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joined Jan 8, 2014

So fwuffy ^_^

joined Jun 12, 2015

Ok, I don't like this story that much. It's way too similar to Hachi's previous work " Legally Married Yuri Couple Book". It's nice that same-sex marriage is allowed in this country. But why arranged marriage again? It's feels so forced to me. Why they refer to themself as husband and wife? I know It's just a word but still. Why this feels more like partnership than love? Maybe the story will get better in the future but for now it looks like another borring moe manga.

joined Dec 8, 2013

AHH! Another update!!

h3x, yeah Hachi likes the slow build, but with cohabitation and a somewhat mutual starting point for both people, relationship-wise (meaning no real unrequited-and-then-requited-love stuff).

I can totally get that some would find it repetitive and boring, but I really love this kind of stuff, and not just for the art. While it might be repetitive by one artist, these kinds of stories are still quite rare.

The "husband and wife" thing is a hangup a lot of Japanese yuri artists have. If you read science babies stuff, it's the same with "mamma and pappa" :/

joined Oct 18, 2015

Arranged marriage may be a problem because they don't know each other, but in the case of yuri stuff, well, no problem at all. Still even though Senri and Chiru got married, they need some kind of " progression" (I don't know what it is). Things will be found out in next chapter.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Fat birds spotted on page 22 of chapter 2!

joined Sep 19, 2015

please update more!!! the sweetness (ugh)

joined Feb 9, 2016

Ok, I don't like this story that much. It's way too similar to Hachi's previous work " Legally Married Yuri Couple Book". It's nice that same-sex marriage is allowed in this country. But why arranged marriage again? It's feels so forced to me. Why they refer to themself as husband and wife? I know It's just a word but still. Why this feels more like partnership than love? Maybe the story will get better in the future but for now it looks like another borring moe manga.

I do agree that it's very similar, but I disagree in the whole "it feels so forced" thing. They refer to themselves as husband and wife, since that's what is commonly used and some people don't mind using a male term. This seems like love for sure (at least in my opinion) because even though they met 7 years ago, they still remembered each other well. Some arranged marriages do make people fall in love you know? Love isn't just about lust, jealousy and longing, it can also be caring for that person deeply, wanting to make them happy and willing to make sacrifices (even as small as waking up at 5 AM to do her hair) for your lover. And yeah I think it's pretty much gonna moe but I find it quite adorable.

joined May 28, 2013

KayoxHaku > ChiruxSenri

joined May 15, 2014

It bothers me every time I see one of Itou Hachi cat yuri manga they always start with the "acceptance of same-sex marriages" it make it sound as if its unheard.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It bothers me every time I see one of Itou Hachi cat yuri manga they always start with the "acceptance of same-sex marriages" it make it sound as if its unheard.

They are selling to a Japanese audience, where until extremely recently it was as much a fantasy as people with fox ears.

joined Dec 20, 2015

This is just too cute! <3

joined Dec 8, 2013

It bothers me every time I see one of Itou Hachi cat yuri manga they always start with the "acceptance of same-sex marriages" it make it sound as if its unheard.

They are selling to a Japanese audience, where until extremely recently it was as much a fantasy as people with fox ears.


joined Oct 30, 2015

I am rooting for kayo and haku.

joined Oct 30, 2015

Itou Hachi's works cute as always but this time even the comedy is improved. I just want to see more and more from this wonderful artist.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Gotta be honest here, I find Senri to be an EXTREMELY flat, cool, and humorless character. I'm hoping Chiru gets together with Kayo, though I know that wouldn't be Itou Hachi's style.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Idk how to describe the timezones thing, but the 3rd chapter should be out in 18 hours, on Yuriism, according to their Trello

last edited at Aug 5, 2016 5:53AM

joined Oct 18, 2015

In the latest raw chapter, it seems that Senri was angry at Chiru. I didn't know what she said. That means Senri can't overcome her trauma about her father's accident, but she has a strong-hearted wife like Chiru.

last edited at Aug 6, 2016 5:21AM

joined Dec 8, 2013

"nipplewort" is my new favorite word

joined Apr 26, 2016

Why doesn't Chiru escort her wife on missions you know double check deets help harvest

joined Apr 26, 2016

Why doesn't Chiru escort her wife on missions you know double check deets help harvest

joined Jun 7, 2014

halleluyah a new chapter, bless the uploader

joined Sep 21, 2014

Rip chameleon plant.

joined Jan 11, 2015

It's really cute, but like... A while chapter of just someone being kinda useless... >.<

joined Mar 26, 2014

Rip chameleon plant.

Hahahaha XD It made great tea though Hahahaha

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 1:18AM

joined May 17, 2015

It's really cute, but like... A while chapter of just someone being kinda useless... >.<

This whole series borders on that.

I really like all of Itou Hachi's other works, but this one feels all out of balance. The young wife seems to be completely without utility in every respect. She's not good with helping out. She's not the object of any romantic or amorous feelings. The older wife seems to be patient and amused with the younger wife, despite that the younger wife seems to only make the older wife's life harder, and seems happy enough to let the younger wife just hang around the house all day, but that doesn't put the younger wife in any higher station than a typical household pet. The only redeeming quality the younger wife seems to bring to the mix is that she comes with a very competent servant . . . or should I say "keeper"?

If the younger wife is meant to be the protagonist, she should have some quality that makes we, the readers, identify with her struggles and conflicts. But I'm not feeling any sort of empathy for her--merely pity.

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