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joined Dec 24, 2015

@Pata Wonder what would've happened if they saw wolves lol...or dogs :p

Werewolves, Black Shuck, the Barghest, beliefs that wolves were created by the Devil rather than God, Fenrir, and of course the Black Dog that inspired Hound Of the Baskervilles, plus lots of others.

Just like that. That's also why we have so many stories with a big bad wolf as the villain! And it's in a way related to food, because wolves sometimes ate sheeps during the winter, so they were considered evil because of that. A lot of the middle age superstitions, fears and belief came from food in fact x)

joined Feb 3, 2015

Happy Halloween! :) ( to whoever celebrates because in my country we don't really have such a tadition )
Black cats might be infamous in the West, but I believe that's not the case for the rest of the world.
As far as I can remember, there is a country where to hear a black cat sneezing brings good luck xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ LittleSis

Great! Then we have a deal! :)
When is the interview scheduled for?

The Black Cat is a good story for its own kind, but at some moments it's a bit atrocious for my humble taste ;)

@ SaintPata

"Bestiaire" sounds frenchy ;)
I will check it out, thanks! :) You are knowledgeable when it comes to cats. ^_^

And don't worry about anything! for most of us English isn't our first languge, and frankly speaking, sometimes I sound weird without even having difficulties with the language xD :)

last edited at Oct 31, 2016 5:42AM

joined Dec 24, 2015

@ SaintPata

"Bestiaire" sounds frenchy ;)
I will check it out, thanks! :) You are knowledgeable when it comes to cats. ^_^

And don't worry about anything! for most of us English isn't our first languge, and frankly speaking, sometimes I sound weird without even having difficulties with the language xD :)

Then, you may guess from where I am :3
I really, really love cats, so yeah, I'm like a cat nerd XD
Really? Well, that's a relief x)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

@Pata Wonder what would've happened if they saw wolves lol...or dogs :p

Werewolves, Black Shuck, the Barghest, beliefs that wolves were created by the Devil rather than God, Fenrir, and of course the Black Dog that inspired Hound Of the Baskervilles, plus lots of others.

Just like that. That's also why we have so many stories with a big bad wolf as the villain! And it's in a way related to food, because wolves sometimes ate sheeps during the winter, so they were considered evil because of that. A lot of the middle age superstitions, fears and belief came from food in fact x)

On the other hand, outside of Germanic Europe attitudes towards wolves tended to be a lot better. Rome was all about good-guy wolves, and so were a lot of other cultures.

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Well that's also rather interesting to hear :o do you know of any legends/myths involving good wolves?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

^ Well that's also rather interesting to hear :o do you know of any legends/myths involving good wolves?

Romulus & Remus spring immediately to mind. The symbol of ancient Rome was the she-wolf who raised them. Lots of other "raised by wolves" legends around the world too. Native North American legends are usually pretty complimentary towards wolves, and the Mongols considered themselves to be distant descendants of wolves, or at least a wolf. Even the Norse, who mostly had sinister and dangerous depictions of wolves, still had Odin's pets Geri and Freki, who were considered good omens.

joined Feb 15, 2016

Well, three time's a charm I hope.

This was quite awful actually. False job advertisement? Check. Awful pay? Check. Being constantly lectured on how life works? Check. Being asked if I'm Jewish due to the way I look? Yup!

The guy was happy with my performance. It wasnt mutual.

Oh, and the kicker? First few clients we got (the job is basically welcoming guests and announcing musicians at classical music concerts) was a nice couple of Italians; one guy and a trans gal. After they went inside the hall, my boss called her a "half of a (insert a very impolite way of calling homosexual men)" and with pleasure kept calling her a him, explaining in depth how she doesnt deserve to be called any better. Oh, the delicious irony.

And again, got accepted. Tomorrow will have to go to him and tell him to take this job and shove it.


Forgot to mention the fact that I actually got outed by the first guy; during the departing phonecall, he's said that it's a shame, since he's wanted to "introduce a girl employee to his boss". Makes me wonder if "boss" is some creepy euphemism that he uses.

Talking about sharp contrasts.. What a bloody farce.

