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joined Jun 7, 2015

I'm on team sumin. Her parents are dead, she's in some twisted ass relationship, and she literally got beat down. THE POOR GIRL DESERVES TO BE HAPPY. DAMNIT.

Although I am partial to a SuminxSungji ending. Sungji is a healer baby. You go girl. You go heal tf out of Sumin.

joined Dec 13, 2013

What are the chances of this ending well for all of them? hAHAHh.

Sumin was /really/ immature back then and her actions of course came with a bunch of consequences. She didn't know how to deal with her family's death. And to fill the hole in her heart, she tried to find someone to blame because of course that's easier to accept in cases like that. Part of the way of why Seju is like that right now (possessive af over her) is because Sumin herself. I think most of Seju's actual behavior is merely a reflection of Sumin's past actions.

But I bet that Sumin is not aware of that (or maybe she is? Because it really looks like they both know there's no /romantic love/ anymore but there's still /something/). The thing is that Sumin got someone to help her now and Seju didn't. While Sumin tried to heal herself over the years with going out with a bunch of woman, looks like Seju kept "waiting" because (in her mind) Sumin is the only one that can heal her, but that's not the same for Sumin.

Would be really great if they all sat down and discussed about their unresolved stuff and keep things clear so they both can move on, maybe? haHAhh. But this is a korean thing so i really don't expect a happy end.

joined Sep 27, 2015

Hi all! im new to the community and I created this account solely for the purpose of this freaking amazing manwha. I dont normally post things on forums, but this damn manwha is so damn good and confusing that I had to create one.

Ok so first off, its really hard for me to tell when its a flashback or the present. Like I see Sumin with Sunji and then it randomly goes to sumin and seju (I realize that those are flashbacks). But there are times where they start off the chapter with Sumin with a random girl or Senju. I cant tell if thats the present or the past. Can someone give me a brief summary of some of the chapters where its a flashback. You dont have to send me every single one but atleast some of the major ones if possible thanks!

Second, did senju have red hair in the past and then it turned to pink?

Third people keep saying that Sumin keeps going back to Senju, but from my first question, I cant tell when its the past or present when sumin and seju are together. So what chapters did Sumin come back to Senju? Like on chapter 27, I wasnt sure if she slept with multiple girls and then went back to Seju, while she was going out with Sunji.

Lastly, just to clarify, on chapter 27 it shows that she was beaten up, so does that mean that her scars were trying to be covered up by her getting a tatoo?

Thanks so much guys for reading my questions!

joined Aug 26, 2015

Seju wanted to help Sumin but Sumin keeps pushing her away, and not just that, she blames Seju for the death of her parents. “It’s your fault that my parents are dead” is not something easy to take especially when the one blaming you is the person dear to you, your girlfriend. Sumin’s behaviour made Seju feel insecure and afraid that Sumin was going to cut her off of her life, which explains her reaction when she saw Sumin not wearing the ring (Don’t know what that ring meant to them). It made her even more sure that Sumin was going to dump her. And then Seju made the biggest mistake in her entire life that she is still paying for until today. They broke up, Seju fell into depression, and Sumin was doing pretty well trying to move on. Everything was okay up til here. Shit started to hit the fan thanks that fucking guy, whoever he is (Seju’s dad’s right hand?). He made the situation between Sumin and Seju worse. I tried re-reading chapter 26 over and over again and the only thing Seju asked that guy to do was to leave and never come see her again. Never once did she ask him to do something to Sumin. That guy did what he did because he is probably obessed with Seju (?) and was angry at Sumin because she hurt his precious Seju (“I’m the one who gave her her name” statement shows that he has known Seju since she was born (?) ). And of course, Sumin blames Seju again for that, even when it’s not Seju’s doing. Everything bad happened to her because of Seju, maybe that’s how Sumin sees it, I’m not sure. After that horrible incident, Sumin started her revenge on Seju, she started going wild. Not after she broke up with Seju. So if there’s a person I would put the blame on for this messed up situation, It’s that mysterious guy.

