Wow...those two have been quite busy.
Multiplying like bunnies xD
What next Lynn :D ?
Bliss in the morning ~
@gweanakjakarta Truly the better version. You have the right idea, pal.
Omg this looks nice
The ship sails! <3
What a cutie ♥
Omg... I just died inside(≧∇≦)if she actually put in a scene like this I will soo happy xD
aww how cute
lmao thats what Kanan gets for all the angst she caused in the first 7 episodes
theyre so cute, love them
a pairing I could get behind
man , ii love this drawing <3 <3 <3 .. ii hope they put this in the next chapter , that would be awesome <3 .. they both look so gewd
That kid is like....I'm so done with this shit moms....
Seina is so strong <3
i don't know but i really laughed hard at this
"Homo Homo"
lmao have you seen the filename?
new game gay.jpg
It looks like she got really drunk last night and is now thinking: "you are not as I remember you, Alejandro."
I Lime You Guys
^Duuude. Thats harsh man. But I agree
This is Magical [♥ᴥ♥]
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