@oliver Hello!
Well, you're right in this regard, no one wants to admit to feel physical attraction to someone they don't have any feelings to.
Actually, the definition of the word "deviant" is so wide, I guess in some views it can also refer to demi people etc., since they're not "average". Kind of funny how standards work like
I feel like I'll be having too much with the next part. Sorry if I offend you in any way :P Read too many crime novels recently, guess I'll be playing detective.
From what I saw at the convents and from personal experience, your average guy heavily itnerested in manga and anime is around 190cm tall, short or long-ish hair and wears black tshirts. However, I wouldn't use that to describe you.
Hmm, I'd give you around 170cm, maaaybe 175. Slim build, a bit atheltic but not too much. Medium sized hair, no beard etc., contact lenses or no glasses at all.
Is this how you actually look like? o.O
Well, I can imagine you as such :P I tend to imagine people as their avatars most of the time, even tho. I'm an exception to the rule myself.