I don;t know why some ppl say that Sumin and Seju didn't have love at all, but the fact showed that they were deeply in love before the cheating part. The way they cared of each other showed everything between them, and the only connection was love. Like you stated, Seju got into the cheating because of the worry that Sumin would leave her. Why would have she done that? Becasue she loves Sumin. Why on earth do you have to care about someone's behavior toward you that much if that person is nothing to you? About Sumin, it's the same thing. She didn't go out with other girls just because of revenging, but because she did love Seju so much that she couldnt stand the fact that she betrayed her. Also, she couldn't calm herself to look at Seju's cheating in a different way because she loved her so much that she just couldnt forgive Seju(of course the accident of her parent is a factor of this)-- I guess the cupid ( or our author here) just doesnt want to stand by Seju's side since every bad factors just come in at the same time.( also counts for that bastard, and I hope that he wasn't the one that slept with Seju since it's really mysterious that the author didn't reveal his face)

What I still don’t understand though is why did Sumin came back to Seju’s arms? At the hospital, she told Seju to just go and die. But sometime after her wounds healed, before she got that tattoo, she came back crawling to Seju, and was telling Seju about her recent break up?(Chapter 14 if I’m not mistaken) what made her come back? And it was shown that they were already on good terms with each other (?). but the timeline shown in chapter 27 kind of confused me, because I got the impression that Sumin only came back to Seju after she got the tattoo. But maybe the scene was not put together in order. I was also kind of wondering if Sumin would’ve still came back to Seju if that incident never happened.

I think the author somehow explained it a bit. She came back because she felt empty after taking on the revenge and having fun outside with other girls. I guess Sumin didnt chose to stay by Seju's side because she somehow still blames everything on Seju. You know that feeling when you're in bad moods and you feel angry with someone even though she hasn't done anything wrong to you. It maybe the same here except that Seju made it worse by doing an inappropriate thing at an inappropriate time. Sumin broke up to relive her anger and to not see the face she hated. She went out with other girls to show Seju that not only her can go out with others, and that she has the ability to find someone else other than just Seju. At the same time, she went out with them because she thought she would be fine even without Seju. However, things didnt go out the way she thought. No one could fulfill her heart or could replace that empty space inside her so that she came back to Seju.
From my point of view, I think Sumin keeps coming back to Seju because it's her habit, and we all know that hatbits arent' easy to change. They've been together for so long, and things in their life are tight up together. Whatever she does and whoever she's with keep reminding her of the times she was with Seju (maybe this is why the author keeps going back and forth between what Sumin's doing in the present and the past)

Anyway, at this point, I’ll pretty much settle for whoever Sumin ends up with whether it’s our precious Sungji or Seju. All I wish the author would do is to not just give Sumin a happy ending but to also save Seju from destruction. Although somehow I can see this story ending in tragedy, let’s just hope for a happy ending for all of them xD

I feel the same too. Seju should've been cleared with Sumin why she has done the cheating and waited (but not coming back to Sumin) for Sumin's reaction. Sumin did love Seju so she would understand and forgive her when time passed. However, Seju was so weak that she accepted Sumin's return as gift and a punishment. She hoped that Sumin would one day change while she's still with Sumin, but she started to realize that after the incident Sumin's love is gone. Coming back to her is now just Sumin's body and an empty flesh, but she's still hoping ( that part where she said " Sumin, sometimes it feels like you still love me"). She's been with Sumin but they still have not spitted out everything which's made a big distance between them. One keeps misunderstand and blaming, and the other one keeps hoping and begging for love and forgiveness. What I expect is for Seju to leave Sumin. Her leaving will not only makes Sumin know what she truly feels whether that Seju is still important or Sungji now can be the one in her heart, but it will also leave another chance for Seju to get over Sumin and begin a new life. It will hurt when she leaves, but time will help her heal as she may meet other people. If she keeps seeing and staying with Sumin then there is really no chance for her to move on. She would either do horrible things to herself to Sungji or even to Sumin ( you will never know what love would turn a person into), and this is where the sad ending will come into place.

last edited at Sep 27, 2015 5:39AM

joined Aug 13, 2014


You really should pay attention to every chapter you read. Do you read WDFS on Lezhin or somewhere else? :)
Past and memories are when flashlights are in black background.

Second, did senju have red hair in the past and then it turned to pink?

No, Seju never had red hair.

Third people keep saying that Sumin keeps going back to Senju, but from my first question, I cant tell when its the past or present when sumin and seju are together. So what chapters did Sumin come back to Senju? Like on chapter 27, I wasnt sure if she slept with multiple girls and then went back to Seju, while she was going out with Sunji.

White background - present. Black background - past.

Lastly, just to clarify, on chapter 27 it shows that she was beaten up, so does that mean that her scars were trying to be covered up by her getting a tatoo?

