Hooray for SumikaxKureha!
and they even put more plot in after the "tasting" scene... :P hahahaha...
Well, I'm glad to see everyone that died is doing well in the afterlife..... having tea HAHA!!
I'd probably be the bear with the leaf on her head. Just cause! XD
nice to see death isnt so bad lol
I just kept thinking of a yeast infection after honey was added to the bath.
Yeah, nobody really seems to realize how dangerous food fetishes can be.
Surprisingly I can totally see that as being the canon way girls "die" in that show. And I would be all for it.
Nice.......but not enough "eating" or "Gaoo Gaooo" :/
This reminded me of Breath of Fire II.
Every time Kureha is about to get eaten something happens...
Haha, I actually picked this doujin up earlier this year. Never thought I'd see it translated here. :)
Wow, Sumika look very cool carrying Kureha like a boss
I really love this
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