Actually I've worked for many companies where co-workers date or even get married. it's pretty common in the west.
Same here, but almost none of the ones I worked for would accept it if the two are part of the same team, or even worse, one is reporting to the other. In that case it would be required that one of the two moves into a different position. Not informing HR of such a potential conflict of issue would usually be grounds for dismissal.
Thinking about that, it's felts weird. Sometimes looks like the companies are our owners instead of our employers.
Anyways, cute story. Adult yuri is so great!
well that got dark lol but a really interesting take. i wouldn't be surprised if your theory was rooted in a bit of truth. i mean really if you think about it "you cant do this or that and if you do i have grounds to not pay you" sounds a bit like blackmail? or a threat? a means to keep people in this system of debt. and if you don't fall in line with that system? no money. now you cant buy food(energy), water, or shelter. the 3 necessities for survival of all living things on this earth. and we have to work for it and pay for it... we are the only animals on the planet that have to pay to live... how f'd is that? that's literally enslavement..
Anyways, cute story. Adult yuri is so great!