@ takachi
That last image is a broken image for me. Looks like that site of that last image does not permit hotlinking images.
This is the address of the image:
If I click this link, I get redirected here:
However, if you go to the image address directly in your browser's address bar (or drag the image link to the tab bar to create a new tab), it works.
@ OrangePekoe
Direct hotlinks to Pixiv images do not work.
This is the address of the image:
If I click this link, I get "403 Forbidden".
For Pixiv, the "go directly to the image address" trick does not work.
I have to go to http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=13907596 and click on the image to see the full size image.
For both of you, you yourself might see it in this thread because you have already gone to those pages, and the images loaded correctly in your browser and were saved in your browser cache. (I have also had this issue where I posted an image and only realized later than nobody else was seeing it except for me.)
From takachi:
From OrangePekoe:
last edited at Aug 14, 2015 2:07PM