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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

also, i'm not big into metal, punk, or seriously heavy rock. can anyone suggest an artist that is more lyrical/melodic?

Liz Lawrence
Keston Cobbler's Club
The Hot Sardines
The Real Tuesday Weld
Soul Coughing / Mike Doughty
Còig / Chrissy Crowley
Mo Kenny
Punch Brothers (better live imo)
Mélissa Laveaux (I'm biased since I used to know her)
Lindi Ortega

joined Apr 15, 2011

cool. thanx Nez!

joined Feb 3, 2015

Just to keep the balance I will join in with a beautiful piano xD

joined Jun 7, 2016

I'm on a Halestorm kick at the moment, this is the first track from their second album which I've been looping in the car...profanity warning

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Anon99 posted:

Tool – Schism
(Great video!)

That one's my favorite song by Tool. It's pretty fantastic.

blinkkittylove posted:

I'm on a Halestorm kick at the moment, this is the first track from their second album which I've been looping in the car...profanity warning

Lizzy Hale's voice is incredible.

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Miki Don't worry, it's fine. The title of thread's highjacker still belongs to me, outposting the OP :P

@ciega Prostitution is legal in some parts of Europe, mostly western Europe. The logic behind that is that it's never gonna be rooted out, so the state as well might give protection to the workers so they don't get abused by pimps, healthcare (not too sure about that), pensions and the state gets some money from taxes. Then again, saying this as a eastern European, so my knowledge of how the law works like in Switzerland/France may be off.

Same goes on the front of how open we are about sexuality. Some nations (France for instance) are much more open about it than others (Eastern Europe/Southern Europe/Portugal). What amazes me as a Pole is that it's totally acceptable in Finland to take your pal (not a friend mind you) to a sauna session where both sides sit naked, I don't think the gender matters. At least that's what I've been told by one of my friends that is Finnish. He's invited me to Finland, send help

@blinkkittylove At first I thought your name was "Blackkittylove". Well, now I have a name for my alt v:

How's everyone doing? I'm pretty meh actually, got woken up at 7 o'clock by a message from one of my best friends saying that they cannot meet me today since they had an accident at work and cut their arm (we had this meeting arranged for more than 1,5 weeks). Now, I don't doubt they had their arm cut, but 1. I got woken up at an idiotic time and 2. Said friend ALWAYS puts off meetings, always. I mean, it was them that has suggested that we meet, they were the one to choose the hour. I know that they are being dishonest with me with those things, but I am confused. If they doesn't want to meet me, then why bother with even asking me. Grrrr.

@Blackkitty Well, if we're going in this direction, I'll just use my most amazing skill of being Polish and link this:

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 4:49AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich hmm,I don't really believe in that either.. well, I don't know you well, but you also have the positive traits of an Aquarius :) irl my oldest friend is an Aquarian^^ My best philosophical conversations are on a glass of wine with him xD

hahaha, should I change my nickname? haha

ohh, shared mixed sauna.. no, thanks! xD

oh, well, maybe they have a reason for that^^ don't be too hasty at judging them :)

Thank you :) Chopin is always a good choice^^ well, what to say, sometimes i have this feeling that words just ruin good music xD

they are cute, right :)

they seem to be the real deal xD
If it's legal, and the people involved are doing it voluntarily, and everyone is happy in the end, then why not.

But a more innocent cafe where they give hugs with the kitty cappuccino is not a bad idea.

joined Feb 3, 2015

I'm sorry to hear that.. don't you have ear plugs? I always have a pair with me for just in case, because even the slightest noises wake me up...

yeey^^ well, I do like him, I don't know why exactly, but yes. maybe it's because of the flowers, or the colors, or the popping eye.

maybe it's not only luck, probably your sister had something to learn so that she could meet the right one ;) that's what happened to my best friend - the Leo...

hmm, universal donor.. it suits your personality^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

Rina Parents tend to be difficult sometimes, even annoying.. but they usually love their children.. good thing is that you won't be always dependent on them^^ just be patient a bit?

*sends you a virtual hug

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty Well, I try to be understandable, but out of last 15 meetings or so, 14 on them were delayed without even a day's notice. I hate this, since it's not being honest with me. If you're a person that lies, at least tell me so in advance, and don't pretend to be a crusader against lies >.>

@Rina Sorry to hear that.. I don't know how right you are here. You seem really angry right now, I think you should calm down before passing this judgement. I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just that sometimes it's better to rethink everything before rebelling. Wait a few days, try to relate to your parents and think from their perspective; try playing devil's advocate. After that, if you're still angry at them and see no excuses for their behaviour, try to confront them directly, but make sure you're prepared, your arguments are well thought out and don't let the emotions get the better of you. It's better this way so you can formulate your arguments and thoughts more clearly. If everything else fails, try to take more radical measures, but for the love of everything, make sure you tire out all the alternatives first. Please.

