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Forum › The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This reminds me a lot of the webcomic I Do Not Have An Eating Disorder, which similarly is a very personal look back on the experience of mental illness. Of course there's an extra layer of disapproval in Japan, where there is a stigma against mental illness.

joined Dec 27, 2015


joined Apr 7, 2013

I know a lot of friends on social media who might need this once all the chapters are published here.
Heck, even I needed this.

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 3:59PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

wow this was hard to read

joined Aug 27, 2013

Naturally from the title, you can tell this story is going to be about lesbian prostitution; however, what’s more important, and what could accurately be described as the main topic, is the sadness surrounding Nagata Kabi

Um well, I think the problem of female prostitution is more important, sorry.

joined Jul 14, 2012

it hits so close to home it's actually kinda horrifying

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Ahh, great to see this be translated (and so well, too!). It's a wonderful (albeit intense) story and I think a lot of people will get something out of reading this. I certainly would've appreciated a work like this when I was younger and going through mental health issues.

Dear Dynasty reader, yes you! Are you okay? If you are, that's great! If not, it's fine. It's okay to not be okay. But you can do it. You can get through it. There's lots of help out there for you, if you want it. Fight-oh!

joined Dec 21, 2015

This was different, and I really liked it. It deals with quite personal and heavy issues in a compelling way. Really looking forward to further releases.

Dear Dynasty reader, yes you! Are you okay? If you are, that's great! If not, it's fine. It's okay to not be okay. But you can do it. You can get through it. There's lots of help out there for you, if you want it. Fight-oh!

aw, Shima, you spoil us <3 Thank you for your kind words

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 4:52PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

^^^Is it really based on mangaka's real life?

Yes it is. This story was originaly posted on her pixiv. Due to the popularity and community support, Nagata Kabi decided to publish it as tankobon.

An article about this manga and Nagata Kabi's problems:

I find it kind of funny that Lewd Gamer wrote an article about this when this is neither a) a game or b) lewd. Well, I guess it's kind of lewd, but not really... Also, A Report on How I was so Sad that I Went to A Lesbian Brothel? Which one's the more accurate title? I have to say it's decently well-written for a site about porn games (I assume it is based on the title, the ad for a porn het game or whatever in the background, and everything else), though it'd be nice if it was... on another site that's not about porn games.

About the manga itself... well, that was a pleasant read. I don't know what to say, really... but it was great and I look forward to reading more.

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

Also, A Report on How I was so Sad that I Went to A Lesbian Brothel? Which one's the more accurate title?

The original title literally reads as "A report on When I Was so Lonely I Went to a Lesbian Brothel". Lewd Gamer got the grammar right, but they used the wrong adjective. And I think in this case, the "lonely" bit is quite important when you consider the entire story is about how the author had nobody, rather than how the author was "sad". She wasn't "depressed", she just didn't have a place where she felt like she belonged, where she could be herself. I know I'm arguing semantics but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The title being used on the manga itself is the one the author themselves wrote, which is an incorrect translation. As is usually the case when Japanese people try to translate their own things while being unaware of how English functions.

While I can't say I have been through something like this, I can definitely feel the amount of effort the author put into visualizing her emotions and showcasing them to others in this story. This manga is quite a heartfelt tale, and when you know the backstory behind it, it makes it all the more painful. In Japan, talking about mental health issues is not a common thing, and to see an author come out with a tale of this sort is a wonderful thing and I hope it helps other people going through similar issues find something.

Sadly, it seems like the author has not reconciled with her family in real life as her parents just sort of feigned ignorance to this whole ordeal, but I'm happy to see she at least got the strength to publish a manga and get her feelings out. I hope she's doing better now and keeps doing so in the future.

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 6:30PM

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Also, A Report on How I was so Sad that I Went to A Lesbian Brothel? Which one's the more accurate title?

The article is a very literal translation (accurately so). This release takes some liberties but sounds wonderful, much more natural in English, and still gets the ultimate meaning across, imo.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Wuttan posted:

"But I was happy to be so broken."
I really didn't except this to hit the feels so hard.. This is going to be one heck of a ride.

Yeah, I can't deny that I've feel that way once in a while... But I'm not as bad as the mc, I got my friends and I talk to them.

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 6:24PM

joined Aug 4, 2014

This is pretty much the best thing I've ever read on this site

Jesus christ

joined Jan 31, 2014

This is basically my life.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Starwave posted:

This is pretty much the best thing I've ever read on this site

Jesus christ

joined Jul 10, 2015

I was more interested in the lesbian prostitute xD

Haha me too

joined Sep 21, 2015

Woah, this is exactly like my life (except the prostitute part, I haven't fallen into that yet lmao). I got depressed the minute after I left highschool and I didn't have a place to go everyday, I immediatly found a job to get myself as busy as possible... I loved all of my co-workers but I misunderstood the situation, I treated my boss as a really precious close friend... I never neglected my work but it seems like they didn't feel the same, as soon as they stopped needing my help they throw me out (of course, that's how a job works, the newbie is the first to be thrown out if it's not needed)... but I felt just so hurt, I liked them as family... and so I got depressed again... and here am I. I have a loving family, but as soon as I have free time, I feel lost, I need to get myself busy, to belong somewhere to not get depressed.

joined Nov 2, 2014

great relatable content for lesbians with depression and anxiety, love it

joined Aug 4, 2014

"But I was happy to be so broken"

My god. That was intensely sad. It hurts how similar my own--and from what I gather, many people's on here--situation is. Really, the only big differences for me are my not having an overeating or cutting disorder (for me, it's severe oversleeping), and also being male and straight.

That's the thing about depression: it breaks down gender barriers like a Titan breaks down walls, and then indiscriminately ravages everyone inside. And like Titans, depression manifests in many grotesque forms, mimicking and mocking the form and action of a human. Just like how the author's overeating is a terrible deformation of normal eating.

I look forward to reading more of this because all good stories deserve to be heard, but I fear for how I will feel as I do.

joined Aug 20, 2016

Fuck! As someone struggling with depression this was hard to read. I didn't visit Dinasty Scans for this >_>

joined Jun 24, 2013

Surprisingly enough, like some more people, I'm not quite feeling this as much depressing as the tag suggest.
Maybe it is because I somehow can actually relate a lot to what is been said, to a some extent. There's only a few things in my life (not socially specifically), that makes my head stay in place and to not lose my mind, this makes me wonder what would happen if I didn't have any.
Also, I'm always eager to read introspective things like this, even more when yuri is involved.

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 10:34PM

joined Jul 19, 2015

I think Im one of the few people who doesnt find this relatable nor derpessing.
But I like it a lot, it's an interesting read and I enjoy how the art contrasts with the narrative

joined Apr 20, 2013

Utopic posted:

Fuck! As someone struggling with depression this was hard to read. I didn't visit Dinasty Scans for this >_>

That's what tags are for

joined Apr 27, 2014

I love this, it's , well, I am happy such things are portrayed on manga and other means as well, I can relate to a certain point, I am sure it's depressing to some people, but when you've "been there done that" a bit, it makes you think hard about your life and in the end it turns out to be interesting and meaningful.

joined Mar 23, 2014

I relate so much to the part about her parents. I don't know is it because of my culture or not but my family doesn't believe in seeing a psychologist/ therapist. I'm scared that I might have depression or something along the line but when I talk to my family, they said I'm being stupid. It's so scary reading this I feel like crying. I hope the author is okay .

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