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joined Feb 15, 2016

@oliver Hello!

Well, you're right in this regard, no one wants to admit to feel physical attraction to someone they don't have any feelings to.

Actually, the definition of the word "deviant" is so wide, I guess in some views it can also refer to demi people etc., since they're not "average". Kind of funny how standards work like

I feel like I'll be having too much with the next part. Sorry if I offend you in any way :P Read too many crime novels recently, guess I'll be playing detective.

From what I saw at the convents and from personal experience, your average guy heavily itnerested in manga and anime is around 190cm tall, short or long-ish hair and wears black tshirts. However, I wouldn't use that to describe you.

Hmm, I'd give you around 170cm, maaaybe 175. Slim build, a bit atheltic but not too much. Medium sized hair, no beard etc., contact lenses or no glasses at all.

Is this how you actually look like? o.O

Well, I can imagine you as such :P I tend to imagine people as their avatars most of the time, even tho. I'm an exception to the rule myself.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Actually, the definition of the word "deviant" is so wide, I guess in some views it can also refer to demi people etc., since they're not "average". Kind of funny how standards work like

One could say everyone in this thread is deviant, not that it's a bad thing.

Well, I can imagine you as such :P I tend to imagine people as their avatars most of the time, even tho. I'm an exception to the rule myself.

Interesting ability. So you don't look like a girl drawn by Sakamoto Mano ?

And UtopTia [there is a "T" ( ̄ー ̄) ] is glad you liked Always Human, good thing I mentionned it here.


There's nothing wrong w/ liking the new eyeball licking story. Everyone here is perverted anyway.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 3:03PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Utoptia Was about to say the same thing. I mean, after all this website is full of females interested in the same gender and males that like reading stories about females interested in the same gender.

Again, it's not a bad thing.

Yea.. of course I do! I mean, I even have frecles and I'm a redhead! Just change the clothes to collared shirts and jeans at all times of year, and we're pretty much set. You can add scarfs and coats during all seasons but summer.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ugh, did myself an injury this morning. Tripped and fell on the way into the garage, wearing shorts and sandals, coming down hard on the rough concrete. Barked up both knees pretty bad, and took a sizeable chunk out of the base of my left middle finger. Rather tricky spot to bandage. Plus assorted bruises of course.

That put a damper on plans to make bread today, and for the first couple of hours even typing wasn't a lot of fun.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Iirc the council of maids, including me, was looking for CCL since the classes were starting.

Sorry, I was skiving D:

Spent all day watching lotr, was fun, hadn't done in a while D:

joined Dec 15, 2015

Hurting your fingers is the worst. A friend of mine once stuck his finger in the sliding door of his car while closing it. I can't even imagine how hard the pain was, so I feel bad for you Nez.
Well ...the way to have strong hands and to endure pain is to train like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill lmao. What ? It doesn't work like that in real life ?

joined Feb 3, 2015

oh, Nezchan, that sounds painful :( I hope that you will be alright very soon.. at least you didn't break your finger^^

Hi guys :).... and good night and have sweet dreams^^ I'm too sleepy to write anything meaningful.. I just can't sleep during a full moon...

joined Feb 4, 2015

Kinky Kitty doesn't have the kinky kitty avi anymore D:

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Nez-chan Really sucks to hear that! My friend got her fingers broken by a drawer.. I cringe while thinking about that.

Blackkitty Good night!

joined Mar 14, 2016


From what I saw at the convents and from personal experience, your average guy heavily itnerested in manga and anime is around 190cm tall, short or long-ish hair and wears black tshirts. However, I wouldn't use that to describe you.

Hmm, I'd give you around 170cm, maaaybe 175. Slim build, a bit atheltic but not too much. Medium sized hair, no beard etc., contact lenses or no glasses at all.

I knew it. xD

Is this how you actually look like? o.O

Maybe in my past life?

Well, I can imagine you as such :P I tend to imagine people as their avatars most of the time, even tho. I'm an exception to the rule myself.

