Well you see, in European middle age people were indeed afraid of cats, but most of these people kind of liked them, because they helped with mice and rats invasions, and well, like us today, some thought they were cute so they kept them. Also, if you look through books that were called "bestiaire", cat's depictions were pretty kind to them. So we get this kind of illustration, for example XD
I know right, the relationship
between humanity and cats is really interesting, being so different among various civilisations ! I've also noticed that people from the east used to be kinder to cats than people from the west, for example!
I've been creeping around since 2014, but I'm super noob to the forum part, because I was too shy :3
Also, I didn't quote both of you, because I'm so noob I can't double quote with my phone
Ps : some of my phrases may sound weird, that's cause english isn't my first language, and I'm still learning, please don't let these weird phrases bother you :3
last edited at Nov 2, 2016 2:48PM