Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Mar 17, 2016

Lmao Azai you have some work to do in order to get that promotion!

I'm glad that the talk went well! Also I guess I haven't heard that saying, my siblings that are taller usually always say that us shorter ones have "little dog syndrome"

joined Mar 8, 2014

whoa I wish I could go to a club... T_T unfortunately my student union is closed and most of my friends are gone for holidays plus I have so many projects to finish T_T
Other than that I do go during the school term some times :) and pubs too, just... I always get some random guys to hit on me instead -.-... there are a lot of queer girls in my class and I think they recently found out I'm as well, 'cause I keep commenting stuff in wdtfs fb page :P but I'm not sure I mean... one saw my comment but it's not such a big deal... I live in a small city as well... I rarely (more like almost never) see any girl that is my type... (I'm super picky). Also it doesn't help that everyone seems to think I'm straight because I'm really girly ;_; but I don't wanna be less girly! >.<, I'm a bit embarrassed of like being super-out about it so that doesn't help either... >.> but like! gosh!
Also wow! really? my height has changed very little since I was 12, like I probably grew 3cm and that's it :P

Hahaha don't worry I am very girly as well so a lot of people always just assumed I was straight, but then started to realize I wasn't when they noticed I never talk about guys haha. However one of my guy friends just automatically knew because of the way I joke around with them or something? But you don't need to be less girly!
And I think I stopped growing when I like 13 or 14 which was a total bummer.

But you see... they wouldn't notice 'cause I always talk to guys... more like guys always talk to me but ok... >.> Also I have a good friend in my class and we hang out a lot aaaand a lot of people seem to think we're a thing >.> I mean I got rid of most of the guys by now but there are still a few! Plus they're always more interested in doing things with me than the girls so I end up hanging with them more often! The guy in my class I really like hanging with too but the other one just keeps calling me >.> (he probably likes me 'cause he tries to hug me ugh!). And even in clubs, I get guys talk to me really often and I don't wanna be rude... so yeah... I'm not around girls that often T_T... Plus, I sometimes might say that some guy is attractive... but I'd rather be with a woman... >.>

joined Mar 17, 2016

hey guys new to this community and was wondering what is this Halmoni different forums keep mentioning? i tried google-chan but he failed so please tell me -___-

I think the Halmoni thing might have been dropped, we have moved on to different discussions lol

joined Feb 13, 2016


I'm putting myself as captain of Team Pink ship, you won't get promotion unless those two come to our side. o7

Whaaat?! That's was cruel, captain! I worked hard on being funny and charismatic while you were away protecting the ship!

Sorry, Gracious Llama and queerturtle. I want that promotion, so I'll get serious now:

drops on my knees Please, please. Don't leave me alone with this captain with no sense of humour.

joined Mar 8, 2014

hey guys new to this community and was wondering what is this Halmoni different forums keep mentioning? i tried google-chan but he failed so please tell me -___-

Halmoni is a translator for Wdtfs and I think also FF. She gives translations to people who have bought the comic on lezhin. Her user name means grandma in Korean and she gets into fights with some people on dynasty scans apparently >.> d-don't ask me why, I don't know anything! She doesn't post in dynasty scans often ummm... but I'm not so sure why. Apparently she's TeamBlonde.

joined Mar 8, 2014


I'm putting myself as captain of Team Pink ship, you won't get promotion unless those two come to our side. o7

Whaaat?! That's was cruel, captain! I worked hard on being funny and charismatic while you were away protecting the ship!

Sorry, Gracious Llama and queerturtle. I want that promotion, so I'll get serious now:

drops on my knees Please, please. Don't leave me alone with this captain with no sense of humour.

Muahaha, you'll never win! I'm also TeamBlonde >:D

joined Aug 31, 2014


just the thought of having so many needles on me already makes me feel uncomfortable.. i don't think i can ever do it unfortunately.


that's good then. i think she gives off the vibe of being hard to talk to because of the attitude in the posts made by her. that kind of thing contributes to others' perception of a person, y'know?

being short does come with some advantages though. i can often time find nice clothes for kids that fits me and only have to pay like 2/3 or half the price compared to buying adults' clothes. it's great since i always try to live a frugal lifestyle :P


sorry pal. as much as i enjoy the cookies, i have yet to form a clear preference for any characters in the story yet. all i know is that i like Seju and Sungji more than Sumin so far.