If I ever get the occasion, I'll open a column at some newspaper in which I'll be looking for a job at dubious occasions and describing at how awful some employers can be. Well, that's an idea..

@Blackkitty Yea, it was quite.. graphic. Still, I do like Poe.

This interview doesn't count! The next one will, since I didnt tell you the date^^

last edited at Oct 31, 2016 10:50PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ That does sound awful :c well, hopefully the next one will be better!

And on a more positive note, I've made yet another new phone theme lol, feel free to see it here (with explanation) if anyone is interested ^ _ ^

...well, this feels oddly like dejavu...

joined Feb 15, 2016

^ That does sound awful :c well, hopefully the next one will be better!

And on a more positive note, I've made yet another new phone theme lol, feel free to see it here (with explanation) if anyone is interested ^ _ ^

...well, this feels oddly like dejavu...

@Rina Time to go full cycle then.

Seriously tho., I really do like your sense of asthetics and the explanations. Looking at those pictures makes me want to send my phone to you just so I could have it pimped out so much^^ I wish I was this creative.

Well.. it was pretty bad, not gonna lie. But on the other hand I still have high hopes for the future.

last edited at Nov 1, 2016 9:29AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ It's really just laying out the apps in a way and choosing the right icon pack from the Play Store ^ ^" nothing spectactular. Still, thanks for the comments! You should try experimenting with homescreen editing too, it takes wonders off the mind sometimes ^ _ ^

And I'm sure you'll find a suitable job eventually; you also have the support of everyone here! :>

joined Jun 14, 2015


Sorry to answer this question late, but the reason why I didn't enter college right away was for a few reasons.
First and foremost, I didn't want to rush into it like I rush into nearly everything.
The recidivism rate for those who enter college/university straight from high school in America is pretty high, and there're some things I really wanted to sort out before I delved right into a new world I didn't know. I seemed to be going so fast in high school with such a high-stress level, that the moment I could finally get away from the "just graduate" mentality, I wanted to take things slow and go step by step. I wanted to learn how to drive (something I couldn't do in high school due to immaturity and a tumultuous medicine change), I wanted to obtain and maintain a job, and I wanted to figure out a major and possibly a minor before applying anywhere.

So, a few new things with me.

  • I went to a Halloween party as Elwood from the Blues Brothers and won the costume contest.
  • My brother celebrated his 21st birthday and my mom her 50th.
  • It appears I've upset a few individuals in one of my BTVA project's Discord groups because I got a vague warning from the project leader in a private message that I made people uncomfortable and my behavior was "inappropriate". In my defense, nobody spoke up once (so I'm assuming they told her in private to avoid conflict or something), the rules weren't even established until like 3 days ago and I can't imagine what I said to irk more than one person that quickly. I already struggle with social cues as it is, so imagine my dismay on this text-based chatroom with no intonation, body language, and with people of whom I barely know and have no inclination of their boundaries. The cool thing about the mods here is that the rules are crystal clear from the get-go, and rather than being vague and dramatic (It does not please me to tell you this, I am saddened to do this.etc.). Somebody like Nez is just like "Don't post that many pictures" or "Don't say that thing you said to so-and-so" or "Don't advertise for other websites". Plus I get warned right away, life goes on, I don't do it again and we're cool. So painless in comparison.

last edited at Nov 1, 2016 10:20AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ LittleSis

It's a small world with many simple ignorant people and you've just been lucky enough to meet two of them in a roll... I'm sorry to hear that!

Well, three time's a charm I hope.

I hoped for the exact same thing when the other day I sat an exam for the third time ;) well, I will see the results in 3 weeks but obstinacy beats bad luck!! So stay positive :)

OK, this time it doesn't count... Make sure to tell me next time so that I will be with you^^

@ Rina

I like your theme as well^^
And the chaos that surrounds the girls kind of reminds me of myself, sometimes... xD

@ SaintPata

Then, you may guess from where I am :3
I really, really love cats, so yeah, I'm like a cat nerd XD
Really? Well, that's a relief x)

Are you really from France!?

:) Cats are one of my passions as well, though I'm far from knowing everything about them.

