Forum › Valkyrie Drive, New Multimedia Project by Senran Kagura's Creator

joined Dec 16, 2013

all those girls fawning for that trap.....tch.

joined Dec 9, 2014

all those girls fawning for that trap.....tch.

What trap? You mean the only male is not a male? xD I guess the girls want a male to swoon over, so it's more easy to believe it because they want to lol.
Apparently, in animes like this, it's usually only females that can be infected with these viruses. Males can't, so I'm curius about what excuse she used to be there on the first place as a male. Maybe she is there to run things/ supervise the island, but I guess she is working on something else behind their backs, most probably.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Aside from the already obvious fact of pervertedness that is this show. It actually isn't bad. And it looks like they are taking their time to actually set virgins and blonde girl's relationship (which I like). The characters aren't annoying and even the main villen is likable in her own twisted way. The only characters I don't like are the two that we met in the begging that attacked virgin. I don't know I feel like they serve no purpess aside the being a failure and useless character that give fanservice (maybe later on they will get some character development who know.)
Another thing I like about the show is the opening and ending I find it funny how no one has said anything about it lol. The opening song is pretty kick ass and kind of reminds me of several other amines that I liked in the past lol.
Not bad for it being a show of fan service oriented lol

joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Oct 15, 2013

Aside from the already obvious fact of pervertedness that is this show. It actually isn't bad. And it looks like they are taking their time to actually set virgins and blonde girl's relationship (which I like). The characters aren't annoying and even the main villen is likable in her own twisted way. The only characters I don't like are the two that we met in the begging that attacked virgin. I don't know I feel like they serve no purpess aside the being a failure and useless character that give fanservice (maybe later on they will get some character development who know.)
Another thing I like about the show is the opening and ending I find it funny how no one has said anything about it lol. The opening song is pretty kick ass and kind of reminds me of several other amines that I liked in the past lol.
Not bad for it being a show of fan service oriented lol

the "perverted anime has no plot" thing may be accurate in many cases. But contrary to ppl claiming its just fanservice or those who just do the jokes, this show has an actual plot. It's not bad, but its not great, it sticks along the safe lines and carries the show along. The only thing that makes it stand out is that it has yuri that isn't ONLY shallow fanservice.

And fuck those ppl who would go and tell others to watch hentai instead, don't they know that there is barely any yuri hentai, and even less animated so well! >:O

joined Jan 30, 2013

Aside from the already obvious fact of pervertedness that is this show. It actually isn't bad. And it looks like they are taking their time to actually set virgins and blonde girl's relationship (which I like). The characters aren't annoying and even the main villen is likable in her own twisted way. The only characters I don't like are the two that we met in the begging that attacked virgin. I don't know I feel like they serve no purpess aside the being a failure and useless character that give fanservice (maybe later on they will get some character development who know.)
Another thing I like about the show is the opening and ending I find it funny how no one has said anything about it lol. The opening song is pretty kick ass and kind of reminds me of several other amines that I liked in the past lol.
Not bad for it being a show of fan service oriented lol

the "perverted anime has no plot" thing may be accurate in many cases. But contrary to ppl claiming its just fanservice or those who just do the jokes, this show has an actual plot. It's not bad, but its not great, it sticks along the safe lines and carries the show along. The only thing that makes it stand out is that it has yuri that isn't ONLY shallow fanservice.

And fuck those ppl who would go and tell others to watch hentai instead, don't they know that there is barely any yuri hentai, and even less animated so well! >:O

I only let a few over the top perv anime into my list (witchblade being one of them) and yeah i agree with everything you have said as well. I think that so far this anime is really enjoyable and and honestly it does have a plot which is rare in a lot of these fan-service oriented animes. (hopefully we get to see even more well develop plot and more character development). Lets cross our fingers that it doesn't turn bad xD because so far it is good :)

joined Nov 29, 2014

For me, over the top fan service just makes it harder to take the anime serious. For example, you can tell the author of Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon really tries to make it a compelling story with tons of background information and stuff but all the breasts make the anime seem like 70% more stupid. Also people apparently like that faceless ninja dude? Fuck him. If you want people to take your story seriously then don't make it an ecchi, it just gets in the way. I don't get the appeal of ecchis in general.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

So far I honestly don't think there is that much fanservice. Sure some scenes are 100% only to show boobs etc. but most of them can be somewhat fit into the stories world, that it doesn't seem totally out of place.

