Forum › Fluttering Feelings [SPOILER THREAD]

joined Feb 4, 2015

Some news

taeyeonlikesgirls is going to be doing a translation of chapter 38 and will post it on her Tumblr blog.

Lol that username is great

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

Also, where does your new avatar come from?

I'm almost sure it's from WDTFS :P


What Does The Fox Said - manhwa that halmoni is also translating :)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Also, where does your new avatar come from?

I'm almost sure it's from WDTFS :P


What Does The Fox Said - manhwa that halmoni is also translating :)

Oh cool!! Did Halmoni just start the translations and or is there a place to read it??

joined Aug 29, 2013

Also, where does your new avatar come from?

I'm almost sure it's from WDTFS :P


What Does The Fox Said - manhwa that halmoni is also translating :)

Oh cool!! Did Halmoni just start the translations and or is there a place to read it??

They won't release anything until the final version is ready

joined Feb 5, 2015

She's alive! Now I can sleep in peace.

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

SUCH A CUTE CHAPTER! My heart can't handle this!!

joined Oct 16, 2013

No zombie!No-rae....*is dissapointed*

joined Feb 24, 2013

Darn it! Get a clue Seol-a. That's not No-rae. That's her clinging to you, confessing her undying love fucking onions

joined Aug 29, 2013

No zombie.. Just a wounded No-rae who must have been horrified at the experience and the thought of dying without ever letting Seo-la know her feelings. So cute

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

Just a wounded No-rae who must have been horrified at the experience and the thought of dying without ever letting Seo-la know her feelings. So cute

And she could only think about that umbrella Seol-a gave her. (I think she is apologizing Seol-a that she lost it and ofc Seol-a is like "don't think about it, I'm glad that you are ok")

joined Apr 26, 2015

My heart feels like it is bleeding for you.
Although I don't understand a word, but I can tell how, in the middle of darkness and with her thoughts of this being her last moments, all she could do is try to reach Seol-A, even if it was through her umbrella.
She might have been even apologizing for Seol-A because she lost the umbrella !
What I can't understand is the last pages, the one that lack the words is the one most mysterious to me.The second hug I felt it happened most likely after Seol-A offered to have no-rae for the evening at her house rather than staying at the hospital. But then, something felt different in the eyes of Seol-A. Is it because she felt a strange feeling looking at No-rae's tearful eyes? or is it because of the way no-rae hugged her? Strange how one hug can feel very different from another.

joined Apr 26, 2015


And she could only think about that umbrella Seol-a gave her. (I think she is apologizing Seol-a that she lost it and ofc Seol-a is like "don't think about it, I'm glad that you are ok")

Glad to know it is not only me who thought the same

joined Jan 23, 2015

i need halmoni's translation, more so than ever before, aarrgghh...

joined Apr 26, 2015

As she lost conscious for a while and was indeed at the hospital, shall I consider the third option a winner ^^

May I suggest something to kill the slow walking time till next week?
I will make a pool of what do you think happened to No-rae and you can choose one of the following:

1) No-rae is not affected/injured because she wasn't in the bus anymore
2) No-rae was in the bus at time of accident but is totally fine/mild scratch
3) No-rae seriously injured in the accident (coma/broken bone,,etc) and they took her to hospital

Mine goes to number 3.

joined Mar 9, 2014

As she lost conscious for a while and was indeed at the hospital, shall I consider the third option a winner ^^

May I suggest something to kill the slow walking time till next week?
I will make a pool of what do you think happened to No-rae and you can choose one of the following:

1) No-rae is not affected/injured because she wasn't in the bus anymore
2) No-rae was in the bus at time of accident but is totally fine/mild scratch
3) No-rae seriously injured in the accident (coma/broken bone,,etc) and they took her to hospital

Mine goes to number 3.

I think it's number 2, in that kind of accident I think it's not weird for all the victims to be brought to the hospital to be examined. And while she does seems to have passed out, It doesn't look too bad

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 5:49PM

joined Apr 26, 2015

As she lost conscious for a while and was indeed at the hospital, shall I consider the third option a winner ^^

1) No-rae is not affected/injured because she wasn't in the bus anymore
2) No-rae was in the bus at time of accident but is totally fine/mild scratch
3) No-rae seriously injured in the accident (coma/broken bone,,etc) and they took her to hospital

Mine goes to number 3.

