If I were that bothered with it I would've probably sent you an e-mail ;P
Are you trying to say I'm old-fashioned here...? O_O
Email is totally hip! ^^
Hey, I'm not disagreeing! For the record, I still have a (very usable) palmtop from the late 90s, got experience with typewriters, faxes and wish I'd ever get the occasion to use a pager!
Right now in my work I have to go for 3 hours every day of the week at 6 in the morning, so looks like there won't be any all-nighters for me for a loooong time.
That's why work sucks! (;^ω^)
… or you could just stay up all night and sleep after work... (๑°o°๑)
Well.. accidently it comes off this way! Falling asleep 8 hours before my alarm is set, usually waking up after 2 hours, then getting 1 hour of sleep tops. It's a mess.
Speaking of which, had a bit of a random thing happened to me last night. Just finished writing to a friend, closed my eyes and feel asleep for less than 20 minutes.. then I suddenly get woken up by a phone call. At 22:00. I pick up the phone.. turns out it was my friend that's wanted to know if I could go downtown today to lend her a hammer (o.O)
Not something I expect to get woken up by. Gotta say, I felt really weird today travelling through all of the town with a hammer in my bag to give to my friend D:
Not signing the offer for any selected amount of time, which is nice.
... doesn't that just mean that they can fire you at any time...? don't see how that's good... unless you plan on backing away yourself if things don't work out as planned.
As Nevri said. Plus, I really really don't want to be tied down time wise.
Positive things tho.! I got moved into another mall, which is much much closer nearby, and I need to be there an hour later than I would've been in the previous one! Plus, I still get to keep my boss!
To be honest, I dunno what I'd have been doing had I been born in a much smaller one..
You'd just be bored and miserable, like the rest of us village folks ;)
Just kidding. I live in a small city but luckily not a village ^^
Anon and being miserable? Cannot imagine it, not even at your worst^^
To be fair it's much more common for the city folk to suffer from anxiety and depression.. speaking of which, my city today had the air polution norms exciteed by 300%.. the air in here was literally green/yellow, and everything was so blurry.. people running in masks.. makes me question why I dropped smoking to live in such a poluted (but great, and I honestly do love it with all of my heart) city.
It was just such a sharp contrast with you from a few months ago..
Wow... didn't realize that at all... (ಠ.ಠ)
The mkore emojis the better our Anon is^^
Looking at my posts, I sounded like I was angry at you or something. Sorry if you perceived as such, it was never my intention^^
I know that this may sound a bit harsh, but did you consider getting another animal, just to keep yourself distracted? Sorry if what I said was insensitive.
No, that's okay. Of course I've thought about it. I love dogs after all...
But at this early stage it would just feel like replacing her... and I really don't like the thought of that...
Okay, harsh mode on.
Not gonna lie, it would be kind of replacing something with another thing. But in all honesty, I'd call it more of a distraction of thoughts more than anything else.
I mean, I'd be fine with someone replacing me after death, just so my loved ones (if I had any) wouldn't feel nearly as bad about me passing away.
Okay, that was a bit too cynical. Sorry^^
On a much more positive note had a very interesting conversation today. One of those that make you go "hmm, so maybe this quirk of mine is much more normal than I thought?"
Also, made a decision and changed my attitude to others; gonna only give them as much affection as they give me, nothing more. I honestly feel too fed up with investing too much into relationships with others to try to act like positive-saviour-of-relationships. Giving as much as I receive.
last edited at Nov 24, 2016 12:43PM