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Forum › Please Kiss Me discussion

joined Jun 27, 2014

Only Umi would react to a romance movie like many people would to a horror story.

Also, I've never been in a real relationship before so take this with a grain of salt, but don't people usually kiss before one month passes after they start dating?

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Also, I've never been in a real relationship before so take this with a grain of salt, but don't people usually kiss before one month passes after they start dating?

Not if they're like Umi-chan.

(I think that was the point both Kotori and Honoka were trying to make...)

joined Jun 27, 2014

I wonder if there are people like that in real life...they seem like they'd be frustrating yet adorable at the same time if you dated them.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Aw, that was sweet

joined Mar 30, 2015

Pleasant and satisfying.

I wonder if there are people like that in real life...

They exist.

joined Jun 4, 2015

very adorable, more are like than one would think most likely

joined Aug 22, 2014

Umi you dork

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

Comedy maybe?

joined Mar 23, 2014

Yes! More Murata pls.Thanks GiB orz

joined Sep 28, 2014

Is it bad that Umi's tears rolling down her face on this page makes me laugh

joined Feb 11, 2014

Bwahaha, Umi at the horror... I mean, romance movie. XD

Kind of why I love this pair, they're adorably awkward and cute.

joined Apr 25, 2015

About time there was decent doujin with these two! Really happy now^^

joined Aug 9, 2015

That was really cute!! Hang in there Umi-chan! ( ・`ω・´)

joined Sep 2, 2014

I wonder if there are people like that in real life...they seem like they'd be frustrating yet adorable at the same time if you dated them.

I know it's not the point here... but yes... there are people like that, i am one of those (i'm easily embarrassed when it comes to romance or sex...) and yes... i turn red every single time...

And now... I'm impressed GiB worked on a kotoumi doujin, lol, but thank you! This author gives me life!! So thanks for your work! X3 it's probably my favorite so far x3

joined Jul 26, 2013

Haha this was so cute. So much fluff. I had to favorite this

joined Sep 28, 2011

Man, I just love how Umi is so smooth not even she notices when she's pulling the moves

joined Mar 12, 2014

Honker give the best advice =))))

joined May 4, 2015

This was extremely cute.

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

And now... I'm impressed GiB worked on a kotoumi doujin, lol

Hmm? Why?

joined Jan 8, 2014

^_^ cute stuff, her "limit" face with the steam had me grinning each time, thanks for translating

joined Jan 19, 2015

this... was... criminally..... cuuuUuuute

joined Jul 29, 2015

I do not believe I could ever read too much of Murata's work; it is incredibly adorable. Thank you GiB for another fantastic translation.

YESSHH! That's how ya do it, Umi! KOtoUmi are just WAAYY TOOO ADOOORRBBZZZ >~<

joined May 13, 2015

very adorable

joined Sep 2, 2011

I wonder if there are people like that in real life...they seem like they'd be frustrating yet adorable at the same time if you dated them.

My girlfriend and Umi share a lot in common. It took a month to get to hugging and three months to get to a kiss.

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