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@Galich yeey, I'm lucky! it's nice to brag about knowing decent people!
hahaa, no... I'm far from having the detective qualities... as a matter of fact, I'm usually so distracted that I fail to pay proper attention to details.... but somehow still manage to see the bigger picture xD ...don't know if you are really obvious. I just tried to imagine you as a woman, then as a maid, and the images seemed natural to me, so I liked them ^^
but I had these instances in the past, where I had known people being gay before they themselves had the slightest idea about it... which is a contradiction to my tragic low level self-awareness abilities xD
oh, well, from what I've read on the matter, it's not easy for transgender people, so I'm with you^^
@ Galich
My coming out is nothing to be sorry about, really. It was all good. No awkwardness... It's just my brother hardly ever takes me seriously, I guess ^^ But he's not a bad guy. Never treated me any different because of that.
Maybe you can make up with that friend of yours if you tell them that you've been going through a really tough time and apologize...?
It's a good thing that your parents are supportive of the LGB community.
That makes things a lot easier... at least it should be like that.And yes, I can be very shy... What of it?!? (õ_ó)
That's the little girl in me that never grew up... ;)
@Anon Well, glad to hear that. Still, I can imagine it being quite stressful. As I've said before, most people that have a bit of.. uncontroled reaction want the best for the person they're giving hard time for. Education really is the key.
The thing is that they know all of what I'm going through, and I do mean all - lock, stock and barrel, most of stuff I haven't talked about here and probably never will. Knowing their situation (really stressful as well and in many ways even worse than all of my problems combined) I can see why the situation has escalated to what it is now. Plus, that whole quarrel was my screw-up big time.
Oh, and I don't think that I've mentioned the fact that I have no way of contacting them. They've cut all ways of contact with me, which really sucks. Well, I have no one to blame but myself. I won't mention the reason for the quarrel itself, but you'll have to take my word here: it was my fault of ignoring vital problems of our friendship for a lot of time, plus me treating them in a very horrible way due to my very poor ways of handling stress.
Well, believe it or not, but there are some positives to us breaking the contact: had it not been for that argument, I don't think I would've come out any time soon.
The ridiculous thing is that I didn't even bother with reading the message from that person for the reason of removal - I have a pretty good idea what it had inside of itbut it's lost forever now. I wonder if they said that they'll eventually come back once we deal with our problems?
This thing sounds much more dramatic than it actually is. Alas, that person really helped me, and the entire thing was just unfortunate. Well, no point in beating a dead horse now. Maybe with some radical methods, but I've managed to move on. Still, I really wish I could just have a few minutes to explain myself to that person and try to work on a solution. Well, neither of the sides meant bad.
Well, I am glad about that as well, but the problem is the fact that the "T" letter is missing from what they're supportive of. It's not a phobia or lack of tolerance, just overall misinformation and rubbish that is played on the media.
Well.. it's just a very sharp contrast with what you are online.. I can see how people change completly while on the Internet (heard that we only act completly natural while at home, and while outside we put on masks to be seen how we want to be seen), but it's still quite a shock for me.
Well, I guess that we all have those small parts inside of us that are left of what we were at our youth.
Wait, you were a trans galich ? I fucking had no clue lmao.
That's cool, even if I've never met a trans in real life, dynasty is the only place I know where I can find trans easily ^^ (if I'm right, nez-chan and gweenie-chan are trans too).
Well I always figured galich was a woman, so I was right.
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 6:15PM
@Galich yeey, I'm lucky! it's nice to brag about knowing decent people!
hahaa, no... I'm far from having the detective qualities... as a matter of fact, I'm usually so distracted that I fail to pay proper attention to details.... but somehow still manage to see the bigger picture xD ...don't know if you are really obvious. I just tried to imagine you as a woman, then as a maid, and the images seemed natural to me, so I liked them ^^
but I had these instances in the past, where I had known people being gay before they themselves had the slightest idea about it... which is a contradiction to my tragic low level self-awareness abilities xD
oh, well, from what I've read on the matter, it's not easy for transgender people, so I'm with you^^
@Blackkitty Dunno about the decent part :P Still, if you feel happy about knowing me, then I'm more than happy about that!
Well, if you're easy to distract, that means you can find plenty of details. And since you can still see the bigger picture, that makes you a clever person!