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:03PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

Halmoni is a translator for Wdtfs and I think also FF. She gives translations to people who have bought the comic on lezhin. Her user name means grandma in Korean and she gets into fights with some people on dynasty scans apparently >.> d-don't ask me why, I don't know anything! She doesn't post in dynasty scans often ummm... but I'm not so sure why. Apparently she's TeamBlonde.

hahahha ahhh that explains all the pictures of old women that came Thank you!

joined Mar 17, 2016

Sorry to say Azai I still am undecided! So your promotion might need to wait hahahahaha

I can understand how the needles would make you uncomfortable.
And about the clothes thing, is it weird that I can still easily fit into pants from when I was 13?

joined Mar 17, 2016

Halmoni is a translator for Wdtfs and I think also FF. She gives translations to people who have bought the comic on lezhin. Her user name means grandma in Korean and she gets into fights with some people on dynasty scans apparently >.> d-don't ask me why, I don't know anything! She doesn't post in dynasty scans often ummm... but I'm not so sure why. Apparently she's TeamBlonde.

hahahha ahhh that explains all the pictures of old women that came Thank you!

Hahahahaha XD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Oh we have a nice case of femme invisibility in here lol. What a funny bunch. For me it is 100% dependent on my hair length, which has driven me a little crazy in the past, but you get over it eventually.

TeamBlonde all the way. Anything to make Ms. cinnamon roll happy.

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:13PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

sorry pal. as much as i enjoy the cookies, i have yet to form a clear preference for any characters in the story yet. all i know is that i like Seju and Sungji more than Sumin so far.

wow, a lot of people don't really like Sumin. She can be a bit of a jerk sometimes... but she tries not to and she always apologizes when she is. That's why I want to see her apologize to Seju as well :) It will show that she has grown as a person. But anyway~~ she's really really coooooool and romantic and cute and strong ^///^ But I'll hate her if she goes back to Seju Just kidding~~ ^-^

joined Feb 13, 2016

Shooo. Don't come contaminating my precious future recruits. (>_<)

queerturtle and GraciousLlama
One day you shall come to our side. You'll think about all Seju's pain this past years. Think about all that suffering. You'll join our ship pretty soon, I see.
besides Team Pink is a funny bunch who thinks we are all cool and dark, but in reality we are just softy compasionate fools (I deny I ever said that.)

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:19PM

joined May 11, 2012

Yeah I know something like that, though sometimes people think that anyone short suffers from little dog syndrome.

Haha, okay, okay, you're going to be a Striker, now go hunt for more people to our side, or you and anyone else can have a look at this site and chose what they want to be, but I'm The Captain already.

sia ue,
Saw the post, I get what you mean, but I would make argument about the story instead.

I know what you mean, though she did have a few fights with some people she's not bad as it can look like, she's sometimes sound kind of aggressive and passional, but posts don't always make justice to some people, if you talk with her in real time you would see she's actually nice.

As the rest of the talk, not sure if I'll reply everything, I'm short but not enough to use children cloth, at least I don't think I use any children cloth, yeah I'm not sure about what cloths I have here, though I do have pretty small feet, not that I'm cute enough to use them anyway, as for all the lesbian talk, can't be part of it, I'm lesbian only at heart, not enough. (T^T)

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:25PM

joined Aug 31, 2014


i don't like her as much as the other two but i certainly thinks she's not a bad person. everyone in the story besides Sungji has their own problems but so far none of them are "bad" people yet, in my eyes. i really like seeing Sumin being cute/romantic/sincere/bashful. it's my favourite side of her. seeing her being like that around Sungji and Seju makes me smile. though her dashing side is also very charming.

to me, she's one of the more problematic characters but many (even the authors i feel) seem to cut her slacks but not for Seju. this is probably one of the main reasons why i like Seju more than her. of course my opinion is never going to be set in stone as long as the story hasn't fully unfolded yet so yeah i'm always open for discussions and a change of mind.


imo posts do do people justice since it's them that post it in the first place. as far as i know, there's not text limit on Dynasty so there's no reason to show any attitude. the idea that one can just display this IDGAF attitude anywhere anytime is one of the most poisonous aspects of this generation tbh. wow i sound old.....

aw too bad you can't join in the discussion (or buy less expensive kids' clothes). it's okay bud * pats you *

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:29PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I'm lesbian only at heart, not enough. (T^T)

Said every straight guy I've ever known.

imo posts do do people justice since it's them that post it in the first place. as far as i know, there's not text limit on Dynasty so there's no reason to show any attitude. the idea that one can just display this IDGAF attitude anywhere anytime is one of the most poisonous aspects of this generation tbh. wow i sound old.....

