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Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Dec 9, 2014

Lol wth, Sumin sleeps with almost every woman in the Manhwa, except Sungji's colleague haha (the girl with glasses).

How's this supposed to be a healing story btw ? At this point it's getting everywhere but healing lol. But seeing Sumin's reaction inflates my hopes up for Seju, tho I don't really want to have any expectation because it's Seju lol Team Gaji likes to torture her

It's still kind of unsettling to me that all of the other characters are messed up and have complex relationship with each other, yet Sungji who's supposed to be the main and probably supposed to play a pivotal role in the "healing" theme of the story is still left out in the dark.

I just hope they don't pull the sudden healling out of nowhere without anything to back it up in the end. The plot so far reminds me of how when we were kids and playing with the dolls, and we were making everyone kiss each other. This is how the story sometimes feels too.

joined Feb 5, 2015


Sumin did not cheat on Sungji with Nammi. It happened in the past, before she met Sungji.

joined Oct 18, 2015

I'm shocked about Nami x Sumin in the past. But I don't think Sumin will change her heart so easily about Seju (Not a chance !).

joined Feb 5, 2016

I don't read WDTFS for it's hentai, so I really feel kind of disappointed to see such SejuXNami or SuminXNami things. I don't find those things necessary at all for the story.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Here you guys go~ Enjoy..! While I go make myself another grilled cheese sandwich.


Sumin: "So refreshing~!"
Nami: " 'Perhaps...' "
"' Surely it's not true...."
"I get goosebumps at the sight of this. They all know and are still like this. "
Sumin: "It's none of my concern whether you come out or not."
"Our co-workers think that you and I are dating so deal with that instead."
Nami: "Does our shortie hate me that much?"
Sumin: "I told you not to call me Shortie."
Nami: "But I like our Shortie quite a bit?"
"You were pretty cute when you and Baek Seju were dating in uniforms."
"More than now. About. 36 times."
Sumin: "You're not my type."
Nami: "Same here."
Sumin: "Huu..."
Nami: "Anyway I lost all my jobs."
"Isn't it funny?" "It's not like I hid it all this time or anything but they're suddenly being strange about it."
"Well, I guess it's nice now that I have a lot of time on my hands."
Sumin: "What're you saying. The reason you got fired is because you lost popularity.
Nami: "...."
"Shortie why do you look down on people like thiss."
Sumin: "Stop calling me Shortie!"
Nami: "Look at you getting all red after drinking just that."
"You're a red Shortie, red Shortie!"
Sumin: "Ah stop it!"
"Stop it!"
"Sto- ...!"
Sumin: "......"
[ We were a bad match more than we thought.]
Nami: "Uhmm."
"This isn't right."

Seju: "I'm on my way to meet with the family."
"There are no more articles coming out so it'll quiet down soon. Don't worry about it."
Prob some rando bitchass family member: "I heard it all. Does your Father know?"
Seju: "He knows."
Bitchass family member: "Ugh, tch."
"If your Father passes away just know that he died of stress because of you."
Seju: "Please don't say that."
Fam: "Who are you to tell me what to do or say!"
"You worthless bitch."

Seju: "Sumi- ~ "
Sumin: "Did you sleep with Nami?"
Sumin: "Are you crazy? How could you even dare to sleep with her?"
Seju: "What's wrong with sleeping together."
Sumin: "She's my friend!"
Seju: "That's why."
Sumin: "You like it?"
Sumin: "Do you like it because you did it with another person."
Sumin: "I mean, you liked doing it with other people to begin with right? I temporarily forgot.

'Even if you wait years like this for her she's not going to acknowledge you.'

Seju: "I didn't sleep with her."
Sumin: "Nami told me everything!"
Seju: "Why are you getting so mad."
Sumin: "All you do is disappoint me all the time!"
Seju: "I guess hurting me doesn't matter to you anymore."
"Even though the hurt you gave me amounts to more than any suffering I ever had to endure."
"I was here for 10 years."
"Father is about to pass away."
"I don't even exist to you anymore."
Sumin: "..."
Seju: "I'm a person too, Sumin-ah."
Nami on the phone: "We really slept together~ "
"President Baek on the bed! Me on the couch!"
Sumin: "Do you wanna die? Why would you say a lie like that?"
Nami: "I never lied~ I just told you a little less."
Sumin: "Are you guys playing around with me? Is this fun right now?"
Nami: "Yup. It's so fun."
Sumin: "Nami!"
Nami: "Why are you getting mad at President Baek?"
"This whole time it was me who bothered her when I was bored."
"It's obvious that it was me who dragged her to the hotel and held on to her so why is it President Baek that you are getting mad at."
Sumin: "...... that's..."
"Putting you aside, Baek Seju shouldn't have shown such careless behaviour in such a location."
"There were the eyes of co-workers, and it's obvious what she will hear from her family members..."
Nami: "Such excuses."
Sumin: "Wha- "
Nami: "If not you, is President Baek a person who would sleep with someone because she likes them?"
"By the way why didn't you come ask me first."
"Ask what is this crap is after becoming friends, asking if it's some sort of threat, you should've gotten mad at me."
Sumin: "Thats..."
Nami: "Ah~ I'm busy right now and Im tired of beating around the bush so I'll just tell you."
"You still have feelings for Baek Seju."

