There was a really interesting comment on the app (by jakan1234 if you're interested) in regards to ep.39. This person thinks that, based on SeolA's comment ("younger sister," my ass) and her troubled attitude, SeolA has had feelings for girls previously (probs in high school cuz flashbacks). She probably met a lot of guys in hopes of changing her prospects, but she was never really into any of them. While she was getting fed up with the endless dating chain, she met NoRae, who sparked those (gay) feelings of love she had when she was younger (which explains all the references to that random girl). And yeah, the commenter also thinks we'll be in for a long ride since they both assume that the other is hetero, and thus, try to hide their (gay) feelings.
I agree that Seola seems gay while Norae is bi. However, I dont think Seola had had any conscious feelings for girls before, hence the last scene in Chapter 18 where she watched Norae sleeping and wondered what those feelings were
This. It doesn't make sense that Seol-a has been aware of her gayness since teen age to such degree that she tried to go in denial and go out with guys yet totally ignore No-rae's appearance in her life. I believe she's the type to get self-conscious easily - look how she started to behave now. I'd expect something similar to happen much earlier in the series had she been in love with a girl beforehand.
Cuz she is ssssssmart. Gosh, I love Seol-a. I'm obsessed with Seol-a.
Where can I find a girlfriend like her?
If you happen to be similar to No-rae, pls, let me know, I have sushi! xDDDD