I'm with you here. I approach life with a heavy dose of sarcasm, which doesn't always mesh well with the internet, even so, you're responsible for the things you post. Having a high emotional intelligence (or quotient) can spread into your written communications as well. Those who have an enormous amount of control of how they project themselves can often control the reactions they get in return. "I don't give a fuck" pretty much means giving up your own power.

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:38PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

I come back and suddenly everyone's talking about their height and age haha I love this group ^ ^
I'm 165cm and oddly enough I'm usually the taller one of my friends so I considered myself avg height but I guess not? :( maybe I just have short friends.. xD

I'm lesbian only at heart, not enough. (T^T)

I feel you on this.. it's weird though cause I've always labeled myself as straight since I like and have always dated men.. but I've always enjoyed reading yuri manga and the thought of being with a girl doesnt bother me.. so does that make me bi? Cause I don't think I've ever had feelings for a girl I met before.. aside from having celeb girl crushes like every other person.. (and a big crush on sumin hehe ;D) but lately I've been really open about yuri. I'm just a confused little duckling :(

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:41PM

joined May 11, 2012

I'm not saying that as an excuse of course, but sometimes it's hard to properly say what you want in a text, for some people who are more passional in their opinion it's sometimes hard to make a post without sounding agressive in some way, even I have some difficulty when making my posts, yeah she could write them better, but if you was in a real time chat with you would see she's not really like that, yeah she might have done those other posts like that on purpose, but at least they also have argument, believe me, there's people way worse, she's just a little rough, rough is good sometimes. (´owo`)

Haha, true, being as man is not as good as some people think, we stink and we're hairy, not to mention other problems, if I could would be a cute little lesbian without any doubt, and of course all straight guys say that, yuri is the truth of the world, so of course all man are lesbians at heart, though in my case just being cuter and androgynous would already be good. (T^T)

joined Feb 8, 2016

I'm lesbian only at heart, not enough. (T^T)

I feel you on this.. it's weird though cause I've always labeled myself as straight since I like and have always dated men.. but I've always enjoyed reading yuri manga and the thought of being with a girl doesnt bother me.. so does that make me bi? Cause I don't think I've ever had feelings for a girl I met before.. aside from having celeb girl crushes like every other person.. (and a big crush on sumin hehe ;D) but lately I've been really open about yuri. I'm just a confused little duckling :(

Don't stick yourself in a box :) Lesbian, bi, pan, they're all convenience terms anyway.

Also I'm still the tallest haha (170-something...)

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:44PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Don't stick yourself in a box :) Lesbian, bi, pan, they're all convenience terms anyway.

Yeah you're right.. thank you :) I guess I'll know when I meet the right person ^ ^

joined May 11, 2012

I agree with dofudofu, if you're in doubt go and try it, you won't lose anything, so better try and see if you can have yuri life, go have for us who can't, not to mention that, sometimes gender is meaningless, in the end like some say, a hole is a hole.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Short friends make the best friends! And you don't need to label anything, you can be who you want to be and like who you want to like! :)

So if I want a cool title will I need to officially join Team Pink?

joined Feb 5, 2016

Thiaguinho-sama, perhaps you were talking to someone else, not her?

joined Feb 8, 2016

a hole is a hole.

a pole is a pole, whether
real or synthetic

Look, we made a haiku together.

joined May 11, 2012

yup, just go and choose in the list what you want to be in our ship.

sia ue
Yeah I'm sure it was her, it's so hard to believe? xD

Aaaw you're welcome, when in doubt you just need to ask and I'll remember you that you're really super fucking gay at heart, so go get some bitches.

Sometimes the hole is synthetic too, I never made haiku before. (T^T)

last edited at Mar 31, 2016 11:57PM

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