P.s Anon, how are you doing? :)

last edited at Nov 1, 2016 11:53AM

joined Dec 24, 2015

^ well, yes, I am ! That was fast x)
That's because I love spending time on the internet so when I find an interesting subject I read everything I can about it and try my best to remember it, that's pretty much what happened with cats, for example XD

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ nemesis is actually speaking French without blanking out/dying of embarrassment or heart attack xD ....>//<...
My brother's girlfriend is French.. and I die anytime when he passes her on the phone without asking me beforehand xD
Great!! So you do know a lot! But don't trust the Internet too much... There is plenty of false information out there as well ^^
For me, it's difficult to concentrate one single thing and read all about it because I usually interested in everything xD
But I must admit - out of all the animal kingdom, cats are my favorites!
Do you have a feline friend at home?

joined Dec 15, 2015

Un autre français sur ce thread ? Voilà qui est bien réjouissant. J'avais pas vraiment prêté attention à tes messages SaintPata, je lisais en diagonale ces derniers temps, mais bienvenue !


I get you, not continuing studies right after graduating makes sense, especially according to what you just said. As long as you take the path you want, it's nice. I didn't know the recidivism rate for those who enter college/university straight from high school in America was high, though it's relatable to France for at least some subjects such as medicine.

joined Dec 24, 2015

^ nemesis is actually speaking French without blanking out/dying of embarrassment or heart attack xD ....>//<...
My brother's girlfriend is French.. and I die anytime when he passes her on the phone without asking me beforehand xD
Great!! So you do know a lot! But don't trust the Internet too much... There is plenty of false information out there as well ^^
For me, it's difficult to concentrate one single thing and read all about it because I usually interested in everything xD
But I must admit - out of all the animal kingdom, cats are my favorites!
Do you have a feline friend at home?

Don't worry, I'll try to speak in english here XD
Don't worry, when I'm lazing around on the internet, I also take the time to check my sources !
I do, I do! She's a grey tabby, with a white and fluffy belly, her name is Flanelle, and her nickname is Pata :3 do you have one ?

joined Dec 24, 2015

Un autre français sur ce thread ? Voilà qui est bien réjouissant. J'avais pas vraiment prêté attention à tes messages SaintPata, je lisais en diagonale ces derniers temps, mais bienvenue!

Ah, un(e?) collègue x) je suis sûre qu'on est plus que deux par ici, bon, peut-être pas sur ce thread, maaaaaais sait-on jamais ! C'est pas bien grave, en résumé, je parlais surtout de chats XD
Merci, Utoptia ! :3

last edited at Nov 1, 2016 6:51PM

joined Dec 15, 2015

Un collègue :)
Oui, il y a quelques français qui traînent sur Dynasty, les seul(e)s qui me viennent en tête sont Nya-chan et Chantelune , mais je peux gager sans grand risque de me tromper qu'il y en a d'autres. Pas sur le thread en tout cas [du moins à ma connaissance], on a des allemands, polonais, anglais, américains, canadiens, australiens, cambodgiens et que sais-je encore, mais des français, j'en étais jusqu'à maintenant le seul représentant !

je parlais surtout de chats XD

C'est ce que j'avais cru comprendre, suffit de jeter un œil à ton avatar :)

last edited at Nov 1, 2016 7:03PM

joined Dec 24, 2015

Un collègue :)
Oui, il y a quelques français qui traînent sur Dynasty, les seul(e)s qui me viennent en tête sont Nya-chan et Chantelune , mais je peux gager sans grand risque de me tromper qu'il y en a d'autres. Pas sur le thread en tout cas [du moins à ma connaissance], on a des allemands, polonais, anglais, américains, canadiens, australiens, cambodgiens et que sais-je encore, mais des français, j'en étais jusqu'à maintenant le seul représentant !

je parlais surtout de chats XD

C'est ce que j'avais cru comprendre, suffit de jeter un œil à ton avatar :)

