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joined Feb 23, 2014

Why did we just spend two chapters on characters we dont care about?

joined Sep 11, 2014

If the manga said that it's about the love story of the girls of Shiroyuri Gakuen (not promoting just the main pairing like Virgin's Empire), then I would've enjoyed this much, much more. Sadly, it's not.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I wish the author would devote the same care she has to develop the saide characters into developing the main couple.

joined May 9, 2013

Like, I can kind of understand the frustration with giving a lot of attention to side characters as opposed to focusing almost exclusively on the main couple, but they did just introduce a pretty standard plot trigger with this recent one. Not only is there a (completely ineffectual, but she obsessives over things so it doesn't really matter) threat to Shiramine, but they're all going to a festival together.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Personally, I've kind of come to terms with it. Once you see this manga as an ensemble story rather than just the main couple's story, it becomes more enjoyable I think. As for Kaoru, as Lifecharacter said I think the author introduced her for a reason… her having a crush on Yurine will inevitably have some influence on future events. I hope.

Still, if volume 5 doesn't go back on Ayaka and Yurine − especially Ayaka −, I may start to lose patience too…

If the manga said that it's about the love story of the girls of Seiran Gakuen

Actually, the first cover − as well as the brief descriptions on the author's Twitter and other official material − says exactly that. >.>

What misled people and sites like Mangaupdates is that the first couple of chapters were focused on Ayaka and Yurine. But Canno never said they would be the sole focus.

The problem is more that they seem to switch the focus randomly. Like, in volume 4 we have 2 chapters about Mizuki and Moe (16 and 17), 2 chaps to introduce Kaoru (18 and 19), and chap 20 wraps up Mizuki and Moe's arc… It's a bit all over the place.

last edited at Feb 5, 2016 4:53PM

joined Sep 11, 2014

If the manga said that it's about the love story of the girls of Seiran Gakuen

Actually, the first cover − as well as the brief descriptions on the author's Twitter and other official material − says exactly that. >.>

Either I didn't notice, or I completely forgot about it. Still, if manga focuses on the love story of the characters that appeared on that page, then I wouldn't really mind. But then it introduces more characters. Linked to the main couple, yes, but they aren't really necessary in my opinion.

The problem is more that they seem to switch the focus randomly. Like, in volume 4 we have 2 chapters about Mizuki and Moe (16 and 17), 2 chaps to introduce Kaoru (18 and 19), and chap 20 wraps up... It's a bit all over the place.

This is the main problem with me. The reason it's jumping, I think, is so that the readers didn't forget the couples amidst the large cast. Though I prefer it to be concluded in a row of chapters. Less confusion that way.

Edit: I suggest changing the series description as to not mislead new readers into thinking this is a love story between Yurine & Ayaka.

last edited at Feb 6, 2016 1:22AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

It'd probably work better, yeah… Now about the characters, the only ones who don't really feel "necessary" are Chiharu and Izumi, really (and I do like those two, mind you). MizuMoe, TowaYuki, and even Ai all served Yurine's development to an extent. Mizuki also serves as a necessary non-romantic interaction for Ayaka… and now Kaoru may play a role too.

For that matter, was I the only one to think "ouch" when Mizuki casually pointed out that Ayaka didn't have any real friend in chap 18?

(oh, and some pretty Twitter pic, just passing )

last edited at Feb 5, 2016 6:08PM

joined Nov 16, 2015

YES! The new chapter came out when I finished everything yesterday! how CONVENIENT.....

joined Dec 27, 2015

I guess I'm agreeing with everyone that finds the ever expanding cast of characters to be a bit annoying, I get tired of trying to remember and catalog all the players in this story, how they relate to each other and so on. It's nice to expand your stories universe. But I really just want to see the MCs life and interaction.

last edited at Feb 5, 2016 8:59PM

joined Oct 21, 2015

Did the author just pull 3 new characters out of their ass? I have nothing against side couple development, but did these 3 even have any "screen-time" before these latest chapters.

I guess my main issue here is that I don't know who they are and why they are here. So far nothing happened of any significance. Its like the stupid fillers in great anime series. Maybe worst, at least those have some, and I use this word sparingly, comedic effect.

I want character development about people I have already been introduced to.

But now that the author has brought them in, maybe there will be more to their story. Make me like them, because right now, i am pretty apathetic.

joined May 17, 2015

It's sad how the first few chapters of this were so brilliant, and the rest of them keep spiraling off on uninteresting new character tangents.

If all the new characters were as interesting or compelling as the supposed main characters, then it might be a fun thing, like a big box of mystery chocolates. But these side characters really don't have anything interesting to do or to say.

joined Sep 11, 2014

It's sad how the first few chapters of this were so brilliant, and the rest of them keep spiraling off on uninteresting new character tangents.

If all the new characters were as interesting or compelling as the supposed main characters, then it might be a fun thing, like a big box of mystery chocolates. But these side characters really don't have anything interesting to do or to say.

Funny thing is, I think MizuMoe should be the main couple since their relationship & character was the most developed amongst all the couples so far. KuroShira is the dullest, just spewing laughs instead of drama/ development.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Thor posted:

If all the new characters were as interesting or compelling as the supposed main characters, then it might be a fun thing, like a big box of mystery chocolates. But these side characters really don't have anything interesting to do or to say.

I think is because before they have time to shine,BOOM more characters appears, we don't have much character development because we're always starting from 0... Only the runner sister was given proper treatment by the author (I would like to think that, I can't remember their names because they're so many... but... I'm just bad with names in general). This manga feels like a series of one shots, I understood this before and I still enjoy it like it is.

