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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Like my thoughts put into a comic strip

To be fair, a hell of a lot of people don't know what a wendigo is, and assume it's kinda like the native version of a werewolf/

joined Nov 29, 2014

I really like her aswell. I mean she IS a total bitch but compared to the others she doesn't come to many bullsh*t conclusions like thinking a bite will turn you into a Wendigo? Seriously where did that come from.

Well, I just assumed because apparently everybody fucking hated Em to the point where they just shot her with Mike. I was so on her side in that scene, bitch slap included.
And yeah, that scene was part of why Sam was my favorite character (from the like, actual people. Creepy Analyst was still the best, hallucination or not.)

Also I ship Matt and Jessica WAY more though sadly there doesn't seem to be an ending where Jessica appreciates being saved by him.

Those two were my least favorite characters so I didn't really care. Only ones I shipped were Chris and Ashley, and that only because I wanted Chris to be happy.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015
joined Jan 12, 2014

To be fair, a hell of a lot of people don't know what a wendigo is, and assume it's kinda like the native version of a werewolf/

I always thought the Wendigo was famous because my granny always told me lots of stories about it. So it was kinda strange feeling fo me^^'

Those two were my least favorite characters so I didn't really care. Only ones I shipped were Chris and Ashley, and that only because I wanted Chris to be happy.

On my first (blind) playthrough Ashley killed Chris because of me being stupid so I hated Ashley for a while. I think I kinda got to like her more on my second playthrough. And well Sam was always this dense main char who doesn't notice when others are in love with her for me...Which I liked so she comes in second after Em xD

joined Nov 29, 2014

And well Sam was always this dense main char who doesn't notice when others are in love with her for me...Which I liked so she comes in second after Em xD

Haha yeah, Josh was really subtle about it. :D I think for me Em is on 3, after Chris and before Mike. Mike is an asshole but he did some awesome stuff.
By the way, am I the only one who thinks that nothing happened between Mike and Em in that first scene? They apparently had a rough break up in the past and hugged. Why does everybody scream "cheating" just because of that?

Norainhere Staff
joined May 10, 2014

Wow my youtube sub box exploded with Cloud on smash reactions...and I skipped all of them...lol.
A couple nintendo direct news/release dates for convenience:
- FExSMT release date on Jap: 26/12/2015
- FE: Fates release date: 16/2/2016 updated website
- Starfox Zero release date: 22/4/2016
- Hyrule Warriors 3ds release date: 25/3/2016
- Pokken release date on Jap: 18/3/2016
- FF Explorers release date: 26/1/2016
- DQuest 7-8 are coming to the west.
and other stuff...like Twilight princess HD and Linkle...wait that's her name?.

Game: P3P Pairing: Aegis x FeMc pocky kiss late Link: pixiv
Back. I'm changing the pic of the day from when I'm available to random.

joined Jan 12, 2014

Wow my youtube sub box exploded with Cloud on smash reactions...and I skipped all of them...lol.
A couple nintendo direct news/release dates for convenience:
- FExSMT release date on Jap: 26/12/2015
- FE: Fates release date: 16/2/2016 updated website
- Starfox Zero release date: 22/4/2016
- Hyrule Warriors 3ds release date: 25/3/2016
- Pokken release date on Jap: 18/3/2016
- FF Explorers release date: 26/1/2016
- DQuest 7-8 are coming to the west.
and other stuff...like Twilight princess HD and Linkle...wait that's her name?.

Game: P3P Pairing: Aegis x FeMc pocky kiss late Link: pixiv
Back. I'm changing the pic of the day from when I'm available to random.

Yup it's Rinku...I mean Linkle <_< Here hoping we can choose between her and Link as a main in future installments <3 I was more hyped to hear that there will be another Smash related direct in December <3 Or rather Everything was so amazing I was like on cloud 9 and above!!!

By the way, am I the only one who thinks that nothing happened between Mike and Em in that first scene? They apparently had a rough break up in the past and hugged. Why does everybody scream "cheating" just because of that?

I guess many people don't know how it's like to stay friends with people after a break-up^^'

last edited at Nov 13, 2015 3:18AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

After a year of Plague of Gripes lets play of Dark Souls, it finally ends. He does a recap of sorts, revisiting the memorable characters and explaining their stories.

Worth the watch, he goes overly indepth on everything through the entire lets play

joined May 10, 2014

Downloaded the Xenoblade thingy...15 gigs lol....now we wait........zzzz

Yup it's Rinku...I mean Linkle <_< Here hoping we can choose between her and Link as a main in future installments <3

Haha I googled her after my post and it makes more sense in Japanese...as usual. I hope so too, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

and other stuff...like Twilight princess HD and Linkle...wait that's her name?.

Yup it's Rinku...I mean Linkle <_< Here hoping we can choose between her and Link as a main in future installments <3 I was more hyped to hear that there will be another Smash related direct in December <3 Or rather Everything was so amazing I was like on cloud 9 and above!!!

Yeah, seriously. A year in character design, and 30 seconds figuring out what to name her.