Ça fait super plaisir de voir qu'il y a autant de diversité par ici ! On sera deux, alors :3
Effectivement, ça permet de comprendre vite.. x) avant de mettre cet avatar, c'était une photo de mon chat que j'avais, d'ailleurs

last edited at Nov 2, 2016 5:56AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

^ It's really just laying out the apps in a way and choosing the right icon pack from the Play Store ^ ^" nothing spectactular. Still, thanks for the comments! You should try experimenting with homescreen editing too, it takes wonders off the mind sometimes ^ _ ^

And I'm sure you'll find a suitable job eventually; you also have the support of everyone here! :>

@Rina It still beats my skills of composing stuff. Never really played around with the motifs of mobile phones.. guess I can try to give it a shot. Still, I cannot find any cool pics like the ones you're using.

If I do, I'll be sure to post my attempts here!

Cheers^^ Keeping that in mind really does help me power through all of that nonsense.

@ LittleSis

It's a small world with many simple ignorant people and you've just been lucky enough to meet two of them in a roll... I'm sorry to hear that!

I hoped for the exact same thing when the other day I sat an exam for the third time ;) well, I will see the results in 3 weeks but obstinacy beats bad luck!! So stay positive :)

OK, this time it doesn't count... Make sure to tell me next time so that I will be with you^^

@OlderSis It's fine I guess. I am thanful that I realized that on the first day though., as me accepting the job would bother me.

Rooting for your exam results btw!

Will make sure to Sis. Agreed on the part that this time doesn't count^^

I too wonder what Anon is up to these days.

last edited at Nov 2, 2016 2:36PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

"if there are two girls together, it probably counts as yuri"

I really agree with what this interview says regarding the question of "what is yuri"; quite honestly, I dislike using the term "subtext" when it comes to describing yuri relationships in anime because it gives off the sense that the relationship is not "authentic" compared to "real" yuri, and really, how do you define something as yuri?

I don't see how something like Cocona and Papika's relationship from Flip Flappers can be any less considered to be yuri than say, Valkyrie Drive which was, start to finish, very blatantly yuri. I don't get it, at what point do you start saying, "this is yuri"? Light forms of physical intimacy like hugs and kisses? Open declarations of love? Crossing the line completely into explicit material much like Valkyrie Drive?

You know, one of my favorite quotes of all time is this line from Nisemonogatari: "The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing."; now if we were to replace "fake" and the first "real" with 'subtext' and 'yuri' respectively, then you'd get my feelings towards 'subtext' - I don't see it as a cop-out for writers to not commit to expanding a relationship, I see it as an metaphorical way of reaching out into the yuri community, asking them to continue on this relationship that have been established, to help go against an industry that is so misguided and egotistical. And in attempt of doing that, it ends up imparting more value to me than the average yuri work that gets published without issue.

I think notions like "subtext is just used to titillate viewers" or "because they won't expand on it, it's not real yuri" are divisive and undermines the 'battle' before it even begins; if a work doesn't expand on a relationship, do it yourself then. Make yuri fanfics, make your voices heard, make the producers know that ppl want to see the relationship between these characters blossom. Advocating the aforementioned notions will only continue to further divide everyone and veil the real enemy which is the rigid and egotistical industry that refuses to believe that girls can love other girls, and will only further make 'subtext' be defined as a cheap way to attract audiences despite the possibility of otherwise.

And for the record, if anyone disagree with this, please don't reply to me. It's easier to just agree to disagree right off the bat than to start an opinion war that'll lead nowhere.

Side note: You guys have no idea how long I've wanted to get this off my mind...

last edited at Nov 2, 2016 4:58PM

joined Jan 2, 2014

Holy crap fate/grand order is getting an anime......oh it has the bland male protag.....less hyped but okay......whats's a special....Why should I be excited ?

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Rina It still beats my skills of composing stuff. Never really played around with the motifs of mobile phones.. guess I can try to give it a shot. Still, I cannot find any cool pics like the ones you're using.

For anime pics there's always sites like Zerochan or Tumblr if you follow the right blogs. Icon packs are quite easy to find on the Play Store too ^ - ^

And do post your attempts here!

joined Sep 6, 2016

Anybody here exicted for new Wonder Woman trailer? :o

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