Where is your avatar from?
^^crap i didn't even read the tv text because I didn't think it was important, I went back and read it.. it mentions Arume.. like from blue drop.. I ..... what is real anymore
I didn't notice it either, it also mentions Arume Queen, guess in this universe they're not a bunch of bitches who came to earth to steal our woman and turn them into lesbians by force and instead are living in peace with humans, though I do wonder if they came to earth to find dna of the male arume that didn't exist anymore for generations, man that plot was so stupid, way to ruin that yuri world...
And I guess people didn't notice that in the same news they make another reference in page 9, one to Madoka:
And Faust, that snaggy sure is useful to post images, won't have found it if you didn't use it... (>_>)

last edited at Oct 24, 2016 3:38AM