Watched Izetta.
I fucking knew it. Feelsbad.
However, I really like Sophie's design, she looks really cool, the clothes fit her. I also totally forgot that the jealous wife sold her out, I think her fury is pretty justified, just not targeting the right people. I guess I get why Izetta's grandmother didn't want her to be like the White Witch, cus it would make sense, since in the end, someone she had protected betrayed her. It's pretty sad, that she betrayed her own code to do what she felt was right, and was stabbed in the back by someone from "her own side". I wonder if her character can be redeemed, "freed" somehow.
Keijo was fun. Mio's character is pretty much a joke/exagerated, the way she excessively flirts with other girls, but I kinda enjoy it? It's like a special kind of comeback, like when someone was being annoying, and she hit on them and they backed off right away, + Mio's teammates reactions, being pretty much used to it and not really gaf
Also, what is this. What am I supposed to think lmao, next ep is gonna kill me
last edited at Nov 26, 2016 6:58PM