Also dunno who Miss dark hair is yet but she has a great way of inviting someone out on a date. Kinda want someone to do that to me.
Yeah it's so romantic... A girl jumps in front of your car holding a dead cat, then asks you to take responsability and take care of the corpse, then pries into your sexuality, then enters your car as if it were hers, then holds your hand with the same hands that were holding the dead cat and kisses it...
Romantic... maybe? but it would freak me out a little.
Well, someone needs to remove the corpse.
Or are you joking? I can't really tell.
Well, in my country and it's most of the "undeveloped" (as you call them) the police only comes when they want to and if it's an emergency... if you've got dead animals on the street you gotta take care of it yourself, unless it's on a main road then the municipal workers come and do it since it doesn't look pretty for the town... if it's a small animal you put it in a bag and throw it like trash, if it's too big you can call the firefighters and they come and pick it up if they can... they are like superman, they do almost everything and they don't even get paid (voluntary work). Anyways, if you call the police they would tell you to stop being an ass and take care of it.
last edited at Feb 28, 2017 2:37AM