What worries me, is that if this author keeps adding more characters, by the time this series come to an end, she or he will be able to properly finish each sub developments?

last edited at Feb 5, 2016 11:26PM

joined Aug 29, 2013

I'm fine with the two pairs: hard worker girl x genius girl, track team girls. And they have decent connection, with the two black hair girls being relatives. But the rest are pretty forgettable. They don't even have memorable names. When will the author get back to our MCs?

joined Apr 4, 2012

Meh, it's like watching those long ass anime series with a shit ton of fillers again. Except, this is worse.

joined Aug 19, 2012

Meh, it's like watching those long ass anime series with a shit ton of fillers again. Except, this is worse.

It's not too bad. I started treating everything in this work as if they are standalone one shots and the chapters end up being enjoyable.

I'm actually liking a few of the side characters too. Actually rooting for Machida if you just pretend ayaka doesn't exist

last edited at Feb 6, 2016 2:59AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

The completely opposite opinions people have on this series' structure and characters will never cease to amuse me. X)

On one side you have those who want Canno to stop with the side couples already and focus on the two protags; on the other you have those who don't care about the two protags and prefer the side couples.

…And those like me who like all the couples but would like to see more of the main one, I guess…

joined Jan 18, 2016

New chapters, great! Nice back story! And kurosawa, lucky bastard!

joined Oct 12, 2013

For that matter, was I the only one to think "ouch" when Mizuki casually pointed out that Ayaka didn't have any real friend in chap 18?

No, I definitely winced. And then sighed at how everything is always about Yurine, again.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Chapter 18:
P10 "Could [I] have become her best friend...?"
P18 "I haven't changed at all, have I[?]"
Is the scan team miammiam responsible for all the chapters?
I clicked on the link to their homepage, and to my surprise it's a french scan team, like the entire page is in french
I wonder if they did both the english anmd french chapters, it's pretty impressive

last edited at Feb 6, 2016 5:24PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

MMT is a French team, yes. Exceptionally, I translate AnoKiss in both French and English.

Unfortunately, for the English chaps I'm often forced to proofread myself, which is not optimal. So if anyone wants to propose their help for that, they are very welcome. >.>

last edited at Feb 6, 2016 7:25PM

joined Mar 22, 2015

(oh, and some pretty Twitter pic, just passing )


Awww man, well, I'm on the boat with wishing Mizu/Moe and Aya/Yuri were the main couples. I feel like they definitely have the best chemistry. The other "couples" don't really feel like couples at all. It's been a while since I read any of their stories (just not interesting enough) so I could be wrong, but it felt a lot more like especially good straight girl friendships?

joined Sep 21, 2014

MMT is a French team, yes. Exceptionally, I translate AnoKiss in both French and English.

Unfortunately, for the English chaps I'm often forced to proofread myself, which is not optimal. So if anyone wants to propose their help for that, they are very welcome. >.>

OH maaannn that's really cooool :OO (to think that the same scan team/translator provides the basis for the releases in both languages)
It must be so hard/time consuming!
I've recently started to proofread stuff actually, and when not stressed for school work, it's quite fun
GImme a head's up if, well, si jamais t'aurais besoin d'un coup de main :D
Ah, mais aussi, juste pour savoir. Si c'est un groupe français, pourquoi le traduis-tu aussi en anglais?
Est-ce que le groupe s'occupe généralement aussi de la traduction anglaise?

joined Apr 17, 2015

The other "couples" don't really feel like couples at all. It's been a while since I read any of their stories (just not interesting enough) so I could be wrong, but it felt a lot more like especially good straight girl friendships?

I agree for Chiharu and Izumi, who feel more like a boke-tsukkomi duo (that's why the second Drama CD felt… off to me). As for Towako and Yukina, I think Towako's romantic feelings were initially one-sided, but Yukina ended up accepting them so, yeah.

Ah, mais aussi, juste pour savoir. Si c'est un groupe français, pourquoi le traduis-tu aussi en anglais?
Est-ce que le groupe s'occupe généralement aussi de la traduction anglaise?

Un caprice ? Au départ je pensais seulement traduire le premier chapitre en anglais, puis on m'a appris que Kawai Scans le faisait déjà. Sauf qu'ils ont pas sorti de chapitre depuis des lustres, donc, beh, j'ai continué. Re-traduire en anglais va assez vite en fait, vu que j'ai déjà l'essentiel de la traduction en tête.

If you're good enough in English, I'll gladly ask you for help. :þ I'm gonna do Chapter 20 today.

joined Sep 11, 2014

If you're good enough in English, I'll gladly ask you for help. :þ I'm gonna do Chapter 20 today.

The one that closes on our track team girls? I do sincerely hope it ended on a good note since they are the only pairing that I find tolerable.

Btw from the cover page that you sent me via link I've just notices that the whole manga was akin to a huge play (at least that's the way I see it), thus the jumping around from couples from couples is like changing scenes in the play, which might explains why the cast are linked to each other, one way or another (also, ch. 18's front page shows another "actress" stepping into the stage). Still doesn't explain why the "play" focuses more on the "supporting cast" rather than the "lead", but I now suspect that everything eventually leads up to a grand finale focusing on the "lead". Perhaps like a time skip that shows the couples in their future lives. In the end, it's all just my theory, though if it proves to be true then I guess this manga might not be as bad I as expected.

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