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Forum › Sayuri’s Little Sister Is An Angel discussion

joined Jun 12, 2015

Ah, It's finally here. This is the best Itou Hachi's ongoing yuri manga. Can't wait for vol 2, vol 3 and vol 4.

joined Dec 18, 2013

If you know if the sister is dead or not from reading raws

feel free to not mention if she is or not. Cause that'd be a annoying spoiler that would hijack the thread.

just wanted to nip that in the bud before it had a chance of starting

How long is the series?

joined Nov 19, 2014

Love Itou Hachi! Is it possible to get print copies of his/her/hamster work in the US, or have my google goggles failed me?

joined Feb 14, 2016

I think that you can get a digital copy of this specific one through pixiv, but I don't know what sort of support for international payments they have

Huh, looks like only a couple chapters are available digitally but they have links to Amazon here

last edited at Mar 22, 2016 12:45PM

joined Nov 19, 2014

I think that you can get a digital copy of this specific one through pixiv, but I don't know what sort of support for international payments they have

Thanks :) I should just open a Japanese bank account, I spend enough money over there lol

joined Mar 28, 2015

Maybe she's an Ikiryō, like Fuko in Clannad.

last edited at Mar 22, 2016 3:26PM

joined May 23, 2015

If you know if the sister is dead or not from reading raws

feel free to not mention if she is or not. Cause that'd be a annoying spoiler that would hijack the thread.

just wanted to nip that in the bud before it had a chance of starting

How long is the series?

3 volumes, 4th is scheduled to come out sometime this summer.

joined Jan 20, 2014

not sure i really care all that much for imoutochan. i like the thought of odaxsayuri a bit more lol

the reaction from oda when sayuri says she doesn't interact with men well was pretty cute. there's nothing more exciting and twitterpating than hearing a person you are interested in and expect to never see it go further than that with, show a possibility of actually being able to get together with them.

last edited at Mar 22, 2016 4:37PM

joined May 9, 2014

but the lil sister being dead or in coma state doesnt follow with how everyone can see her, even without her wings and halo. unless, ghost/spirit in this manga is visible to naked eye or everyone's got esp. no ?

joined Oct 30, 2015

So... The 1st chapter means that... Her little sister is dead and came back as an angel....? Anyways... KYAAAN~~! SO CUTE! OMG OMG! It's a sad thing that there's no Yuri-s3x >/////< I think it would've been cute.. BUT IT'S STILL SO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!!

last edited at Mar 22, 2016 7:15PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

I don't even like incest but if it's Itou Hachi I will enjoy!

joined Feb 14, 2016

Compared to most Itou Hachi manga series, this is practically downright ero, which is a little weird given the relationship in question. Interested to see where it's going from here, though.

joined Mar 28, 2015

but the lil sister being dead or in coma state doesnt follow with how everyone can see her, even without her wings and halo. unless, ghost/spirit in this manga is visible to naked eye or everyone's got esp. no ?

Japanese mythology provides an explanation : Ikiryō

If you watched Clannad, there's an example of it in it. The character Fuko is actually in a coma in the hospital, but her spirit goes to school. Some people can see her as a normal schoogirl, while others don't notice her. Only her actual sister can't see her at all, because she knows for a fact she's in the hospital. As her condition degrades in her coma, people progressively forget about the Fuko at school. The MCs are the last ones to remember her.

So, I expect future drama about the condition of the sister.

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 8:00AM

joined Oct 30, 2015

I hope it will not end up like Honey Crush. If I am not mistaken about the title...

joined Oct 30, 2015

I like the it so far

joined May 9, 2014

thanks for the explanation Nya-chan :D

joined Aug 11, 2014

If it's just something on the level of "everyone has cat ears in this world and also same-sex marriage with children is totally normal" then I don't really mind Itou Hachi not making a big deal out of it and focusing on the fuzzies. This seems a bit different, though? More than anything else, the plot point that's been most prominent and central to everything else is Sayuri's low self-esteem. That's fine, I'm totally on board with an Itou Hachi manga with a little more meat to it, but if this is supposed to be an actual story, then I kinda need characters to react to estranged family members suddenly turning up as literal angels, with wings and a halo and everything.

This is apparently not a regular everyday occurence in this setting, so why are all the characters acting as if it is? How do you live with someone for several months without ever asking, "So hey, what's up with the whole angel thing, anyway?" Oda, I can give it a pass, she might think that the angel stuff is just really committed cosplay, or something. But this is Sayuri's sister, and she's so utterly incurious about it that it's distracting. At least have a scene where she starts to ask about it, and then it gets so awkward and hard to talk about that she changes the subject and is scared to bring it up again. At that point, it doesn't matter what you do with it later - whether it really is super serious and tragic, or difficult to talk about, or if it's played completely for laughs and the dark atmosphere was a red herring. Anything works, as long as you actually show the characters thinking about it more than "Jeeeeez Mikoto your magical angel wings are too warm at night, having your supernatural non-human appendages wrapping around me is exactly similar to having an extra mundane everyday blanket and nothing stranger or more interesting than that".

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 1:11PM

joined May 23, 2015

Sayuri is extremely reserved and so probably doesn't have the courage to ask for details, nor can she figure out a good way to broach the subject, especially when Mikoto kind of skirts the issue, which would obviously give Sayuri the impression it's a taboo subject that Mikoto doesn't want to talk about.

Sayuri is also constantly expressing doubts about their relationship, and things are quite awkward between them, so she doesn't want to press things.

Finally, I'm not even sure she fully accepts the situation. Some part of her is probably still telling her it's just an illusion, or is in her head or such.

On a completely unrelated side note, volume 2 contains one of the more interesting character story arcs I've seen, particularly in a yuri series.

joined May 15, 2014

when i read that i hissed as my screen...

joined Aug 16, 2015

Now that I think about it, I find pretty weird how when a manga character that obviously looks like a guy is revealed to actually be a girl, they suddenly seem cute to me. Yamanko is a pretty good example of that. I wonder if I'm just very shallow...

joined Jun 26, 2013

You could tell that Oga-san was a girl before they really even revealed it, if you paid close enough attention. Male cheek and jaw bones are drawn differently. In some stories though, I feel as though they make the men more feminine in hopes that it won't draw as much negative attention (for this IS yuri and men are typically shunned).

joined Aug 16, 2015

Eh. I don't know how obvious it was for you, but looking at this page, I wasn't really expecting a girl. But then again, Itou Hachi makes all his characters so fluffy and cute, it's kinda hard to tell apart a tomboyish girl and a good-looking guy.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Eh. I don't know how obvious it was for you, but looking at this page, I wasn't really expecting a girl. But then again, Itou Hachi makes all his characters so fluffy and cute, it's kinda hard to tell apart a tomboyish girl and a good-looking guy.

Actually that looks like a girl to me, but I was expecting her to be much older, like in her mid-20s.

joined Aug 16, 2015

I guess I need glasses, then. I actually kinda need glasses but broke mine a few years back by sitting on them...
Maybe the fact that I - as a guy - have the same haircut and wear very similar clothes made me relate or something silly like that. Nevermind, I guess.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What I am having trouble seeing is Sayuri having any romantic attraction to her sister. All we've seen is her freaking out a lot, and what, one panel with a reaction that could be taken that way if you wore six pairs of goggles all turned up past 11? She's shown a lot more reaction to Oga-san, and even then not very much.

It works as a light comedy (so far) involving the recipient of a one-sided crush, but I'm still waiting for the yuri bits. Fortunately the characters are likeable so it's worth reading either way.

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