I think it's number 2, in that kind of accident I think it's not weird for all the victims to be brought to the hospital to be examined. And while she does seems to have passed out, It doesn't look too bad

That would be the fair option, you are right

joined Apr 26, 2015

After ten minutes of trial and error with the last pages, I think Seol-A after the end of the first hugs is thinking in the bubble: Need to calm abit..
One REALLY appreciate Halmoni at such days......

joined May 28, 2014

My Korean google translate skills have doubled!
And then Seol-a realises its not about the umbrella

joined Apr 26, 2015

So being so stubborn to know what is being said, here is google translation. Can't wait for Halmoni to come back and give the actual one so that we can laugh together on whatever I wrote. Hahaha
Seol-A: Thinking: Need to calm abit
Seol-A: No-rae, Look at me
Seol-A: Look at me, huh?
Seol-A: Stop.....
Seol-A: ?
Seol-A: ............


last edited at Jun 7, 2015 6:43PM

joined Apr 5, 2015

I kyaaa-ed so hard my apartment burned down.

Anyway, I think the last hug is extra special because it's one of the rare (if not the first) times No-rae initiated a 'skinship', and this probably took Seol-a aback.

My take on the chapter:
- Seol-a said fuck it and wanted to go to the hospital anyway before she received a call
- Shook the nurse and said "HAVE YOU BEEN MOLESTING MY NO-RAE" where the nurse denied but probably did because I would
- No-rae apologised for losing the umbrella
- Seol-a suggested they have a sleepover and then go shopping for it (and more) after No-rae has recovered
- No-rae was so touched she teared and hugged Seol-a
- Wait next chapter

Credit: my non-existent Korean proficiency and Sherlockian level of deduction.

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 6:49PM

joined Feb 23, 2015


And then Seol-a realises its not about the umbrella

Holy crap. Is that really what it says? Impressive.

I honestly thought No-rae was just upset about the umbrella...I can't see why she'd be upset otherwise? -well aside from almost dying- Like...upset in regards to Seol-a. Based on last chapter, she doesn't really seem to be intent on confessing.


My take on this chapter was only what ann had said regarding No-rae... she actually initiated hugging someone that wasn't the toddler!!

Questions left

Why did it take so long for No-rae to get back. [She said it might go over a bit, but not to the extent of an additional 1+ hr?]

Why No-rae was working in the first place.

What No-rae was so upset about. [Maybe she wasn't upset...maybe she was touched?]

And most importantly: what the hell happened to the umbrella. [kidding]

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 7:01PM

joined Apr 20, 2015

I am TOTALLY studying for my finals and not reading FF (ha!).

Did anyone notice the symmetry/reversal to Ch 3 with Seol-a and her crazy ex-bf? Now it's No-rae that's in shock and is clinging to Seol-a.

And that last scene with the hug. If Seol-a doesn't get a clue that something's going on, then she's can be crowned Queen of Cluelessness.

joined Nov 2, 2014

Well, last time it was Seol-a who went to the hospital and they slept at No-rae's house, maybe this time it will be the opposite !

Anyway, the two of them are too cute together, I hope something nice will happen next week.

And now is the time to wait for the translation. It will be hard, but it will make us stronger !

Something's bothering me, is it No-rae who took of her jacket, or Seol-a who did it ?

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 7:04PM

joined Aug 29, 2013

Anyone who wants to get a hang of the story before the translation comes out could use Google translate app on either Android or iPhone. Once you get into the app, theres a lil camera icon. It will let you take a picture or use a screenshot you've taken before to scan for Korean words and then give you a "Google translated version" of the text. It's Google translation so dont expect much. But it's comforting to get a hang of it before Halmoni comes back from her exam :)

joined May 26, 2015

Phew... No-rae alive and know who her beloved is, no memory loss case. Good; good. It's so interesting to look at this chapter without translations.

Lara 77:

What I can't understand is the last pages, the one that lack the words is the one most mysterious to me.The second hug I felt it happened most likely after Seol-A offered to have no-rae for the evening at her house rather than staying at the hospital. But then, something felt different in the eyes of Seol-A. Is it because she felt a strange feeling looking at No-rae's tearful eyes? or is it because of the way no-rae hugged her? Strange how one hug can feel very different from another.

Just my two cents:
I think the first hug was lasting quite a bit ("ambient conversations"/noises was depicted to explain passing time), so it looks like it disturbed a little bit Seol-a then she broke the embrace and ask something to No-rae who look more desperate than ever and who didn't reply with words but with an another hugging. I think it was the first time for Seol-a to see and feel No-rae seeking her like that.
Another thing was intriguing me, it was when No-rae remove her mantle as if she wanted to feel closer to Seol-a.
Am I fantasizing too much ? O___O

Edit: Ninja by Ann. <_>


Something's bothering me, is it No-rae who took of her jacket, or Seol-a who did it ?

I was wondering too, I don'k know why Seol-a would do that... so I'm just assuming it's No-rae who did it.
I don't know anymore. O_O

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 7:10PM

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