Well, out of all people that I've told about the fact I'm trans, not a single one said it was unexpected, with everyone saying that it all makes sense now.
Well, I guess that since you have an easy time of imagening me this way, it's easier to switch the mindset.
Looks like you have an excelent queer-radar then. Why is your level of self-awareness "tragic"?
Thanks! Well, maybe it's not really easy, but it's much harder for people that already underwent/aer undergoing transiton from what I've heard, cannot confirm it tho. I still don't know what I'm gonna do with this entire situation, I don't feel uncomfortable with my body and beard per se (wasn't bluffing about that :D), plus I find people taking me for a normal guy to be really hilarious. Guess I got infected with some of Anon's optimism. Dunno how my mind set will change through the rest of my life tho., plus the fact that my mind is yet to comprehent this entire situation.
One thing I'm afraid of is the future family life. It will.. be harder. Oh well, guess I'll just have to be creative and roll with what I was given.
@Utoptia Didn't know either when I've started posting here :P
Well, I've never really paid attention to those things, guess I'll start keeping my eyes peeled now.
Well, many of trans people don't show it either, for instance you'd never be able to tell just from talking to me irl that I'm trans. Chances are you've met plenty of us but had no idea. But I guess you meant it as you've never met a trans person knowing that they're trans.
Well, you were right on the money on this one :) Guess that my mission of not showing my body's gender on Dynasty was fully successful then.
Glad to hear people finally refering to me by what I identify as, too bad I don't have such luxury irl >.>
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 6:28PM
My bad, I meant I've never met a trans knowing they were a trans, nor I have a trans friend or smth. But I must have met some sneaky trans indeed ^^
Glad to hear people finally refering to me by what I identify as, too bad I don't have such luxury irl.
Well, I may be too tolerant but for me it is absolutely normal. Acknowleding how a person identify as and acting in consequences feels natural to me .-. I don't get why people keep judging ...
SONG OF THE MOMENT(ergo proxy's so awesome<3 )
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 6:41PM
@Utopia Well, with such attitude, I can only say that I wish that more trans people would meet you. It really does feel nice.
Even if you're overly tolerant, I won't complain. I've always perceived it the same way even when I had a very rought idea about trans people. I guess that life's decided to educate me throughtly on that.
Oh yes, the Ergo Proxy's OP. I still have it on my phone to this day. Had that very pic as my wallpaper for a while, Re-I had a very cool design, plus the fact that she wasn't nearly as resourceful as she appeared really helped to make the character more memorable. Maybe I'm confusing some stuff, been a while since I've seen that show.
Iirc the studio that has done Ergo Proxy had some special privilages or ways of making it or sth, that's why the show is so unique. Also heard it's bankrupt/no longer with us. RIP Manglobe.
that's not strange (only the sociopath part) you are just an earnest-shy-lazy-stubborn-likeable person.^^ So it will be a waste if you don't crack yourself! don't slack off! xD
I guess we all contradict ourselves sometimes and get passionate about the things we love.
Apparently I share a hobby with your dog xD .. haha, she has her own character^^
hahah, no!.. the video.. it is kind of embarrassing... too flashy for my taste ;) me too, I would love to see them unlocked someday :)
@Galich haha, I know you are decent, remember - you can't hide anything from me! * evil kitty laugh
it seems I do^^ so I also have a special ability after all.
tragic - because I miss chances and make mistakes, I guess
I think you just need time, and probably someone who understands the situation to talk to, and everything will be fine^^
so how do you want me to address to you?^^ I mean pronouns
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 6:44PM
@Blackkitty Guess I can't argue with that hides self
People with special abilities are a bit scary, especially the ones with eye for details.
Well, we all make miss chances and make mistakes. The only way we can make up for that is to keep our eyes peeled and try to move forward as much as possible.
So I do. Well, time's on my side. I still need to educate myself better on the subject.
Feminine pronouns would be great, however, if it would make you feel uncomfortable or sth, gender neutral/eventually masculine ones. Still, feminine ones would be more than awesome/prefered.