Yes, it seems like she made a tattoo to cover her scars.

joined Aug 13, 2014


Seriously..can you just do yourself a favor and read this thread?

joined Sep 27, 2015

What do you mean?

joined Aug 13, 2014


I mean all info about how to get ENG chapters are here - in this thread. There's 27 chapters so far, but it looks like you already know that.
(INFO: How to buy chapters page 1, how to get ENG translations after buying it Page 28).

joined Oct 16, 2014

People you can be on whatever team you like, Seju or Sungji it doesn't matter since no one is forcing you to like anyone :)


I think between Sumin and Seju there was a great love, and that both have been frustrated, to the point of ruin each other's lives.I will assess the heart of Sumin her next moves:
Seju to say clearly that has feelings for Sunji (?)She could not tell her for fear (Seju is the president of the company).
Also it resists the control her sexual impulses until Sunji not be ready?

Mmm...You think so? To me it looks like Sumin aren't scared of Seju at all (the way she is talking to her) + she have lots of money already so it's not like she's poor and gonna lose everyting :) Seju was already asking Sumin if she taken liking to Sungji (ch9) so I believe she'll tell her.
Yes, Sumin is going slowly with Sungji and not gonna do her a thing until she is ready.
Same here, I wonder if Sungji's parents are dead also, there still are lots of question to answer.

I did not mean that she was afraid for herself, but for the career Sunji, as are said when told to keep their relationship hidden...

joined Aug 13, 2014

I did not mean that she was afraid for herself, but for the career Sunji, as are said when told to keep their relationship hidden...

Oh right,I totally forgot Sumin asked to keep it a secret.

joined Sep 27, 2015

Hello girls i'm Alice! I'm becoming addicted to this manhwa, it's like having all my yuri fantasies in one story..i'm studying chinese but at this point I'm taking into consideration korean :') btw i'll be very disappointed if all the "seju using sunji to have sumin back" proves right, I truly hope that Sumin falls deeply in love with her...

joined Aug 13, 2014

Hi there Alice! Welcome aboard XD Good for you, good luck with your studies. Well it looks like your wish will come true since it looks like Sumin is already started to fall for Sungji little by little.

joined Sep 27, 2015

how long is this manwha going to be on hiatus?

joined Sep 27, 2015


You really should pay attention to every chapter you read. Do you read WDFS on Lezhin or somewhere else? :)
Past and memories are when flashlights are in black background.

Second, did senju have red hair in the past and then it turned to pink?

No, Seju never had red hair.

Third people keep saying that Sumin keeps going back to Senju, but from my first question, I cant tell when its the past or present when sumin and seju are together. So what chapters did Sumin come back to Senju? Like on chapter 27, I wasnt sure if she slept with multiple girls and then went back to Seju, while she was going out with Sunji.

White background - present. Black background - past.

Lastly, just to clarify, on chapter 27 it shows that she was beaten up, so does that mean that her scars were trying to be covered up by her getting a tatoo?

Yes, it seems like she made a tattoo to cover her scars.

OMG thank you!!! i reread the whole thing and everything makes sense to me now. At first I was on the Sunji ship, but now......I dont know what to think.....Sumin kept going back to Senju (which the first time i read, i assumed it was from the past no the present), even at that one part where Sumin was advancing on Sunji, but they stopped it. Then Sumin came and gave her a car, which i thought was from the past lol. Now everything makes sense to me. God I dont know who im rooting for anymore, Senju has such a messed up family and only has Sumin. But i want Sumin and Sunji to be together, while also having Senju be happy too.....God now i cant study for my midterms....

joined Jan 30, 2013

its official this is the best yuri manga I have ever read. I wish we would get more manga like this :0 I actually will be devastated when this manga ends :(. What will I do with my life then?

joined May 19, 2014

^It's a manhwa*. It's essential we clear out the difference between manga, which is from Japan and manhwa which is Korean so that people understand where it originated from.

On a different note, I just want Sumin to end up with both Sungji and Seju but not with the both of them at the same tine. I wish for both ends — an ending with Sumin and Seju and another end with Sumin and Sungji.

edit: alternative endings*

last edited at Sep 28, 2015 3:41AM

joined Aug 13, 2014


how long is this manwha going to be on hiatus?

1 month.

OMG thank you!!! i reread the whole thing and everything makes sense to me now. At first I was on the Sunji ship, but now......I dont know what to think.....Sumin kept going back to Senju (which the first time i read, i assumed it was from the past no the present), even at that one part where Sumin was advancing on Sunji, but they stopped it. Then Sumin came and gave her a car, which i thought was from the past lol. Now everything makes sense to me. God I dont know who im rooting for anymore, Senju has such a messed up family and only has Sumin. But i want Sumin and Sunji to be together, while also having Senju be happy too.....God now i cant study for my midterms....