The point is: don't do anything rushed and under pressure, it's only gonna make you less credible and your decisions less rational.

I know all of this sounds really generic, but I've had somewhat of a similar situation recently. Trust me, first few steps are much more important than you'd think.

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 8:24AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Rina Well, if it's a problem for such a long time, then I'd say that you have the right mind set. Getting out of one's house ASAP in those scenarios is usually the right thing to do, just not too harshly. I can relate, I have nowhere to go out of my house, so I'm forced to stay here >.>

joined Jun 22, 2016

It's really awesome to see this place so lively and with so many people around! ✌(◕‿-)✌

But reading some of the posts I'm downright happy that I'm on good terms with my family...

@ ciega

Lorde (because I love her ^^)
The whole LP (Pure Heroine) is genius!

Dredg (always liked them very much)
“Catch without arms“ is my favorite LP.

Goldfrapp (I love her voice)


The Editors (quite nice as well)
LP “An End has a Start“

Kate Nash
LP Made of Bricks

Death Cab for Cutie

and many more... ^^
Don't know if anyone really agrees with my overall taste in music so I'll stop for now... ;)

@ Alice Cheshire

Nice! ^^
Good to see that I'm not the only one into Tool.
Most of their songs are great. And I love their videos! Especially the old ones (^_^)b

@ Blackkitty

I have. But once I'm awake and starting to feel annoyed it's mostly hard to fall asleep again. I store the plugs in the bathroom so I had to get up to get them...
Tonight I slept great. For 5 hours. Until this annoying buzzing sound woke me up and my cheek started itching... I love mosquitos... I actually had to laugh a little. Every day it's a different reason I can't sleep properly... ^^

Well... I hope so. She's starting to get a little frustrated... ;)

he he heh (^_^)
You think...?
In case something bad ever happens around me and someone needs some blood very quickly, I can go “Here, use mine!” ^^ That has to be useful for something, right? ;)
But it's still possible that problems might occur. Blood transfusions aren't as risk free as they make it sound most of the time even if both parties involved are perfectly healthy. So it's really only advised when your life is in real danger after an accident, a shooting or anything that would result in you losing too much blood.

@ Miki

Nice song!

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 10:08AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Miki Glad to hear you're better. Everyone needs some time for themselves to get everything sorted out mentally.

@Anon Wouldn't really say it's about having good relations with your family or not, but how well can you get along with them. I have very good relations with my parents, but I want to get out of my house as soon as possible due to our personalities being completly off; it doesn;t influence daily relations, but does in the sphere of comfort of life and the view on life in general.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Here, have some nerdcore, 'cuz y'all need some groove in your weekend:

MC Frontalot - Tongue-Clucking Grammarian

Beefy - Nerdcore Now

Grammar Club - My Gay Shirt

Torrentz - Nerdcore International

Adam WarRock - Mal

The Ranger ft Kabuto the Python and Fatty Goodness

Klopfenpop ft. MC 117, Milk-Plus and Diabeats - Don't Panic

Sammus - Mighty Morphing

joined Dec 15, 2015

I'll admit that part of me still feels a little bad though. I realised that the girl I was friends with might have had valid reasons for ignoring me, but I was so blinded by my own emotions that I didn't think about how she felt until it was too late.

Taken out of context, that line would fit in an angst yuri.
Joking aside, it's good that you feel better. And you ain't bothering us. On the contrary, if talking about your problems can make you feel better, it's totally worth it.

Everyone is sharing the music they like, so I might as well, even though you probably won't like french rap.

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 11:24AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Miki Yup. Don't feel bad tho., remember that we're all humans; I can more that bet she's had a screw-up on a similar level. It's natural we do mistakes, but some people need to realize that it;s the reason why forgiving is so important. In the end, both forgivness and being nice comes back to us, doesn't matter if in direct way or not.

As Utopia's mentioned, glad to hear you're feeling better. Agreed with them that if talking about it makes you feel any better, please do, it doesn't bother us. Around half of posts in this thread past last 7 days were people talking about similar stuff and receiving advice.

On a side note, today I've learnt two things: 1. If the wind is really unkind to you, you can burn your nail while trying to light a cigarette with a half-snapped match and 2. Burnt nails are grey, not as smooth to touch, and burning them doesn't hurt, as long as you're not unlucky enough to burn your skin as well.

