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joined Sep 27, 2015

Who is Camille again?

she was dawoon's(sungji's childhood friend) ex

is there a chapter that she's on? I'm trying to remember dawoon's ex and the only one i could think of was that girl she was with in france that was dark skinned.

joined Sep 27, 2015

So I think, the author doesnt aim for someone who is hot or sexy or even prettty, they're aiming for someone who looks ordinary and very casual with her life. Camille is sharp and have this understanding attitude, too girly. The assassin is cold and sharp eyes, looking scary sometimes and too tomboyish

Who is Camille again?

joined Sep 27, 2015

I was expecting from Sungji the same thing as Sumin was expecting from her too, that why I'm so disappointed in Sungji. I really can't get how the whole cheating thing could break them up.

Wait you for real right now? If someone were to cheat on you, would that not want to break up with the person?

joined Sep 27, 2015

Wait this chapter was a little confusing for me with all the flashbacks and stuff. At the very end, when Sumin was sleping with Seju, was that at the present or in the past? They had white borders at the background which I thought was during the present, but this chapter was all over the place so idk what happened.

joined Sep 27, 2015

From the note she left the guy with, it looks like Seju is grading how good the guy is in bed. And that guy got an 8/10...

If it's true then it's freaking horrible :O If Seju is like that and sleeping with guys then I really gonna stop shipping her with Sumin and get my ass heartbroken :O Gaji told us that Seju is not like Sumin...she can't be worse,right lol

That's her mum lol. The lady has green eyes and obviously looks different.


That guy is probably seju's dad right?

last edited at Dec 23, 2015 7:20PM

joined Sep 27, 2015

That random flashback of the redhair girl was kinda weird, but I guess its there to show us that Sumin is trying to not make the mistakes from the past, and trying to be more responsible with Sungji. Thank god there wasnt any drama going on lol.....I wouldn't be able to concentrate on finishing my homework if there was any. Good chapter so far.

joined Sep 27, 2015

You made me really really sad just now. Such a sad news if it gonna come true...sigh it I was dealing quite well with hiatus but now here it comes again when I'm gonna start think about this manhwa like crazy again XD
Seju.. Σ(▼□▼メ) nooooooo~! lol!

Wow you read my mind. I was having the same problem you were having lol. The hiatus gave me a good time to relax and focus on other things, but hearing what could potentially happening is.........ugh

On a side note though, I initially had no preference in sides of who Sumin chose, but now im thinking that Sumin has to choose Sungj. My reason being is that if Sumin goes back to Seju, its just gonna be another cycle of pain and hardship as it was said that they can't love each other anymore. I think they won't be able to move on and grow if they were to get back together. Thats just my opinion

joined Sep 27, 2015

Tanks Halmoni.
I'm relieved that we will have many more chapters and the authors have called this a healing romantic comedy, hoping to have the same concept of romantic comedy of a European like me.

You seriously have no idea how happy I am that they said it is a "HEALING romantic comedy". Hopefully things will turn out well for the next arc (fingers crossed)

joined Sep 27, 2015

Guys, I read some of the discussions of the latest chapter and can't help but wonder why exactly you'd go for Sumin x Seju? My opinion: I've been on the Sungji x Sumin side because Seju has a lot of dirt on her from what she did in the past and even though they were lovey dovey before all that, it really looks like she only thinks about herself. It starts to look like she's incredibly selfish and doesn't care that much anymore what Sumin feels despite her wanting to leave and move on. I don't loathe her, I'd just dislike it if it turned out that Sumin is going back to Seju, because then it looks like she hasn't made progress at all in moving on. And wonder why people ship Seju x Sumin. Sungji on the other hand doesn't have any history with Sumin and even though she's it ready for the physical part of romance yet, she really wants to try and that can only mean she really likes Sumin, right? That's my opinion. Please let me hear yours? :)

What kind of dirt does Seju have on Sumin? To me I feel like it's the other way around (cheating). And I do agree that if Sumin chooses Seju instead of Sungji, then I think Sumin did not grow as a character. I still do like Seju a lot though because you can't blame her for everything that has happened in her life.

joined Sep 27, 2015

I am curious to know why u thought wdtfs would top ff. they r two very different Manhwa and I like them both. but i enjoy ff a bit more bc Seola & Norae's certain traits remind me of someone.

Honestly, idk, personal preference i guess? It's really hard to explain why this is only slightly better then FF. I love FF, but maybe it's cause the progession between the two main characters is alittle slow for me. Other then that, the characters from both stories are absolutely amazing and unique, so no advantage there. This one has better drawing, which doesnt play a large factor in me choosing which one is better. So I guess it just goes down to story progression for me I guess. Just IMO

joined Sep 27, 2015

Ok so after rereading everything like 5x in the last week, I come to the conclusion that Segu will not initially do anything on the next chapter. I honestly dont even think there will be a confrontation between Seju and Sumin. The reason why I dont think Seju won't do anything is always because of probably how Seju views Sunji as young and innocent. My guess is that Seju will just look at Sumin for awhile (while Sungji is looking at Seju) and then leave. This will probably trouble Sungji and she wont say anything to Seju maybe. It might take awhile for Sungji to ask Sumin about Seju and Sumin's past. And ofc Im sure that Seju won't let this go, and will potentially scheme something.