I'm female, 20+, thin, brown-straight-and-medium-girl-size hair, usually it's long though, wear glasses but only in class, haven't tried using contact lenses yet. You should have used that rule to imagine me too. Have I always sounded so masculine to you? xD

last edited at Sep 6, 2016 7:37PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Yeah, no break but it's gonna take several days before I'm fullly functional, I'm certain.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

As much as I hate to admit it... but unfortunately you were right T_T
Watched Suicide Squad.... It was okay-ish...
Good is something else... Great is something else entirely... ;)
They tried, I guess ^^ But it just didn't work. No depth at all, forced jokes and a storyline that just felt rushed...
I never thought I'd say something like that but I miss Heath Ledger... he was a great Joker...

joined Dec 15, 2015


I prefered Ledger's joker too, and Suicide Squad wasn't that great, but we've got to keep in mind that the film has been changed a lot by Warner, without even telling David Ayer. They tried to do something like marvel, and that was a failure.

We also can't really judge Leto's performance since ~30 minutes of the joker were cut off. I'd have liked to see the director's cut, but that's how it is.

Still, the film was decent I guess, I'd at least give it a 5 out of 10.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Utoptia

Yeah... 5 out of 10 sounds quite fitting.
To be honest I didn't expect much. But I wanted to at least give it a try.
Maybe we're lucky enough and get to watch the director's cut on Blu-Ray someday...


Yo, sup'
You're welcome, tho I'm surprised you liked it, precisely because there is no drama^^
There's a new chapter every saturday by the way, so the pace is pretty good.
I'm glad you liked it.

Well.. I'm always good for a surprise! (◦’ںˉ◦)
The background music was quite neat as well. Really relaxing. Felt totally Zen after each chapter ^^
I'll be sure to read the rest...

joined Jun 22, 2016

**@ Nezchan **

Sounds quite nasty! I hope it'll get better soon!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Suicide Squad wasn't that bad D:

I enjoyed everyone except like, Katana and Flagg D:

And Leto Joker was pretty bad :/

joined Jun 22, 2016

There are much worse movies, of course.
I said it was okay-ish. It just didn't leave me feeling satisfied.
And I really didn't like the German dub... O_O
I'll watch it in English again when I get the chance...

joined Dec 15, 2015

And Leto Joker was pretty bad :/

Once again, we can not really judge it since 30 minutes of the joker were removed. Even if what I saw wasn't very convincing, I believe it gives a better impression in the director's cut.

The best actor play was Margot Robbie's. I really loved Harley quinn.

That said, Ledger and Nicholson joker remain my favorite. Ledger especially.

joined Feb 15, 2016

@oliver not at all, it;s just that I've assumed that oliver was a masculine name.. it is in my native language, hence my dumb assumption >.> In fact my describtion fitted my best of an image of a very feminine guy.

Well, I was right on the money about the no beard part :P

Well, that kind of sucked on my part. Sorry about that!

Can relate to the glasses part tho.

Guess it wouldn't work the other way around, since I've described myself a few times in this thread already >.>

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Utoptia

I was never a fan of Ledger but his Joker was really intense. Loved every bit of his play.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

And Leto Joker was pretty bad :/

Once again, we can not really judge it since 30 minutes of the joker were removed. Even if what I saw wasn't very convincing, I believe it gives a better impression in the director's cut.

The best actor play was Margot Robbie's. I really loved Harley quinn.

That said, Ledger and Nicholson joker remain my favorite. Ledger especially.

Not Hamill (aka "Mark Hamilton)"?

joined Feb 4, 2015

Once again, we can not really judge it since 30 minutes of the joker were removed. Even if what I saw wasn't very convincing, I believe it gives a better impression in the director's cut.

ur not the boss of me =.= I can judge how I like =.=

seriously though I felt we had plenty to build an impression of D:

And it would have to be quite the directors cut to salvage my opinion of him :/

The best actor play was Margot Robbie's. I really loved Harley quinn.

Yeah she was great :o

That said, Ledger and Nicholson joker remain my favorite. Ledger especially.

I wasn't a fan of Nicholson either >_>

I like Hamill tho D:

Anon, great idea, blame the Germans D:

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 6:39PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'll be honest I wasn't the hugest fan of the NIcholson movie, although he played the role pretty well. It wasn't too bad overall, just a bit silly. I really hated the one after, and it baffles me that people talk about how great it is.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Can't judge Hamill, I watched the anime when I was a kid and it was dubbed. Though that's not really acting.

Edit : I really liked Nicholson's joker (well, I'm kind of fond of Nicholson's acting overall) but the film was ..decent. Could have been better.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 6:47PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

God, dubs.

In here we just have one guy saying all the lines of the movie, not exception. I know it's not a common thing abroad tho.

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