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 7:13PM
@Galich you've made a wise decision! muhahah
Yes, they are..especially the ones that purr and scratch ^_^
True story^^ hopefully
Haha, you are already a very educated individual.. eating up books like sweets xD. :) good thing that nowadays there are more sources of information
OK, her/she is fine with me^^
Sweet dreams,guys :)
@ Blackkitty
Oh... sweet and kinky dreams to you too! (^_-)v
@ Galich
I don't usually care about what other people think, so... not stressful really. I don't have to prove anything. Up till now I've only fallen in love with women. It's not that I would mind falling in love with a guy. It's just it never happened and I'm also pretty sure it never will so... no need to explain myself to anyone...
Well... can't really judge a situation without knowing the details, so yeah, I have to take your word for that one... Still hope that you'll find a way to work things out between you two...
Can't you just throw in a casual question to your parents to bring that subject up and see what they think about it...? Sounds like you've already talked to them about stuff like that before but maybe they've changed their mind since then... Do you talk about TV shows with your mom, for instance...?
Uh, I think you got that part wrong. I didn't mean that I'm any different in real life.
Actually, what you see here is me ^^
I'm always like that; open-minded, outgoing, cheeky, flirty, a little teasing, a little annoying, a little too cocky sometimes, pert maybe, curious and strange ^^
But really lazy and stubborn ;) Oh, however, I don't walk around in rainbow colors (^_-)v
And I don't like to intrude... that's probably why I was never a real forum person... could also explain why I screwed up a little when I started here... Doing new things makes me quite nervous... and awkward... ;) So, yeah, what you see here is totally me. (^.^)
That's probably one of the good things about me, I never really put up an act. That's why I don't like lying much.... That's why I can't get rid of annoying solicitors and the Jehovah's Witnesses... O_O
I just meant that I do get really shy once someone crosses the lines I drew. But you can't do that online... we'd have to meet in person for you to do that. So you'll probably never see that happen here ^^
I think I'm gonna read the manga Umibe no onna no ko, but if some of you guys already read it, could you tell me if it's worth reading, if it leaves a bitter taste. I don't want to waste 2 hours of my life reading a bittersweet crap w/ aansgt, (over)drama and an open ending
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 7:45PM
Post redacted, will be rewritten tomorrow. /falls asleep
Okay, rewritten version;
@Anon I ge'cha. Well, it's very good that you don't care too much what other people think. I guess it comes with age.
I'm the exact opposite, always thinking what others will say of me, which has.. an interesting side effect. "If I want to make an impression on others, why not show yourself off fully as a weirdo?" is pretty much my policy regarding that.
Well, judging by your message, it looks like the situation is pretty helpless. Guess it's up to the second side to decide if they want to give me another chance or not.
As a matter of fact I've had a conversation about that with me mother 3 weeks ago. She's said that she "finally starts to understand transgender people". It was after she met someone who is trans, so I dunno if she was trying to give me a hint or was just polite to the person.
Well, it all makes sense now. I remember you writing about how you are in real life at multiple points in this thread, but for some reason I was always skipping it. Guess that now I got a personal characteristic written especially for me, I'll read it thoroughtly.
Seems like a good sum uf of Anon that we all know and love :P
Also, calling bluff on the fact that you don't have a rainbow around your head!
last edited at Aug 16, 2016 5:31AM
@ Utoptia
Looks like an open end to me.
@ Galich
But I'm gonna go to bed now! It's past 2 o'clock already! o_O
Getting too late... I'm gonna reply to the rest tomorrow. Have fun ^^b And try to get some rest too!
Will try, and seems like I'm off myself. Actually, I may rewrite that post once I'll wake up. Have a good night everyone!
@Galich I read your post earlier today and I have to say, I'm happy that you came out and that you think this is your safe haven. I've come to understand that people aren't very excepting to new and different things, most of their hurtful actions are done out of ignorance. Luckily in more places people are starting to accept things. :)
@Alvis I was wondered where you went. Welcome back.
@Old Fart
Cream Lemon is probably the closest thing I can think of....
Wow that's older... I haven't heard of that one before.
@ZuljinRaynor Shoujo Sect sucked from what I remember of it. Is Girl Friends any good? Strangely, I've never read it.
@EkichoSHIFT I loved that scene. It still gets me to this day.
@ ciega
if yuri is a hobby, an obsession or somewhere in-between?
I'd say its a secret hobby I share on the internet.
