@Anon Do not hesitate! :P It's fine, I like people parodying me, I do that very often.
I'll let you win this time and not do a counter attack, since the last time I've tried to do something like this to a super positive person it ended... poorly.
I don't really agree on the fact that it's "just a phase" tho. - looking at most of my family, I can safely say that I'm the most positive there is. That sounds really depressing, but trust me, it's not.
Also, it's not nihilism v: I'll keep repeating existentialism, it's srs bsns.
Actually, I've screwed up royally here. Your attitude towards life fits much better to existentialism. Guess it's two sides of the same coin?
@CCL It's an omen.
Also, the fact that I refused to get myself a chocolate cake yesterday.
Inspired by Arumba's campaign, decided to play Tunis. And I swear to god, I'm never gonna play this game every again which means I'll play it in less than a day.
last edited at Aug 10, 2016 8:22AM