You're welcome, yeah it's hard to choose between Seju/Sungji both of them are just too good. Seju gave Sumin a car :) Hahahaha! same here XD I just can't study, can't do anything I need this manhwa in my life again XD all I can do is re-read it once again every single day lol! But oh well amazing author like Gaji deserves some rest, I believe she'll get lots of new ideas with this manhwa while resting.


On a different note, I just want Sumin to end up with both Sungji and Seju but not with the both of them at the same tine. I wish for both ends — an ending with Sumin and Seju and another end with Sumin and Sungji.

I feel you on that one.

last edited at Sep 28, 2015 4:46AM

joined Sep 10, 2015

On a different note, I just want Sumin to end up with both Sungji and Seju but not with the both of them at the same tine. I wish for both ends — an ending with Sumin and Seju and another end with Sumin and Sungji.

edit: alternative endings*

THIS is what the world

joined Sep 27, 2015

^It's a manhwa*. It's essential we clear out the difference between manga, which is from Japan and manhwa which is Korean so that people understand where it originated from.

On a different note, I just want Sumin to end up with both Sungji and Seju but not with the both of them at the same tine. I wish for both ends — an ending with Sumin and Seju and another end with Sumin and Sungji.

edit: alternative endings*

I would really really love this. But I just cant see how Sumin can go back to Seju when the love isnt there anymore...I feel like Sumin has moved on from Seju, but I could be wrong. I hope theres another random girl that enters the story, so that I know that that girl is going to probably be with Seju lol.

joined Aug 13, 2014

I hope theres another random girl that enters the story, so that I know that that girl is going to probably be with Seju lol.

I would honestly dislike that, only Seju x Sumin, not other random girls.

joined Sep 27, 2015

I hope theres another random girl that enters the story, so that I know that that girl is going to probably be with Seju lol.

I would honestly dislike that, only Seju x Sumin, not other random girls.

Wait i feel my post was kinda misleading. I mean I want a new girl to enter Seju's life that can give her happines and a fresh start. Just like how Seju found Sungji. But I wouldnt mind having Seju x Sumin, even though I don't see how theres anyway they can get back together from everything that has happened so far. I dont know why but I have this really really bad feeling like one of the three is going to die, but I really hope im wrong on that and hopefully this wont turn into a trajedy.

joined Aug 13, 2014

Wait i feel my post was kinda misleading. I mean I want a new girl to enter Seju's life that can give her happines and a fresh start. Just like how Seju found Sungji. But I wouldnt mind having Seju x Sumin, even though I don't see how theres anyway they can get back together from everything that has happened so far. I dont know why but I have this really really bad feeling like one of the three is going to die, but I really hope im wrong on that and hopefully this wont turn into a trajedy.

Hahahaha Sumin found Sungji not Seju ;D I get what you are saying but I still don't want Seju to be with anybody else but Sumin +_+ When I start to imagine otherwise I can't. The story is Mature/Yuri there's no tragedy tag thank goodness, but you can never know. I'm selfish I want Sungji x Sumin x Seju. Seju being happy with someone else...eeekkk! I can't, they look just too perfect together +_+ lol!

joined Sep 27, 2015

I'm selfish I want Sungji x Sumin x Seju. Seju being happy with someone else...eeekkk! I can't, they look just too perfect together +_+ lol!

Im just gonna say it right now, if those three get together, then this will be the best manwha/manga I've ever read. Im a sucker for happy endings, I just cant live on if Seju or Sumin gets hurt in the end. I feel like the next chapter is really gonna tilt who I'm in favoring, Seju or Sungji. I really don't want Seju to go yandere mode, but I would understand if she did. God pls dont go crazy Seju plss

joined Feb 5, 2015

I guess the cupid ( or our author here) just doesnt want to stand by Seju's side since every bad factors just come in at the same time.( also counts for that bastard, and I hope that he wasn't the one that slept with Seju since it's really mysterious that the author didn't reveal his face)

I agree, both of them cares deeply for each other, but unfortunately unpleasant things happened and broke their relationship (which is sad ;;).Sometimes love just ain't enough to save a relationship. Haha yes, all the bad things happens one after the other at the most worst time possible. Don't worry, that guy who slept with Seju is not the same bastard that tortured Sumin. (I'm still curious who he is though)