Since I've read everyone's reply, I'll now answer my own question on how I got into Yuri. I heard about it for years, but I never really cared about it. Then its 2013 when anime really got popular where I lived. I had a lot of free time and decided to look into the thing called anime. I knew about yuri thinking that it was a terrible thing. (At that time I was very homophobic. It's a bit strange considering that my parents never really cared about that other that other than it was unnatural, etc.) I watched some of it and found out that yuri wasn't bad. Low and behold I'm here now sharing my hobby with great people like you. Most of the people in my personal life are religious and don't agree with gay marriage and the like, but I'm lucky because my two close friends don't care about those trivial things.
Be very careful with that, Galich
Also has school started back up for some of you kiddies?
@Z. Long, I was so pissed off after watching Shoujo Sect. lol It wasn't even funny. I was like, okay I knew this was just gonna be porn but damn it that ending sucked.
Well since Girl Friends is complete, I think it's more enjoyable now since it is 5 volumes long and waiting month after month for new chapters was painful!!. It is available in 2 omnibuses if you wanna get it in English. I probably should give it a re-read to see if its still enjoyable as before. But it's a title that some people count as one of the best and/or at least one of the best entry ways into Yuri.
I found it highly enjoyable and I found Mari to be a character I could relate to really well. It reminded me of what it was like to have a crush and so I really felt for Mari. It's probably been a few years since I read it, but I know every reread had me still at the edge of my seat like before. I mean, if you have read some newer stuff, it might not have as much of an impact as it was when it came out, since it's high school Yuri which is well played out by now, if it already hadn't been by then, but it's still really good IMO. Lots of discussion about make up and things like that though but it makes it pretty slice of life-y. - Vol 1 - Vol 2
@Alvis, school starts up here I think first week of September, which means time for 40, 50 and 60 minute commutes to work in the morning to become more common, woo hoo! If I only was a morning person, maybe I could get up earlier and leave the house earlier.
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 9:47PM
For me it's definitely a hobby.
A really private one since I am gay so it's not just a fetish ^^
But definitely not an obsession.What about you?
@Anon - i'd say it ranged on a spectrum. I know, that's an odd thing to type, so bear with this answer.
i am lesbian and after i watched Revolutionary Girl Utena, I got kinda obsessive-compulsive and wanted to get a hold of all things yuri. mind you, seeing gay and lesbian characters on TV/film wasn't very common, so i ended up buying lots of lesbian films and yuri/shoujo ai anime over a few years. now that it's way more common to see those types of characters, it's more a hobby and a nice escape from watching the news or TV shows.
Also has school started back up for some of you kiddies?
@Alvis - (sigh) classes start back in a couple of weeks. gonna suck having classes and work sucking all my free time :-(
@Utoptia - I LOVE both the OP and ED for Ergo Proxy. actually the OST is pretty darn good. if i need something to work/study to, it usually floats to the top of my playlist.
last edited at Aug 15, 2016 11:39PM
@ ChocolateCakeLover
I'm all for UBI!!!!!!!!
Best idea I've ever heard!!!!
I mean, how great would that be? Never having to worry about paying your bills again! (Unless you really overdo things...) That would be perfect! Because that's what you do most of the time when you're an adult: paying bills... t(-__-t)
I hope we'll get to that at some point... rather sooner than later...
The trick I'm using to avoid bills is living with my grandparents; not that an 18 year old from the midlands precariat has any options to live elsewhere.
Well... google it every so often... it get's me quite hopeful :o
The only reason I gave the great JC a chance was because I saw his shadow chancellor (and actual ally rather than right wing shadow-tory) and later the man himself came out saying they were discussing adding a UBI to their platform.
@ZuljinRaynor Shoujo Sect sucked from what I remember of it. Is Girl Friends any good? Strangely, I've never read it.
Girl Friends is now a classic among the yuri, even if I don't find it particularly good, I'd recommend it to anyone who likes yuri. The best yuri ever is for me Pieta, but to each their own I guess
Yes, Ergo proxy OST are hella good. It's surprising how some anime have awesome soundtrack, totally worthy of the music you'd find in a great film. Don't get why anime music are so underrated.
here's some great anime songs ... simply beautiful.
last edited at Aug 16, 2016 1:08AM