Is Kotone x Shizuku incest? Since Shizuku is a part of Kotone's extended family.. I doubt it is, but I just want to make sure since I'm really dumb.
They are cousins but I can't find anything stating how closely they are related. I believe first cousins gets tagged Incest
, so I think it's assumed that they are more distant than that.
I assumed It was first cousins - we only really call first cousins cousins here - we would just say he is your dads cousin - or your 2nd cousin for further removed cousins (at least in my experience - it might differ in other parts of the uk).
I know it might be different in Japan and they use a generic cousin word for all of them but that's how I thought of it.
Also in the uk it wouldn't be officially incest if they were first cousins - they could legally marry - most people here would be more or less ok with cousins marrying - though many would kinda think it incest-y and a bit weird, it wouldn't be a shock or outrage type thing - so from my perspective an incest tag can be left out - or used equally accurately.
Not sure what the incest laws are in Japan though I heard they are fairly relaxed?