Forum › Wisp of Retribution discussion

joined Apr 27, 2014

Dahell did I just read?

I've read plenty of Touhou doujinshi, I've never played any game or seen any media, so I really don't know what's going on. This was creepy,sad, weird,violent but somehow sweet.

I really liked it, even if a bit disturbing.

joined Jun 27, 2014

I thought this was very saddening to think people would give up their daughters like that knowing full well they would suffer . The creepy and macabre of this story was great . I like reading these types of manga <3 .

joined Jun 21, 2013

The creepy and macabre of this story was great . I like reading these types of manga <3 .

You and me both. This story is a rare gem where you can honestly say "fuck that motherfucker and good riddance". While it started off as an excessive piece about child abuse and child slavery. . .and rape. . .it ended nicely.

I've only ever killed 5 spiders in my room over the course of five years. Those snuck up on me, I found one resting on my pillow and freaked out. I know there are probably dozens crawling inside my room, but guess what? I have no other bug problems. Unless you're in Southern states or an area heavily populated by poisonous spiders, there is no need to kill them. I say this because there is no way in hell you should let a black widow live anywhere in your home and I dare you to google Australia's spiders. Bet you anything you wouldn't want those sitting on your pillow.

Anyways: moral of the story is save a spider's life and it might save yours one day.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Is it wrong of me to consider that a happy ending? Because I'd like to think it is. Thanks for uploading this, I needed a change in pace. To be honest I actually read this that weird? I was kinda scared to read it after seeing the tags...

Also, it seems page 2 is missing, or the order is weird.

last edited at Jul 13, 2015 1:43AM

joined Feb 9, 2014

I love these kind of doujins.

Edit: I just like reading sad doujins. cri

last edited at Jul 13, 2015 1:45AM

joined May 30, 2015

so cute, creepy, but cute. i liked it. i love these kind of doujins. i also have never even wathced/played/read the canon touhou stories, so no clue who these characters are lol

joined Apr 27, 2013

Zounose's little bonus is good on it's own rights, but, man, it doesn't work well coming after the main story

joined Feb 2, 2013

touhou project and depressing tags never fail me, even if it wasn't really depressing (only for the comedy happy ending),
but it was disturbing, the same creepy style of the guest artist, infact the bonus at the end was really appreciate

joined Apr 6, 2015

I thought it would be more depressing, but this is pretty good as well.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is that a guest story by Yakumi Sarai I see?

joined Jun 30, 2015

Looking at the art style and theme I would've said that the last pages was Zounose for sure.

last edited at Jul 13, 2015 9:51AM

joined May 25, 2015

Good ending

joined Nov 14, 2015

After reading this doujinshi...I never kill a spider anymore...

joined Jan 17, 2017

The ending is pretty funny

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