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:07PM

joined May 11, 2012

Well, so I guess Sumin really still loves Seju? Team Blonde might have problems~~

joined Dec 9, 2014

Maybe Seju will finally be fed up with Sumin's behavior to her and will let her go

joined Jan 17, 2016

Omg she still has feeling for seju omg my team pink feels XD !! Yes i want the ppl who said RIP team pink to show up now kkkkk

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:15PM

joined May 11, 2012

By Team Pink you mean Seju x Sumin? Cause we kind of changed that ship name some pages ago if that is the case... We call that now Team Rose Pink since it was almost sure to not happen, Team Pink now is just for those who want Seju happy, probably without Sumin.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Maybe Seju will finally be fed up with Sumin's behavior to her and will let her go

"I'm a person too, Sumin-ah"
It looks like it, she's getting fed up with Sumin.

joined May 11, 2012

Yeah, it seens after this reaction Seju might finally start to think things over and give up on Sumin, the way Sumin is right now and how she might become in next chapters she might end up hurting Sungji a lot, it's probably what's going to happen...

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:28PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Kkkkk i obviously mean sumin/seju no matter what happen still on seju side of course but seju really loves sumin so team pink all the way

And i dont think seju is fed up with sumin she made this whole mess for her for crying out loud !! She almost slept with nammi for her are you guys serious !
What is this tream pink rose any way kkkkk

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:31PM

joined May 11, 2012

Those are the teams we agreed on, if all you care about is Seju happiness then you are on Team Pink, but if you want specifically Seju x Sumin then you're on Team Rose Pink, and just you know, I'm the self-appointed captain of Team Pink ship, it was also my idea to agree on what would be the ship names since some people were using them one way while others in another way, so we did this so we could all have the same ship meanings.

Team Blonde = It started because of those who wanted Sumin to end up with Sungji, the story made more than clear that Sumin will be really happy with Sungji, those who are on Sungji side also want her to end up with Sumin, so I think we should put them in the same team

Team Pink = It's pretty much sure Seju won't end up with Sumin, so all we can do is want her happiness being single

Team Black = I think this should be threesome ending because we don't have enough chapters to see Seju and Sungji falling in love with each other, they already love Sumin, so I think Black fits because Sumin is the one getting both, also, Black is the mix of all colors, so it kind of fits because of that too

Team Blue = Is Seju x Nami, don't really need explanation

Team Rose Pink = It would be Seju x Sumin, because it's like a rose finally blooming after enduring a really harsh winter, but we know it's very unlikely

Team Green = Both Team Blonde and Blue happened, they'll end up as a big happy super gay family who together have adult fun every night

Team Rainbow = Don't care about any of them or care about all of them equally, either way as long as they're super gay and happy you're happy.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:34PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Yeah, it seens after this reaction Seju might finally start to think things over and give up on Sumin, the way Sumin is right now and how she might become in next chapters she might end up hurting Sungji a lot, it's probably what's going to happen...

It's good if she starts to think things over and starts moving on with her life. And, I assume that Sumin's is going to be a real jerk to Sungji, like with the red hair. I'm feeling sorry for Sungji right now...

joined Jan 17, 2016

Omg wow haha .. you guys sure have alot of free time

Then team rose pink it is
lol .. .

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 12:37PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Relieved after both Sumin and Nami say they're not right for each other, phew~ I actually think they tried to do it but it didn't work or something. That's why they say they weren't a good match. Phew, phew, phew... I mean even if they technically sort of did it they were drunk and both felt like it was stupid so I won't cringe anymore. I think they both have cringed enough for me... Okay, sorry Nami, don't hate you ;_;
I think Nami is gonna tell Sungji something... remember how Sungji mentioned she talked to Nami about Sumin? I doubt it was coincidental.
Oh gosh, shouldn't this be in wdtfs thread this if off-off-topic... aaaanywaayyy
What else? I can't argue against Sumin having feelings for Seju... but I don't know... are they enough? who is more important? Seju or Sungji? Is she missing the person or is she missing the feeling? Did she think she might return to Seju some day (like actually be with her again) and now feels like she lost that opportunity and gets mad. Anyway, she sounds really selfish. She has a girlfriend and it's unacceptable. Sungji should learn about this and go slap Sumin's face. I think Sumin might start getting Seju ideas but at some point she will realize Sungji is the one and it will strike her and she will go back to get just to find her in the arms of Nami. Ha, ha, ha. Or something like that, Sungji will strike I'm sure of that. I'm honestly disgusted at how selfish Sumin was in this chapter... What she told Seju was also pretty uncalled for. Seju cheated only once and never really slept with anyone else and Sumin wants to speak on top of that... anyway if I have to give her some credit the fact that Nami is her friend might make it a bit disturbing to know she slept with Seju... but, she's unacceptable.
I am sorry to announce to you that I will be temporarily withdrawing from TeamBlonde. (I'm not gonna be TeamPink though!). Sumin has disappointed me, I'm not sure she deserves to be with Sungji. She better make it up for me to go back TeamBlonde.
You know what... I think it's time to change the teams... haven't you noticed? It's not about TeamPink vs TeamBlonde anymore, it's about TeamBlack vs TeamBlue... and who gets the girls. Will it be a draw? or will it not? jk jk... but honestly, I'm gonna go Sungji x Nami if this keeps going on. Seriously, Nami is pretty caring and she doesn't like lying and she's pretty clear about things. Sumin can be honest for simple things but she hides a lot important stuff. If Sumin does something stupid like this again I'm voting for TeamBlue on full. (not really, not really).

