I love how Sophie treat blood like we treat beverages. So many ways to drink it!
Also, doesn't microwaving blood destroy the blood cells?
I don't know what exactly will happen if blood is microwaved, but I think it might be related to food sanitation issue. Well, I don't think that would be a big problem since she buys blood by online shopping. There might exist some kind of supply infrastructure that conveys freshly donated human bloods to end consumers like Sophie. Or she could drink blood extracted from animals other than human, like cow. I dunno. :)
I don't know how it works in Japan, but in the US blood collection and transfusion is a pretty huge deal from a legal and medical standpoint. You can't just hop on Amazon and order blood, even animals'.
Then again, the universe in the story has had vampires living cordially amongst humans for large portions of history, so maybe trade in blood is a little more lax over there. I kind of like to imagine Sophie and other vampires having some kind of federally-recognized blood consumption license.
last edited at Sep 29, 2016 2:14PM