I still stand by my word: Worst magical girl transformation ever.

I can somehow buy it that those transformations actually happen in split second and they are just shown for us in slowmotion, but I can't buy ultra fast sex xD Unless they actually prefer to watch than stop them x3"

last edited at Oct 25, 2015 11:12PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

I can somehow buy it that those transformations actually happen in split second and they are just shown for us in slowmotion, but I can't buy ultra fast sex xD Unless they actually prefer to watch than stop them x3"

My first anime was Dragon Ball so I got over stuff like that before I even noticed it.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Guess I am lucky, because to me fanservice is not a detriment, I am "immune" to it I guess. My problem with fanservice is when an anime consists of only or is blatantly a vessel for fanservice... when its like that I feel like I am watching nothing for 23minutes of episode, it might as well be a blank screen all throughout.

Initially, at the early time when it was announced, I had the fear that the show was gonna be that. Thankfully it isn't.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So far I honestly don't think there is that much fanservice. Sure some scenes are 100% only to show boobs etc. but most of them can be somewhat fit into the stories world, that it doesn't seem totally out of place.

I still stand by my word: Worst magical girl transformation ever.

I can somehow buy it that those transformations actually happen in split second and they are just shown for us in slowmotion, but I can't buy ultra fast sex xD Unless they actually prefer to watch than stop them x3"

Main character powers it seems. Charlotte uses a pimpmobile to get ready to fight after all.

joined May 10, 2014

Those are adorable, now someone needs to typeset them xD

Done. no one else has done it right?
I messed up the background a little...I was probably distracted by the fact that I finally learned how to rotate text on this program, I also changed a couple words for...some reason. you can tell I haven't done this in a while...I should sleep

last edited at Oct 26, 2015 5:01AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Those are adorable, now someone needs to typeset them xD

Done. no one else has done it right?
I messed up the background a little...I was probably distracted by the fact that I finally learned how to rotate text on this program, I also changed a couple words for...some reason. you can tell I haven't done this in a while...I should sleep

its fine, its fiiine.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Those are adorable, now someone needs to typeset them xD

Done. no one else has done it right?
I messed up the background a little...I was probably distracted by the fact that I finally learned how to rotate text on this program, I also changed a couple words for...some reason. you can tell I haven't done this in a while...I should sleep

Great job, thanks!

I finally have access to a decent computer so my impressions on episode 3

The series keeps the momentum by mixing action with plot exposition. We finally know more about the life in Mermaid just like we get to know a little more about out current adversaries. Charlotte is essentially just a huge bully that just loves to flaunt her power while Kasumi is a pretty level headed and sympathetic woman whom only fault is to being loyal to a (possible) faulty system.

Mei Fong proves herself to be a very interesting and rounded support character while Torino fits the team mom role perfectly. Lady Lady are our very sexy wildcards while Mamori and Mirei keep being adorable. Is fantastic the way their relationship is developing and I'll be real sad if we don't get some honest to god cuddling between them at some point in the series. I mean, Mirei's utterly smitten with Mamori.

As long the series continues to keep the quality set by these three chapters I believe we'll have a masterpiece on our hands.

joined Mar 25, 2013

Thanks @Rye :] I avoided this thread until Commie's subs came out xD I may be wrong but Kasumi could be helping the 'resistance' behind the scenes since she seems to know that Mei Fong was the one stealing the provisions.

So Akira is the only male huh? So was the VA for Mamori wrong to say there are not any major male characters? He does have a bust so, could be a trap. The next episode is gonna be about him so. Charlotte so far is that villain you love to hate.

Kasumi though is a bad-ass, I really hope she turns out to be one of the good guys in the end. I'm also a bit curious about the 'Zero Arm', could she be a hybrid? Also do we know how hybrids work? Could be that she's 'wielding' herself but kind of like uses the power to strengthen herself. I don't know, she's probably my favorite after Mamori/Mirei.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I saw some drawings from the manga. Anyone knows when it comes out, or where can we read it?
Also regarding the fanservice. Yes I agree with OriginalGengar that it makes some people to not take the story for serious.
But since it seems that fanservice is a lot around in the world, and not just manga/anime I have come to a point of being able to ignore it If I find it too much. That being said, the plot and characters are so far very cool. I've tried to watch fanservice anime before, and I couldn't, because the plot was boring or too cliche. But somehow, this anime has captured my interest, so the fanservice does not ruin it. Although I think it's not that bad here anyway.
Mamori and Mirei actually seem to get things a little deeper, like the scene where Mamori was crying because she wanted to go home, and Mirei's eyes teared too.
Side characters also very cool too, and not just a decoy for more material. I honestly go fangirling everytime Lady J and Rein pop up. Their relationship seems so sensual and dark, it's very hard to not wait for them to show up in every episode. I really hope writers don't screw it up by giving them a ridiculous sex-transformation scene later, or making them evil

last edited at Oct 26, 2015 9:34PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Bonus points about MamoMire, Mamori dropped the honorifics this chapter.