I think the author somehow explained it a bit. She came back because she felt empty after taking on the revenge and having fun outside with other girls. I guess Sumin didnt chose to stay by Seju's side because she somehow still blames everything on Seju. You know that feeling when you're in bad moods and you feel angry with someone even though she hasn't done anything wrong to you. It maybe the same here except that Seju made it worse by doing an inappropriate thing at an inappropriate time. Sumin broke up to relive her anger and to not see the face she hated. She went out with other girls to show Seju that not only her can go out with others, and that she has the ability to find someone else other than just Seju. At the same time, she went out with them because she thought she would be fine even without Seju. However, things didnt go out the way she thought. No one could fulfill her heart or could replace that empty space inside her so that she came back to Seju.

That going out with other girls though, I think Sumin did not have the intention of doing so when she just broke up with Seju (judging by how calm and collected she was trying to move on). But that changed after that incident. What that bastard did to her fueled her anger towards Seju (though it's not her doing) and pushed her to do all of that out of anger and like you said, she then realised that what she's doing cannot fulfill her empty heart.

From my point of view, I think Sumin keeps coming back to Seju because it's her habit, and we all know that hatbits arent' easy to change. They've been together for so long, and things in their life are tight up together. Whatever she does and whoever she's with keep reminding her of the times she was with Seju (maybe this is why the author keeps going back and forth between what Sumin's doing in the present and the past)

Yes, maybe it is out of habit, since they have been together for so long, and developed a pretty strong bond. And maybe also because other girls she dated gave up on her easily and the one who is still there to catch her is Seju. Another thing, even if Sumin acts all cold around Seju, I think somewhere deep down she still cares for her. Whether it's love or not, but she still cares.

What I expect is for Seju to leave Sumin. Her leaving will not only makes Sumin know what she truly feels whether that Seju is still important or Sungji now can be the one in her heart, but it will also leave another chance for Seju to get over Sumin and begin a new life. It will hurt when she leaves, but time will help her heal as she may meet other people. If she keeps seeing and staying with Sumin then there is really no chance for her to move on. She would either do horrible things to herself to Sungji or even to Sumin ( you will never know what love would turn a person into), and this is where the sad ending will come into place.

I agree with you, Seju should leave Sumin, cut her from her life completely for at least sometime. For both hers and Sumin's sake. I'm just hoping that this story won't end in tragedy I mean if they take the K-drama route, usually something bad happens, like one of them dies. Anyway, I think Arc 2 will be even more interesting since that's where the drama will start xD.

joined Aug 26, 2015

That going out with other girls though, I think Sumin did not have the intention of doing so when she just broke up with Seju (judging by how calm and collected she was trying to move on). But that changed after that incident. What that bastard did to her fueled her anger towards Seju (though it's not her doing) and pushed her to do all of that out of anger and like you said, she then realised that what she's doing cannot fulfill her empty heart.

I totally agree with you. Seju was the mysterious character before chap 27, but now it's Sumin's turn. I dont question why she keeps coming back to Seju, but I do wonder why she was able to act so calm after the break-up. Isn't that really tough and cold-blooded? I just feel like you at least have to feel sad and miss that person if there was really true love between you and your girlfriend. >" I guess Sumin didnt know why she was doing such things either. Her character drives me crazy.

Yes, maybe it is out of habit, since they have been together for so long, and developed a pretty strong bond. And maybe also because other girls she dated gave up on her easily and the one who is still there to catch her is Seju. Another thing, even if Sumin acts all cold around Seju, I think somewhere deep down she still cares for her. Whether it's love or not, but she still cares.

Yes, I have that feeling too, but the scars in her heart just wouldnt let she go any further.

I agree with you, Seju should leave Sumin, cut her from her life completely for at least sometime. For both hers and Sumin's sake. I'm just hoping that this story won't end in tragedy I mean if they take the K-drama route, usually something bad happens, like one of them dies. Anyway, I think Arc 2 will be even more interesting since that's where the drama will start xD.

Honestly, I was laughing so loud when I saw your k-drama cmt. Please dont get me wrong but I didnt expect you to say something like that, and it's so true. haha. I hope the author will not make such thing like letting Seju die but live in Sumin's heart. This wouldnt count for a happy ending whatsoever like some ppl say for other k-dramas. Anyhow, I'm giving up on Seju x Sumin. It's just that I sense bad ending for Seju if she continues this relationship. She deserves more than a cold acted Sumin. < She's damn sexy lol!> :D

last edited at Sep 29, 2015 1:49AM

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