Now in my biased opinion, I hope Sumin wakes up so that I can see the drama right away instead of the dramatic showdown later on (fingers crossed).

Damn this manwha, I've been stuck on this one for a long time. I need to find another yuri manwha just as good as this to get my mind off this.

Edit: I honestly never thought any Manwha would top Fluttering Feelings.................until this came along

last edited at Sep 30, 2015 1:07PM

joined Sep 27, 2015

I'm selfish I want Sungji x Sumin x Seju. Seju being happy with someone else...eeekkk! I can't, they look just too perfect together +_+ lol!

Im just gonna say it right now, if those three get together, then this will be the best manwha/manga I've ever read. Im a sucker for happy endings, I just cant live on if Seju or Sumin gets hurt in the end. I feel like the next chapter is really gonna tilt who I'm in favoring, Seju or Sungji. I really don't want Seju to go yandere mode, but I would understand if she did. God pls dont go crazy Seju plss

joined Sep 27, 2015

I hope theres another random girl that enters the story, so that I know that that girl is going to probably be with Seju lol.

I would honestly dislike that, only Seju x Sumin, not other random girls.

Wait i feel my post was kinda misleading. I mean I want a new girl to enter Seju's life that can give her happines and a fresh start. Just like how Seju found Sungji. But I wouldnt mind having Seju x Sumin, even though I don't see how theres anyway they can get back together from everything that has happened so far. I dont know why but I have this really really bad feeling like one of the three is going to die, but I really hope im wrong on that and hopefully this wont turn into a trajedy.

joined Sep 27, 2015

^It's a manhwa*. It's essential we clear out the difference between manga, which is from Japan and manhwa which is Korean so that people understand where it originated from.

On a different note, I just want Sumin to end up with both Sungji and Seju but not with the both of them at the same tine. I wish for both ends — an ending with Sumin and Seju and another end with Sumin and Sungji.

edit: alternative endings*

I would really really love this. But I just cant see how Sumin can go back to Seju when the love isnt there anymore...I feel like Sumin has moved on from Seju, but I could be wrong. I hope theres another random girl that enters the story, so that I know that that girl is going to probably be with Seju lol.

joined Sep 27, 2015


You really should pay attention to every chapter you read. Do you read WDFS on Lezhin or somewhere else? :)
Past and memories are when flashlights are in black background.

Second, did senju have red hair in the past and then it turned to pink?

No, Seju never had red hair.

Third people keep saying that Sumin keeps going back to Senju, but from my first question, I cant tell when its the past or present when sumin and seju are together. So what chapters did Sumin come back to Senju? Like on chapter 27, I wasnt sure if she slept with multiple girls and then went back to Seju, while she was going out with Sunji.

White background - present. Black background - past.

Lastly, just to clarify, on chapter 27 it shows that she was beaten up, so does that mean that her scars were trying to be covered up by her getting a tatoo?

Yes, it seems like she made a tattoo to cover her scars.

OMG thank you!!! i reread the whole thing and everything makes sense to me now. At first I was on the Sunji ship, but now......I dont know what to think.....Sumin kept going back to Senju (which the first time i read, i assumed it was from the past no the present), even at that one part where Sumin was advancing on Sunji, but they stopped it. Then Sumin came and gave her a car, which i thought was from the past lol. Now everything makes sense to me. God I dont know who im rooting for anymore, Senju has such a messed up family and only has Sumin. But i want Sumin and Sunji to be together, while also having Senju be happy too.....God now i cant study for my midterms....

joined Sep 27, 2015

how long is this manwha going to be on hiatus?

joined Sep 27, 2015

Hi all! im new to the community and I created this account solely for the purpose of this freaking amazing manwha. I dont normally post things on forums, but this damn manwha is so damn good and confusing that I had to create one.

Ok so first off, its really hard for me to tell when its a flashback or the present. Like I see Sumin with Sunji and then it randomly goes to sumin and seju (I realize that those are flashbacks). But there are times where they start off the chapter with Sumin with a random girl or Senju. I cant tell if thats the present or the past. Can someone give me a brief summary of some of the chapters where its a flashback. You dont have to send me every single one but atleast some of the major ones if possible thanks!

Second, did senju have red hair in the past and then it turned to pink?

Third people keep saying that Sumin keeps going back to Senju, but from my first question, I cant tell when its the past or present when sumin and seju are together. So what chapters did Sumin come back to Senju? Like on chapter 27, I wasnt sure if she slept with multiple girls and then went back to Seju, while she was going out with Sunji.

Lastly, just to clarify, on chapter 27 it shows that she was beaten up, so does that mean that her scars were trying to be covered up by her getting a tatoo?

Thanks so much guys for reading my questions!