Also, both Mamori/Mirei and Rain/Lady J have eye and hair colors reversed.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The newest radio show has gone live and this is what they discussed

In this week radio they confirmed that the BDs will have audio commentary by director Kaneko. And that the BDs will be uncensored just like the AT-X version. They said that ep 3 will also have Mamori's VA audio commentary.

They start by looking back on ep 3 story. Izawa was touched by the scene where Mamori cried for her parents and she said she cried when she first read the scenario. They talked about the difficulty of properly conveying the emotion in that scene. Both Iguchi and Izawa really like that scene. They also joked about how bright the censorship was.

In mail corner someone asked them about which character they like. Iguchi said she like Seto Asami, aka, Charlotte. Izawa also like Charlotte by second episode, she said Charlotte is like someone they just can't hate. Izawa said she likes Charlotte mouth. She said her mouth is cute like hamster's mouth.

Actually before answering that question they said something about Lady Lady kissing Mirei in ep 3 and Mirei will show her frustrated face and looking more girly or something. I think they mistake the episode number because I sure didn't remember seeing Lady Lady kissing anyone. They could be talking about a scene in ep 4. Can't really blame them for misremembering though, theres 5 months gap between the episode recording and the radio.

Second mail asked them about the ending song recording. Iguchi record her part first. She said she recorded the part at the end where they talk really fast in one take. Izawa said she could go faster.

Third mail asked Izawa whether she have told her Mom and suggest to do it while being in high tension or while rapping. Izawa said she thought maybe she can get away without telling her Mom. Iguchi asked her if she's okay with it, with VD being her first protag role and all. Doesn't she want her Mom to watch how much Mamori have grown within 12 ep and hear her thought about it? Izawa just screams inaudibly as her response.

I have to wonder how hard is to tell your mom, you're being paid by pretending to have sex with other women :p

joined Mar 25, 2013

Actually before answering that question they said something about Lady Lady kissing Mirei in ep 3 and Mirei will show her frustrated face and looking more girly or something. I think they mistake the episode number because I sure didn't remember seeing Lady Lady kissing anyone. They could be talking about a scene in ep 4. Can't really blame them for misremembering though, theres 5 months gap between the episode recording and the radio.

It's probably for the next episode, yes. As for the reason, perhaps she wanted to see if she could take her for herself? I sure hope that Mirei is the only one who can stimulate her like that xD I certainly hope so at least.

joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 9, 2014

Actually before answering that question they said something about Lady Lady kissing Mirei in ep 3 and Mirei will show her frustrated face and looking more girly or something. I think they mistake the episode number because I sure didn't remember seeing Lady Lady kissing anyone. They could be talking about a scene in ep 4. Can't really blame them for misremembering though, theres 5 months gap between the episode recording and the radio.

It's probably for the next episode, yes. As for the reason, perhaps she wanted to see if she could take her for herself? I sure hope that Mirei is the only one who can stimulate her like that xD I certainly hope so at least.

No they said she kissed Mirei, not Mamori. Mirei is Liberator, so maybe she wants to train her or something.Tbh I want the lady duo to train each other, not others :P

Btw anyone knows why they call them Lady Lady? Are they high on the island's hyrarchy? Or are they married? xD

joined Mar 25, 2013

Oh. I misread that xD Oh well, we know there are hybrids so perhaps she was testing that?

As for why they call them like that, it's not explained. Probably the next episode is gonna reveal a bit of that since they finally showed up properly.

joined Mar 25, 2013

@Dark_Tzitzimine Do you have the radio shows saved? Or links to an .flv or .mp4 or something?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Here you can listen the latest one

Older ones just on NicoNico

joined Mar 25, 2013

Thanks, but I can't search through NicoNico xD

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