Tbh, I hope Sumin is not going to be a jerk... but honestly... I don't know...
Yes, I think Seju is fed up and Sumin has stepped so low and now that Seju has seen this she might be finally able to get over her. If Sumin really ends up being a jerk I "friend-ship" Seju and Sung--- OMG

joined May 11, 2012

Like I said, it's Sungji time to suffer now, maybe we should root for Seju x Sungji

Plot twist, in the end real endgame pairings will be Sumin and Nammi single but moving with their lifes, and Seju x Sungji, like, seriously, now that we see more and more how bad Sumin can be, it's more obvious that Seju is the one destined for Sungji~~, we need to decide on this ship name.

joined May 11, 2012

You have no idea, though I don't have enough time to read everything on wdtfs off topic thread, they already have more pages than here...

joined Mar 8, 2014

I have more teams here
Team reverse Blue = Nami X Sungji
Ultimate Team Blue = Nami with both Sungji and Seju.
Team Blank Black = anything as long as Sumin ends up forever ALONE
Team Friendship = Seju and Sungji as friends and the rest is irrelevant.
Team Friendship twist = a variation of Team Blank Black where Seju and Sungji become friends.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Like I said, it's Sungji time to suffer now, maybe we should root for Seju x Sungji

Plot twist, in the end real endgame pairings will be Sumin and Nammi single but moving with their lifes, and Seju x Sungji, like, seriously, now that we see more and more how bad Sumin can be, it's more obvious that Seju is the one destined for Sungji~~, we need to decide on this ship name.

oh come on, why does it always have to be about romance/sex? Seju and Sungji are about as incompatible as Sumin and Nami. We already saw they didn't work out together in this chapter!

joined May 11, 2012

Actually, there's literally nothing that shows Seju and Sungji are incompatible since they didn't interact with each other, using Sumin and Nammi as proof is logical fallacy, really, Seju is The Eternal Bottom, we already saw that Sungji can't keep her hands of Sumin, she could easily dominate Seju and make her more happy than Sumin ever could make her.

As for the team names you gave, we should work more on then, maybe we can get better names. xD

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 1:00PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Sumin, girl how many more hearts will you trample on before you get satisfied? I just, I can't even vouch for Sumin and Sungji ending anymore because Sumin just doesn't deserve her. Hopefully, Seju will get fed up by now. I should be happy since Sumin at least still has feelings for Seju but I really just think Seju is better off alone or with someone else than be with her.

Seriously, Seju hearing her say those nasty things that she usually hears from her family members and that's coming from Sumin who once swore to always be on her side? Man, that's gotta hurt 10x more. And now, Sumin still has feelings for her? What about Sungji then? pulls hair

Ahh~ I need to calm the f*ck down.

joined Feb 28, 2016

I just hope both Sungji and Seju are happy by the end of this story, never really liked Sumin and this chapter certainly didn't help.

joined Apr 12, 2016

Whaaaaat the hell!? Is chapter 49 out? I...sumin had sex with Nami???? If thats ture Im reeeeaaally shocked right now (ToT)

joined Feb 4, 2016

I share a complete agreement with you, I also hope that Team Gaji won't suddenly turn this mess into a healing story, without proper story telling.

And thank you Newp for the trans! <3

Seriously, Sumin keeps draining my patience little by little. Her character in the latest chapter is just so selfish and childish, I can't comprehend or emphatize anymore. Like girl, you don't deserve to say those things to your ex when you sleep around and then crawl back to her whenever it's convenient, yet still think that no one can touch Seju, smh.

I used to say that Sumin treats Seju like an used towel and takes her for granted, but this chapter takes it to a whole new nevel. I especially lost it when Sumin said that all Seju did is disappoint her all the time, I was like wth girl are u drunk ?

Btw, I bitch slap Sumin on my phone screen to relieve my frustration, and it felt great XD

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