Looks something like this.

Actually, after a while it starts to hurt.

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 11:55AM

joined Dec 15, 2015

On a side note, today I've learnt two things: 1. If the wind is really unkind to you, you can burn your nail while trying to light a cigarette with a half-snapped match and 2. Burnt nails are grey, not as smooth to touch, and burning them doesn't hurt, as long as you're not unlucky enough to burn your skin as well.

Looks something like this.

Actually, after a while it starts to hurt.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Miki It's nice hearing you feel better :) yes, we all do make mistakes^^ communication with others is not so easy...

@Galich I don't know what to say about your friend.. I've been on both sides... next time just go out with someone else and have lots of fun! and let them know that!!

haha, what I've learnt today... when you have to travel by bus for more than an hour, and the lady sitting in front of you is wearing a strong parfume - it's either "switch seats" or "get nauseous" xD

I think I shoul thank ciega for asking for more melodic/lyrical songs :) There are some good suggestions^^ but usually all suggestions are great because most of them are new to me^^

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 12:12PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty Sounds like an idea!

Yup, I hate people using strong/cheap/both perfumes. I guess we can blacklist them from public transit as well? >.>

I'm very sensitive to smell, my body reacts.. very negatively to bad smells. Like when I;m sick.. Cheap restaurants are on my black list for this very reason.

@Utoptia I know, I know, don't look at me this way v:

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

I see what you mean. It's the same with me and my sister. Totally different personalities. ^^
We're all really stubborn in my family (which doesn't make things easier sometimes ;) ) but apart from that I don't have much in common with her, except humor-wise.
I like to stay up all night – she likes to go to bed before midnight. I'm really laid back and lazy – she's totally jittery and restless. I like to take my time with things – she wants it done NOW! ^^ I like to take the diplomatic way with problems – she's extremely straight forward about EVERYTHING. Which is just too much sometimes, causing her a few problems every now and then; but she just doesn't see that... So living together with her wasn't always easy. When my brother was older he hardly ever was at home. So no problems there.
But luckily things were always different with my mom. We're so much alike. When I was a kid I had different tastes, of course. But as I got older we even shared some tastes in music. When I played GTA Vice City back in the days – I was still living at home back then – and turned the music up really loud; she whistled along all day ^^ She really learned to love the 80s together with me. Later on she told me about the songs she liked when she was a teen, that's how I learned to love the 60s. We watched a lot of movies and TV shows together. Even shows like Breaking Bad, Dead like me or Homeland. And we can talk about absolutely everything. I already said that to Blackkitty but sometimes we're really more like friends than mother and daughter...

@ Miki

I like your taste in music (^_^)b
Most people don't like electro stuff.
Do you know Caribou?
I really love the LP “Swim”. Great music for the summer (I know it's winter now where you live but still) ^^

@ Utoptia

Wrong! ;)
Not a bad song. Even though I don't understand any French ^^
And I really like Stromae. I know he's from Belgium but he sings in French:

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 12:30PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich I'm the same... but I'm sensitive to some noises as well.. can we blacklist those people who talk on their phones more than 30 min as well? It's like hitting nails on my ear xD... or I'm asking for too much?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

I can't stand smokers walking in front of you. It's just disgusting when the smoke blows in your face all the time (^_^”). I usually try to get passed them, fast! ^^

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 Well, my problem is.. different. My mother is as chatty, energetic, impulsive, spontaneous etc. as I am... Well, I think you can see where I'm going with this. I get along with her very well, but it's just that it makes the situation at my home a bit explosive at times, which results in a lack of stability at my home at times; my father on the other hand is really quiet and reserved, which doesn't mesh very well with me acting like I'm mixing caffeine and amphetamine all the time. I guess I have too high of expectations towards others..

Thank god I'm the only child, I'm too selfish to share anything v:

@Blackkitty Nope, you're not asking for too much. You have my full support on this.

Also, while we're at it, what about people that put their bags on seats when there's plenty of people standing in the bus/tram? Can we ban them as well? v:

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 12:44PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

oh, I feel your pain.. I've heard that mosquitos prefer your blood type 0? hah, you are a delicious cake for them...

well, I'm not very good with the love stuff, but isn't it like everything elese: if you do the thing the same way, you will always get the same result. so there is hope :)

I think...??

oh, I hope you will never have to use your special ability to save others in urgent situations :(
and yes, it's dangerous! Dealing with blood is quite risky..

joined Feb 15, 2016

Last time I've tried to donate blood, they've told me I was unsuitable due to some stuff I don't remember anymore. Oh well, looks like I can contribute towards the society in other ways..

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