Although to be perfectly honest her outfit does have a sort of "first time dressing myself" quality about it. Very Final Fantasy-ish in that sense.

joined May 10, 2014

It seems the localized version of Xenoblade X won't be have dual audio, Lin got censored a little and they also removed the option to change the female main characters' bust size on character creation...well there goes my "flat is justice" play through...sh*t...but seriously that is so...weird.

joined Oct 15, 2013

goddam Undertale and its awesome music.
This boss theme yo
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS, specially the comments section.

last edited at Nov 14, 2015 10:18AM

joined Jan 17, 2014

goddam Undertale and its awesome music.
This boss theme yo
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS, specially the comments section.

The timing is probably the best part for ALL of the tracks, I don't listen to Bergentrückung without the intro

Twilight is shining through the barrier. You feel your journey coming to an end. You feel yourself being filled with DETERMINATION

joined Oct 15, 2013

I don't listen to Bergentrückung without the intro


joined Jan 17, 2014

Yes, not the same without it

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Ok seriously. Why 99% of opponents in ranked play mage, warrior or paladin? I hate mirror matches, warrior is boring and lame as hell and paladin is annoying with his perma spam. Whenever I got something different I win pretty easy though...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ok seriously. Why 99% of opponents in ranked play mage, warrior or paladin? I hate mirror matches, warrior is boring and lame as hell and paladin is annoying with his perma spam. Whenever I got something different I win pretty easy though...

Secret Paladin seems to be the win button for the moment, although hopefully that'll get displaced by the time the current event is finished.

joined Nov 29, 2014

^Sounds like Hearthstone? Haven't played for a while, is Fatique warrior still a thing? I played Control warrior so games always took forever when I play against Fatique. I'm guessing the other decks are Mech Mage and Secret or Silverhand Paladin? As mage, you should be able to deal pretty well with Silverhand Paladin, though.

What rank are you on?

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015


Secret Paladin seems to be the win button for the moment, although hopefully that'll get displaced by the time the current event is finished.

Secret are annoying but what really draws me crazy is all of them play for that murloc rush. Murloc Knight is just too strong to not use it, so it become only available strategy. It is really sad that they release more and more cards that are just must have in decks and nothing is better compare to them. It really kills diversity of cards ;/


^Sounds like Hearthstone?


Haven't played for a while, is Fatique warrior still a thing?

Yup... 9 out of 10 Warriors while just armor up and save all cards for end game while killing everything with spells and weapons. It takes forever, is boring and there is little chance you will win anyway.

Mech Mage and Secret or Silverhand Paladin?

Didn't see Mech Mage in long time. It is just Mage with different cards, but still same spells.

As mage, you should be able to deal pretty well with Silverhand Paladin, though.

Yea, I have a lot of clear, but still when they just recover after I clear them like third time and they like to heal themselves a lot too...

What rank are you on?

18-17. I got 16 once. My mine issue is just that I don't have strong cards. Most legendaries I got are not very good. I use deck with stacking spell damage and do quite well with clearing board on regular basic and can hold for quite a bit, but I just lack good cards for late game. I just disenchanted all cards I won't be using anyway, to get Ragnaros to have something... There was probably better choice, but from few games I had against him, this card is really broken in some scenarios.

last edited at Nov 14, 2015 12:42PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

Ragnaros is definitely a very strong card and your deck sounds like a control deck, so it should fit pretty well but if you don't have Alexstrasza and Antonidas, control mage won't take you very far. Weirdly enough, stacking spell damage is not that strong on mage decks because you'll use most of the spells for clearing end end up lacking damage to finish off the enemy, Alexstraza control or Rush Decks work better.
Doomsayer and the AoE freeze cards are a very strong combination for clearing, if you don't have those in your deck yet.

You best bet for a low cost competitive deck is Face Hunter, even if you won't have Mad Scientist without the Naxx adventure. You probably can make rank 10 work with that for like 1000 - 1500 dust.

And yeah, fatique warrior is so annoying to play against, even with a late game oriented deck like mine. I got to as much as 7 fatique damage from not having any cards left while playing against them. Still won.

last edited at Nov 14, 2015 1:03PM

joined May 28, 2013

So Fallout 4... I've been playing it a lot, and I enjoy it, but it feels incomplete. There's also a couple very frustrating bugs. I'm enjoying the story and there's lots to do, the world doesn't feel empty. But I think a bit more time in development would've gone a long way. It's not like Skyrim where the bugs can be brushed off.

last edited at Nov 14, 2015 1:04PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

There's also a couple very frustrating bugs.

Well, it is a Bethesda open world game...

It's not like Skyrim where the bugs can be brushed off.

Like the one where the first dragon you fight doesn't give you his soul and you can't advance the story? Or the one where one of the dungeons just locks you in and you can't get out? The only reason you can brush off Skyrim bugs is the console and Fallout has that too.

last edited at Nov 14, 2015 1:09PM

joined Jan 17, 2014

it's part of the Bethesda Day 1 experience

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