Ahaha oh well I can wait too.

joined May 19, 2016

open relationship is coming

joined Mar 28, 2015

majere posted:

It'd be quite funny if at the end of the day, it was Amane, the polyamorous, who was left out because she failed to commit to anyone.

If by funny you mean tired bullshit. I'll be deeply unimpressed if this ends in monogamy.

It was ironical.

I don't know how it will turn out.

Yuunagi needs affection and understanding and Hiruma gives it to her. She notices how "warm" she is.

Amane seems cold in comparison. Accepting of everyone's love, but cold. The depth of her feelings seem quite shallow.

Yuunagi can perfectly imagine Amane breaking up because her need of exclusivity. Amane doesn't come across as committed, or really in love, with either of them. She likes them and is at ease dating both, but is not in love with them.

At least, that's how I see her written by Canno (and not necessarily an accurate example of poly people).

Something stronger seem to happen between Hiruma and Yuunagi, because they bring something to each other, where Amane seems only to take.

last edited at Mar 17, 2017 4:29AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

I'm all for a poly relationship if it makes sense for the characters, but if it's just for the sake of having a poly relationship, i'll rather see the cat lovers together. I agree with Nya-chan here, Amane feels cold and distant with her "lovers," so far it feels like she just likes to fool around with them and nothing more than that.

joined Jan 27, 2016

I'm all for a poly relationship if it makes sense for the characters, but if it's just for the sake of having a poly relationship, i'll rather see the cat lovers together. I agree with Nya-chan here, Amane feels cold and distant with her "lovers," so far it feels like she just likes to fool around with them and nothing more than that.

Or maybe she keeps them at arms length because of exactly what's happening with Yuunagi: she's worried about what happens when they try to force her to choose between them and who she is. It's not fun falling in love with someone only to have to end it with them because they keep trying to change you to suit their desires.

joined Apr 1, 2013

that's how you deal with your rival

joined Apr 17, 2015

I haven't read the raws for AnoKiss (for the previous chapters), but generally speaking, the spellings for "Shinya" and "Mahiru" are basically opposites, with Shinya meaning full night and Mahiru being full noon/daytime or whatever you want to call it.

…How the F did I not notice that. =O

I think Amane does bring something to Ryou and Nina − a sort of unconditional kindness and forgiveness. What she lacks so far is… empathy? She's someone you can easily feel comfortable with when you know her, but she's not really a good shoulder to cry on. As Ryou says: "I understand, trust me. Probably… better than Amane does."

What we also need is more details on when and how Amane and Nina met exactly. We know how Ryou and Amane met, how Ryou and Nina met, but we just know that Amane and Nina are together, somehow.

Otherwise, a bit of spoiler, don't open if you haven't read chap 30. Volume 6 cover

joined Dec 12, 2016

I would have some more sympathy for Amane if she didn't also easily fall in love with Izumi. If she wasn't so damn fickle then I might be rooting for the poly end, but from what I have seen from her there is no reason to believe she actually loves anyone.

joined Feb 18, 2015

If Canno manages to write a poly relationship that works well and doesn't come across as forced, which this seems to be on the way toward if the perspective from Amane can tie the loose ends together, I will be extremely impressed... And may study it for my own use, as I've had a poly story bouncing around in my head trying to get out for a while now but haven't tried to write it yet...

joined Mar 22, 2014

I haven't read the raws for AnoKiss (for the previous chapters), but generally speaking, the spellings for "Shinya" and "Mahiru" are basically opposites, with Shinya meaning full night and Mahiru being full noon/daytime or whatever you want to call it.

…How the F did I not notice that. =O

Lolol. :P

I think Amane does bring something to Ryou and Nina − a sort of unconditional kindness and forgiveness. What she lacks so far is… empathy? She's someone you can easily feel comfortable with when you know her, but she's not really a good shoulder to cry on. As Ryou says: "I understand, trust me. Probably… better than Amane does."

What we also need is more details on when and how Amane and Nina met exactly. We know how Ryou and Amane met, how Ryou and Nina met, but we just know that Amane and Nina are together, somehow.

Otherwise, a bit of spoiler, don't open if you haven't read chap 30. Volume 6 cover

After reading chapter 30, I really don't know what to think... felt like a pretty anti-climactic ending to me. :( Even though it was written in Amane's perspective, I feel like I still don't know too much about her, LOL.

joined Feb 2, 2013

Never read a story with poly in it. This seems interesting though, hopefully it ends well though.
joined Apr 19, 2012

Tomomi and Kiyono's relationship feels like a throwback to Haruka and Yukino from Mai HiME.

joined Feb 14, 2016 how to propose 101

Haha, I haven't checked this thread in months so I didn't realize the sequel to Kaga's Flower Illness was in this series. Go figure

joined Jul 13, 2016

I just wish this will be made into an anime in the future :)

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