I'd post a selfie to join the fun, but I already have one as my avatar...
The lack of Meiling and bread makes me doubtful.
It me.
Nezchan posted: STOP DOXXING ME!
Nezchan posted:
Objection. You can't doxx bread.
Nezchan posted: STOP DOXXING ME! Objection. You can't doxx bread.
But you can proof it!
Nezchan posted: STOP DOXXING ME! Objection. You can't doxx bread. But you can proof it!
Um...I'd really rather you didn't bring RL pics up in a joking thread.
Sorry about that.
It's kind of a terrible pic anyway. Bad lighting, no makeup, just awful.
^ Nah, It's not a bad pic. You look like one of my Highschool Teachers actually.
last edited at Feb 11, 2017 5:00PM
Shit, looks like i missed something good
What's this, then?
^ Nez is in this photo. She cannot be seen....
Nah, It's not a bad pic. You look like one of my Highschool Teachers actually.
I really do need to get a couple of decent pics done sometime, in all seriousness. Especially as I get more serious about my writing.
last edited at Feb 11, 2017 5:37PM
It me. way to rise to the occasion
way to rise to the occasion
Is that a bread pun?
Oh, you said FACE reveal! My bad.
Yes, This face reveal!
It me. (http://images.media-allrecipes.com/images/57796.jpg)
Guess I have to post a picture of myself too.
It me. (http://images.media-allrecipes.com/images/57796.jpg) Guess I have to post a picture of myself too. http://www.leevalley.com/en/images/item/gardening/45k3220s4.jpg :)
last edited at Feb 11, 2017 9:08PM
What is she doing inside Ropponmatsu?
How lewd!
@moguTL Those are spruces, not pines!
last edited at Feb 12, 2017 6:52AM
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